I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 583: The evil **** does not speak martial ethics

Text Hundred and Eighty-Three: The Great Evil God Doesn't Adhere to Martial Virtues

The scorching sun hung in the air, and the gravel was refracted like broken gold in the sun. The blue sky was washed, and the white flowing clouds drifted past like cotton. The high temperature seemed to distort the air, and the ground was tanned as if it sizzled.

The lively vitality girl Mana was lying on her horse back with her whole body at this moment, listless, as if she had been exposed to water.

"Are we there yet?" she asked in a low voice.

The young girl who was still full of energy when she first set out, seemed to pause as if she had exhausted all her energy. Especially looking at the endlessly tanned desert in front of her, she was even less energetic.

"Indeed, it's been too long, right?" Honda also said.

At this time, each of them was riding a horse carefully selected from the palace-after all, it would be too torturous to walk such a long distance on foot.

But the horse under Honda's crotch didn't seem to like him very much, and almost threw him off twice during the period. Honda had to hunch itself tightly on the horse's back at this time, looking like a big shrimp.

"It's almost here." You Yu compared the coordinates in the forum, "It may be almost the same in another half an hour."

The spirit of the group was refreshed. This is as hot as the temperature of the oven and the long distance has consumed all the enthusiasm of everyone. At this time, there is nothing more refreshing than the destination is right in front of you.

Mana was riding on the horse, picking up the skirt of her chest and slapping it to dissipate heat, only to make her chest undulate...

"There is a question that I have always wanted to ask..." Kyoko leaned forward and asked Mana, "Are you...the black magician girl?"

"Indeed, I have always felt that it looks exactly the same!" Chengouchi also echoed.

"Black Sorcerer Girl?" Mana tilted her small head in confusion.

"It's a very powerful magician girl in our world." The game said, "If you practice seriously, you can definitely become as strong!"

...Then you can make a living by selling cuteness and cheat the money of the dead house. You Yu thought silently.

"The Black Sorcerer Girl...sounds such a handsome name!" Mana was a little bit energetic and straightened her chest, "Okay! Then I will be the Black Sorcerer girl from today!"

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At the end of their journey, they finally came to the hidden tomb.

Xin Suifengfei waited at the door early. After being stuck for several days, he was so excited that he saw his backup rushing to whistle, and hurriedly led everyone into the mausoleum.

If the mechanism in the tomb is exactly the same as the animation, it would be easy to say-after all, the traps shown in the original work are only two simple trials.

The first trial only needs to go through the maze with the left foot in front, and it can be easily passed. The second trial requires the courage of the person who passes it-even if it only shows a trace of fear, it will immediately be bitten into pieces by the monsters drilled out of the slate.

If there were only two trials like this, it would be too simple for sand sculpture players with strategy. As long as you know the guidebook for the first trial, there is no difficulty, as for the second...there is no fear word in the sand sculpture player's dictionary.

The problem lies in the fact that the design structure and organization settings in this mausoleum are not exactly the same as those in the original work.

For example, the first life of Heart Flying with the Wind was to hit a trap called "Spiked Ceiling"-the whole person directly pierced the ceiling full of spikes.

The second life after the resurrection, this time my heart flies with the wind and my memory is long. When he arrived at the same position, he perfectly avoided the floor that triggered the trap with a small jump, and landed on the floor one square ahead, even turning his head to mock him: "That's it?"


...Then he was bounced up by something like a spring under the floor, like a rocket flying vertically, hitting the barbed ceiling with his head.

The heart is flying with the wind, the whole person is not good at that time.

Isn’t Nima’s tomb built by Brother Liangchen’s ancestor?

Even if it's underworld, why study psychology?

Why is there a double trap?

Fortunately, this mausoleum was built by Grandpa Double Six in the previous life, and it was cracked by Grandpa Double Six three thousand years later. Fortunately, he kept telling this story to his grandson over and over, so that the game even remembered every word the grandfather had said, the location of every organ he described, and the way he responded.

Thanks to the excellent memory of the game and the assists of the Double Six Grandpa who was not here, the group of people passed through the obstacles of layers of agencies and came inside without any risk.

Finally, I would like to thank Daozi from the God of Gamblers City for his assistance-everyone passed through the mechanism and found that there was a dead end ahead, and seemed to have reached the end of the tomb. After searching for a long time without finding the follow-up path, Cheng Dao Zi broke out, leaning on a pillar next to him, and immediately triggered a mechanism in a dark place, opening the final secret door... ..

finally reached.

The tomb of the pharaoh, the only place where the real name of the dark game is, the hidden place of the final props of the rpg game.

When the final secret door opened and walked into the magnificent secret room, even You Yu never expected what would be waiting for them——

--Nothing at all.

The solemn and majestic golden hall, long stairs, and stone slabs carved with hieroglyphs are placed right at the end of the stairs.

There are no secret doors, no institutions or trials. You Yu is very sure that this stone slab is the stone slab with the real name of the pharaoh...or the stone slab that should have been engraved with that.

But now, what was originally engraved on the stone slab can no longer be distinguished. Someone scratched the content of the slate, hieroglyphs intermittently. Especially that part of the Pharaoh’s name was shoveled away, like a piece of cake scooped away by a spoon.

Watch game boy carefully inspected the whole room and this stone slab, and finally only backed down disappointedly.

"There is no his name here either."

It seems that even this hidden mausoleum is the same as in the palace after all. All the NPCs around the pharaoh in the palace have forgotten his real name, and the only place where the names of the pharaohs in the palace are juxtaposed is the name of the dark game.

Wherever you can think of, and possibly record his name, all are missing.

It's as if this person's existence was completely erased from history by some powerful force.

You Yu frowned.

The mausoleum here should be different from other places. This should be the place where the ultimate prop "Name of the King" is hidden, and the only place where this prop can be obtained in the entire memory world.

There is no reason why Pharaoh's name cannot be found here.

There is only one explanation.

That is the deviation between the plot development and the original work-Tapir Liang has already taken the lead, found the location of the tomb before the game, and eliminated the ultimate item "The Name of King" first.

"This is a bit troublesome..." You Yu felt a pain in the egg.

Is the Great Evil God so nonsense of martial ethics?

The decisive battle hasn't started yet, it's okay to hang up the protagonist first.

He checked the task panel of the system, and visually observed that even if he found this slate, the completion progress of the task of "Searching for the King's Name" still displayed as (0/1), and it was in an unfinished state.

Doesn't that mean that this item was deleted from the game?

Still unwilling to give up, You Yu walked forward and touched this stone slab with the attitude of giving it a try.

Unexpectedly, the system actually reacted!

I saw that the entire slate gave off a faint white light as he touched it, and the pale light stream slowly flowed, converging on his hand...

... actually turned into the shape of a card!

It's just that the content on this card seems to be just...a whiteboard?


At the same time, elsewhere.


Lost stronghold, lost cannon fodder, lost hostages, and even the monster elves that were captured as coolies were killed, completely turned into the great evil **** of the commander of the polished rod, but at this time he was sitting on horseback raising his head and laughing.

With that You Yu's intervention, the progress of this dark game has completely exceeded his expectations. But fortunately, he was lucky. He found the "King's Name" one step ahead of the other party, and wiped out the ultimate item that could determine the outcome.

In this way, even if he You Yu is really a clone of the Creator of Light, it is useless!

Just as his great evil **** Sokfield had to gather seven artifacts to resurrect his deity, the creation **** of light also had to have the item "King's Name" in order to be resurrected. This is the rule of this dark game.

Now that the key to your resurrection has been swallowed by labor and capital, are you hitting me with the head?

Tapir Liang thought triumphantly, and rode his horse to a deserted village.

This is the village of Kruerna, where the Thousand-Year Artifact was born. The living people in the entire village were all regarded as sacrifices, and the seven evil artifacts were called from the underworld.

But in addition to ~www.NovelMTL.com~ there is still a sealed secret.

In addition to the seven thousand-year artifacts, in this village, where the thousand-year artifacts were born, there is still a stone slab inlaid with seven artifacts. That is the ultimate item of the evil **** Thok in this game. As long as the seven artifacts are embedded into the slate, the evil **** Thok will be resurrected.

Then, as long as he flatly pushes the capital, kills the Pharaoh, and wins this dark game, then not only in the memory world, but also in the outside reality, the deity of the evil **** Soke will be resurrected!

At that time, wanting to destroy the world and devour the earth is just a matter of effort.

The more he thought about it, the more proud he became, and he felt that he had seen the dawn of victory. He came to the door of the secret room where the Seven Divine Artifacts were made, turned over and dismounted, stepped on the dim stairs to the bottom of the secret room, but was instantly dumbfounded.

Damn it! ?

Where is the slate used for the resurrection of labor and capital?

How hot is my slate! ? Why is it missing?


Near the royal capital, between a group of marching Egyptian troops.

A few Egyptian soldiers carried heavy ropes on their shoulders, panting and dragging a simple wooden cart. The car was lying on it, and it was from the hidden secret room of Kruerna Village. Thousand-year slabs removed.

"What do you want this thing to do suddenly?" a soldier asked puzzledly.

"I heard that it was a friend of Lord Pharaoh who said he must have this thing. I remember his name is... Lord Youyu, right?"

"Shut up and work hard, we only need to obey Lord Pharaoh's orders!"


So a team of soldiers dragged the ultimate props for the resurrection of the great evil **** Sok, and drifted away...

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