I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 588: Eternal fetters!

Text Chapter 588 Eternal Fetters!

"Regardless of which one comes out, there will be no change in the ending!" The dark priest shouted, "Your remaining souls will disappear for me, Mahad!"

The Necromancer Evil Eye raised the ruby ​​on the wand again, and the boundless red light burst out. However, Mahad, who had turned into a black magician, did not evade, only raised his staff in one hand and pointed forward.

The magic circle flew out, like a shield surrounded by rings. The violent impact blasted on the shield, and the spilled magic storm made the robe behind the magician flip up and down.


The black magician's wand swept away, and the overbearing magic wave could not help but bounced the energy of evil eyes around. Several magic circles erupted at the same time, and the dark black magic power hit the evil eye like a hammer, slamming the huge undead king back.


The black magician turned around, and with only a wave of his wand, his magic power penetrated into the game like a refreshing stream of water. In an instant he felt that the turbulent aura in his body was calmed down, the restriction on soul power was broken, and the turbulent magic power rushed into the limbs.

The game took a deep breath, calmed down, and then looked at the dark priest with cold eyes: "Acnadine!"

The great dark priest was astonished: "This soul power seal is the highest level of restraint, even the strongest magician can't do so soon..."

"I am the fusion of elves and humans, the strongest mage like no other." The black magician stepped forward and raised his staff coldly, "Are you ready for enlightenment, Aknardin? I will eliminate the betrayers! "

"No, Mahad." The game stepped forward, "I owe you too much, you are my life... No, maybe even the next life will be my best partner.

But this time, only this guy, I must solve it myself! "


The game patted him on the shoulder and stepped forward sternly: "Akenardine! I don't know what you think of me, or what happened to you and my father in the past.

But now, even for all the subordinates who have worked hard for me, in order to help me fight and fight in this world, I must knock you down here! bring it on! "

His cloak swept back and opened the duel plate.

"The Pharaoh's trial of priests will be carried out in a sacred battle ceremony...This is the rule that I personally set at the beginning. I didn't expect that in the end this rule will be implemented on my own head?"

The dark priest stood up with a calm voice.

"Well then."

He also opened the alchemy gladiatorial plate on his arm, raised his arm, and the five stone slabs obeyed his call and fell bearing the weight.

"You, who were deprived of thousands of building blocks, are no longer protected by the Illusory God." The dark priest said coldly, "Then let me put an end to you, the failed king!"


The black magician stepped forward, owed his lower body respectfully, and then stretched out his hand to press on the deck of the game duel board.

"The ultimate forbidden technique that merges with the elves, the price is the destruction of my body. But even so, my soul will be with you." He said, "No matter how long it takes, no matter what form, you will always Will always have my loyalty.

I wish to live forever, be the sharpest sword in your hand, and be with you as your eternal servant. "

There are no false emotions in the loud words. He lowered his head, his figure was gradually shrouded in a lavender halo, gradually turned into a phantom and disappeared, and merged into the game deck.

The game lightly closed his eyes.

He has, completely remembered.

Why did he pick the "Black Magician" from thousands of cards at a glance; why he can give unconditional trust to this card at any time; why he always feels that he and this card There are unspeakable complex fetters in the elves, and even occasionally feel inexplicably sad when facing this card...

"Thank you, Mahad, it has always been."

He opened his eyes, and the king's aura broke out invisibly, and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit again.

"Then let me rely on your strength again."


[Game, lp4000]

[Dark Priest, lp4000]

The stone slab fell dullly and crossed in front of the dark priest. He swept through the six slates through the cold, stern, thousand-year-old eyes, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Let me start first. See Pharaoh, the power I gained from the evil god!"

He tapped a slate, and at the same time chanted the mantra, the slate flipped synchronously.

"The spell'Pot ​​of Desire', based on its effect, will call for two new slabs."

Two more stone slabs were lowered, he glanced at it, and immediately clicked on one of them.

"Spell'cost reduction'." He said, "Discarding a stone slab in his hand reduces the sacrifices required to summon high-level monsters!"

The cost is reduced, the magic card, discarding a card in the hand makes the star rating of all the monsters in the hand drop by two stars.

"According to the power of this spell, I can directly call the demon **** who has insight into the underworld without the need for animal sacrifices——

-Hades! "

Abstract lines emerged in the tossing darkness, and blood-red armor gradually condensed. The center of the armor looked like a crying human face, and underneath was a smiling skeleton.

The green-faced demon walked out slowly, with horns on his head, holding a transparent wine glass in his hand, as if red blood dangling in the glass.

[Hades, the attack power of 2450]

"Hades?" The game thought ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is indeed a card used by Tapir. "

"Set up another slate to end this round of action." The dark priest said hoarsely.

The priest Shadar in the rear showed a worried expression: "Sure enough, the power that is completely different from the previous Akenadin priest is the power that the King of Thieves has given him?"

"If the thousand-year building blocks are not in hand, the Pharaoh can't call the phantom god, if this continues..."

"It's ok."

The priest Isis interrupted their conversation.

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said firmly: "Pharaoh and Mahad...They won't lose."

The game lowered his head and looked at the deck in his hand silently for a long while.

He already felt the power that Mahad gave him that was agitating in his deck.

With this power, he will be invincible!

"My turn!" The game draws a card, and directly shows the card drawn, "Summon the'Magician's Wand'!"

It was a transparent blue phantom, vaguely with the outline of a black magician, only the green staff in his hand was the entity.

[Magician’s Staff, Attack Power 1600]

"The effect of the magician's rod. When the summoning is successful, I can add a ‘black magician’-related magic and trap card from the deck to my hand.

What I want to add to my hand is... the perpetual magic ‘Black Magic Array’! "

As soon as this remark came out, the players who were still following the priests in a group fight suddenly fry the pot.

"What did King Nani just say about launching?"

"Did I hear something magical array!?"


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