The 592nd chapter of the body of the white dragon

The great dark priest slammed into the ground, and the white mask was torn to pieces. Blood spurted from his mouth like an arrow, leaving a black and red blood mist on the floor.

He sat up with difficulty, his vision blurred. The dripping blood gurgled down from the top of his head, mixed with black impurities. The black veins and the black blood on his face are all, making his original face unrecognizable.

"Perhaps my father really made a mistake." The game stepped forward and said in a calm voice, "But no matter what the sin is, I will bear it and move on."

After a short pause, he turned his head to look at the black magician who was still floating beside him, and added: "With the irreplaceable companion."

The black magician leaned slightly: "It's a great honor, Pharaoh."

The dark priest is already at the end of the crossbow, and the blood in his body is almost being dyed black, and he may belch at any time if he feels like a gossamer. When I heard what they said, the master and servant were so angry that they couldn't open their mouths.


He yelled with anger, and black blood spread all over his body. His skin and flesh melted and disappeared, as well as the large priest's robe, disappeared with the white smoke of "sizzling".

In just a moment, the dark priest melted from head to toe into white smoke and dissipated, leaving only a golden thousand-year-old eye to roll to the ground.

The black magician bowed and bowed to the Pharaoh again, without saying a word, turned into a black phantom and disappeared.

Facing this vanishing shadow, the game couldn't help feeling full of emotions.

Although this is just a fictional world built by the power of dark games, some things have happened in reality.

For the game that has gone through countless battles in the future three thousand years later, he clearly knows that Mahad has definitely kept his promise and has been guarding him for three thousand years.

"Thank you, Mahad." He secretly said in his heart, "I will not fail your efforts so far. No matter what Tapir Liang is thinking about, I will defeat him and win this dark game."

During their duel, the battle on the other side had already come to an end.

Set, who was manipulated by the great dark priest, did not have his own mind, just like a puppet that was manipulated, and his combat effectiveness could not be half of the usual.

Many priests and a group of players besieged, Set's elves were quickly defeated. At this time, he also fainted to one side, temporarily losing consciousness.

Qisala stepped forward for the first time and carefully helped Set up to check his situation.

After finally finishing the boss fight, the sand sculpture players vacated the space and came up, one by one, seeing Qisala that was his wife.

It's a pity that people are now worried about the priest Seth, and there is no time to bird them...

"Who is this girl?"

Priest Karim was walking forward, but was stopped by the game reaching out: "She is not a villain, it's okay."

The memory of the game is still awakening. At this time, he also thought of Qisala's identity, and thought of the indissoluble bond between Haima and Bailong.

Sure enough, the hippocampus and the blue-eyed white dragon three thousand years ago had indissoluble causes.

It is a pity that the game is also convinced that if he goes to mention this to the current seahorse, the other party will definitely roll his eyes and wave his hand.

"Want to tell me these supernatural things again, I said that I am not interested!"

Then maybe the president even pulled out a duel plate on the spot.

"Compared with this, I have developed a new tactic! Come on, play ↑ play↓, let's fight to the death!"

Thinking of this, the game couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth, showing a smile.

Having experienced so much in the memory world and gradually understanding his own past, he has become more and more nostalgic for his second life in modern times.

Even the president's loud "play ↑ drama ↓ come to a duel" sound when he heard it, now makes him feel a little missed.

After all, the time he can stay in this world is running out.


Priest Set's eyelids suddenly opened.

After a daze, Qisala showed a relieved smile on her small face: "Master Set..."

Unexpectedly, Set's arm was like a black gun, and suddenly grabbed her swan-white neck.

"Sai...Sir Sir..." Qisala closed her eyes in pain, only to feel her breath cut off by her strength.

The chattering sand sculpture players suddenly screamed.

"Fuck President, what are you doing?"

"Relying on the president, is this trying to prove the truth by killing his wife?"

The game was also shocked: "Site! You..."

Set slowly got up, holding the girl who was as light as if she had no weight in one hand, and held up a thousand-year-old tin rod in the other hand.

This time his eyes are no longer hollow, but they are replaced by deep and boundless darkness!

"No, you are not Dorset." The game suddenly appeared, "Acnadine!"

"Not bad." "Site"-or actually Aknadine-said coldly, "You destroyed my physical body, Pharaoh, but it doesn't matter. I have planted me in Set's mind. Part of the fragments of consciousness.

It doesn't matter if I destroy myself. Set will extract the elves in this girl's heart, after gaining that power, he will still become the king of the world! "

The priests behind also became tense again in an instant, and everyone did not dare to come out, only the sand sculptures were still making noise.

"The president has something to say, you put my wife down first..."

"Brother Jie, you want to eat again, sister Yuehua, you make me pee yellow."

"I think Jie might be happy instead..."

"Don't? Although human xp is free, I think you should still see a doctor..."

Seeing that it was this juncture, a group of sand sculptures were still arguing with some unknown meaning... and if no one could understand, the great priest couldn't help being angry.

Are they all teasers invited by monkeys?


The power of the dark priest erupted with the help of Set's body, and the illusion of the Necromancer Evil Eye appeared in the air, and the overbearing power blew the players and priests around.

Only the moment the game raised his arm, the black magician quickly flashed out of his duel plate, released a defensive circle with five fingers, and resisted the impact of the Necromancer for the owner.

Qisala was almost suffocated by Seth's throat. Although her little head didn't quite understand what was going on, she could feel it roughly based on her extraordinary talent.

Lord Set... is in the darkness.

Once, when she was trapped in a cage and her future was shrouded in dark clouds, it was Seth who brought light to her and set her freedom.

Now, it was her turn to become the power of Lord Set.

Kisara bit her thin lips, closed her eyes tightly, the seal deep in her body was lifted, and the surging power erupted from that delicate body!

The sacred white brilliance enveloped his whole body, released into the air and gradually condensed into an entity. The white Longyao was corrected in the air, the wide wings spread out to both sides, the head was raised high, and the perfect lines showed vividly.

Blue-eyed white dragon!

"Marriage for nothing!"

"Fucking for nothing, so handsome!"

The players are taking screenshots crazy, and the priests are also dumbfounded.

This girl... actually hides such a god-level elves! ?

"Site" also raised his head, his face frantic: "Perfect, too perfect! As long as you have this power..."

But before he finished his the silver-white dragon turned into countless white light spots and disappeared out of thin air.

Coming in a hurry, then exiting in a hurry, the surprise is like a flash in the pan.

No, she did not disappear.

The white light was like a sharp sword, cutting through the layers of darkness and shooting straight to the depths of Set's darkened pupils.

She actually rushed directly into Set's spiritual world!


Aknadine occupies the last fragment of consciousness in his son's heart. At this time, when facing the white dragon who suddenly stood in front of him, he was only astonished to pieces.

The power of this elf... can it even affect the spiritual world! ?

The sacred white dragon roared in the void, and the boundless light was released with that noble body as the center, tearing the darkness entrenched in Set's heart to shreds in an instant!

This is something she has made up her mind to do a long time ago.

Because he is the only person in this world who has given himself light.

So she must do everything she can to give him a glorious world.

The last scream of the great dark priest was also swallowed, and the remaining consciousness was also broken down under the brilliance of the white dragon.

The darkness in Set's eyes disappeared.

He lost consciousness again, and fell to the side...

...And it happened to fall into Kisara's arm.

The girl's arms were white and pink, slender and slender. At first glance, she looked like a type with little strength, but she steadily held his weight.

Although somewhat different from Mahad, the girl also made a similar promise to herself.

From now on, eternal life, she will be by this person's side.

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