I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 585: Don't touch my favorability!

Text Chapter 585 Don't disturb my favorability!

"...Site?" The game watched a sneak attack from behind and brought him a thousand-year-old tin rod to give him a physical faint, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

The relationship between him and Seahorse spanning three thousand years, and countless duels led by fate, is this the truth of this fate?

Priest Set...A traitor who wants to usurp the throne?

The intense fainting sensation made it difficult for him to move, and his hands and feet were unable to exert strength. Seth walked to the front and reached out and took away the thousand-year-old building blocks from his neck.

When Seth leaned down, the game found that his eyes were hollow, as clean as a blank sheet of paper, with nothing inside.

It's like a string puppet.

The game immediately understood what was going on, and turned to Aknadine angrily: "What did you do to Sete!?"

"Don't worry, he just passed out."

The old man turned his back to him when he spoke, and his back was stretched very long under the flickering firelight. Seth stepped forward stupidly, handed over the thousand-year-old building blocks, and the old man took it with his skinny hand.

The game noticed the black lines all over the thin back of the hand under the white robe, as if every blood vessel bulged under the skin, outlined by ink.

"Site is my son." The old man slowly said, "You sit in this country and enjoy the supreme power and status, but you never know what the exchange is for.

What slaves are equal to the royal family? Can everyone enjoy the same rights? Don't be funny! How can a king like you be qualified to inherit this country that was built by the previous generation at the expense of everything? "

The game looked dumbfounded.

He kind of wanted to say, except for the phrase "Site is my son"-at the same time he was still shocked by this shocking fact-he didn't understand the next few words...

But the pain in the game's head also intensified at the same time.

More memories are resurrecting, just like a flood rushing through a dam into my mind, with countless scattered memory fragments in it.

"My son Set, he also sheds royal blood, and he is a hundred times more qualified than you...no, a thousand times!"

The game can't keep up with the rhythm. But he noticed the change in Aknadine's voice, which was more gloomy and gloomy than before. There is also a strong dark energy overflowing from him, which is clearly something that the game felt in Tapir Liang in the past.

The game just came to a sudden.

This dark rpg game, Tapir Liang... is there a chess piece buried beside me! ?

"Yes, I signed a contract with the darkness behind the Thieves King, and gained power that far surpasses other priests!" Aknardine roared, "The time of your reign is over, Pharaoh! Soon! , This country will soon be Dorset's thing!

He will become the strongest pharaoh in history and will rule the world as the patron saint of this country! "

Aknadine narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the girl huddled in the corner.

Set expressionlessly, he walked up to Qisala mechanically like a puppet. The fire light cast his tall and tall body into a burly shadow like a mountain, and enveloped the girl in it.

He unscrewed the handle of the thousand-year-old tin rod, revealing the sharp thorn hidden in the center of the rod, and the alchemy material gleamed with golden streamer under the fire light.

"Master Dorset..."

The girl shrank her body, lowered her head, her silver hair falling like a waterfall.

She did not intend to resist.

Qisala still remembers the first encounter between her and young Sete.

That was when she was still very young.

Rejected by the villagers, regarded as heresy, hungry, and bullied, such a bleak life used to be everything she had.

As a teenager, Seth was the first ray of light that tore through the darkness and shined into her life.

Seth appeared when she was caught by traffickers and locked up in a cage, waiting nervously for a more cruel fate. The brave young man rescued her from the trafficker by himself, and the shadow lingered in her heart from then on.

For Qisala, that was the most precious memory in her life so far. Throughout her bleak life, she has always tried her best to trace the back of that young man.

Too many people call her a heresy and say that she is an ominous existence, so that she herself thinks so. She felt that she was a humble person, just **** on the side of the road. However, Set was the only one who was willing to extend a helping hand to her and gave her the only gleam of brilliance.

But today Seth is a noble priest in this country, and she is still as humble as she was before.

If it were to die in his hands and become an eternal eternal guardian by his side... it would be nothing wrong.

In the endless darkness, he gave her a ray of hope.

She is willing to give him a world illuminated by eternal light.

Set slowly raised the thorns of the thousand-year-old tin rod in his hand, and the cold wind moved the torch, like a symphony of urging life.

The game was trying to call Seth’s name loudly, and Aknardin laughed wildly, as if he had seen his son dominate the world under the shelter of the white dragon...

The sound of the wind suddenly intensified, and the flames in the brazier seemed to be drawn by invisible force and flew, like a hot cannonball hitting Set's right hand frontally.

The thousand-year-old tin rod that had been split into two parts was shaken off by the impact of the flame, and rolled to the side. Aknadine's laughter stopped abruptly and turned into an angry question.


Aknadine turned his head, and saw the green hero hovering in the air with his arms around ~www.NovelMTL.com~. The dragon head equipped on his arm overflowed with flames as he breathed, and the white feathers slowly fell.

Elemental Hero·Flame Wing Man!

Immediately he saw the weird person beside Pharaoh standing at the entrance, cursing: "Gan! The old yin b of Aknardin actually did it in the middle of the night. An inattentive mission almost failed!"

"That's it, if this mission fails, you won't be able to read the files!" The local man Ye Liangchen followed closely behind. "Not getting the reward is secondary. Maybe you have to lose You Yusang's favorability! "

Everything else can be tolerated, except that the degree of goodwill cannot be tolerated!

Several sand sculptures were like a rainbow, and one after another they summoned monsters to besiege Aknardin.

Old thief! Don't want to touch the goodwill that we have worked so hard to brush out!

"You guys!" The dark game has never been so touched by seeing these sand sculptures.

Although these people dress weirdly and behave inexplicably, sometimes they like to talk nonsense and the brain circuits are inexplicable...

...But it was unexpectedly reliable at the critical moment.

"Cut, it's just choppy, don't think of bad things for me!"

Aknadine was angry. His eyes dazzled, his arms wrapped around him, and the veins on the arms exposed under the white robe violently, blood surged violently, as if he was about to burst out of control at any time.

"Uh ah ah ah!!!"

The powerful shock erupted centered on Aknadine! The old man's robes were twisted to shreds, magic power surged, darkness raged, and the pitch-black whirlwind wandered quickly in this confined space.

That is a power that has far exceeded the level of priests.

This power comes from...

...The Great Cthulhu Thok!

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