I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 595: Anonymous Pharaoh

Text Hundred and ninety-fifth chapter Anonymous Pharaoh

The steel blue and white armor covered the ice crystal hero's body, reflecting a crystal blue flash. The raging cold air wandered around, and ice crystals climbed onto the golden stone wall and froze the load-bearing pillars.

Absolute zero (absolutezero)!

In the frozen realm, the silver-gray metal demons, the elves of the earth, and the magicians who are good at tricks were instantly frozen and turned into three frozen statues, which were covered with cracks in an instant, and shattered with the sound of clicking. Everywhere.

"Pretty!" Table Game praised, "At the moment of summoning, he cleverly used the ability of'Absolute Zero' to destroy all monsters instantly, so that the other me couldn't gather the sacrifices to summon the phantom god!"

Although it's a bit unaccustomed to cheer on the opponent when the other one is dueling with others, the game still hopes You Yu will win from the heart. Because this may be the only opportunity for them to get the "King's Name" and help the dark game regain their lost identity.

"It's all for the other me." He thought from the bottom of his heart.

"But that Pharaoh's game is really amazing." The castle wiped his sweat. "It's an illusion when it comes up. Even if it's not the deity, it doesn't feel weak at all!

If it wasn't for You Yu but for someone else here, I am afraid that he would have been killed instantly, right? "

The three monsters that were called out in one breath were all wiped out in the blink of an eye, but the ancient pharaoh did not even move his eyelids.

He raised his hand calmly and hit another slate.

"Spell'Monster Recycling'." He said lightly, "All the slates will be returned, and a new one will come as a replacement."

Monster recycling, magic cards, all cards on the field and in your hand return to the deck to shuffle, and then draw five cards. (Animation effect)

You Yu helplessly: "Smooth the resource gap in an instant...It really is a pharaoh's bold spell."

Five brand new slates flashed in front of the Pharaoh. He didn't even look at it, and clicked one of them casually.

"Show up, Cotton Ball."

But the cute little ball-shaped cotton jumped out of the slate and landed on the floor where the ice hadn't dissipated. It is also one of the most commonly used cards in dark games.

Cotton **** can be special summoned when they are added to the hand through magic, trap, or monster effects.

[Cotton ball, defense 300]

"Use the magic'multiply' to make the cotton ball multiply very quickly!"

It is another slate flip, and it is also the proliferation of magic cards used in dark games!

Multiply, magic cards, select monsters with an attack power of 500 or less on the field, and split them into any number of tokens.

Of course, the Pharaoh chose the cotton ball on the field as the object. The fluffy cute little ball splits at an astonishing speed, transforming into two, two into four, and after being dazzled, it instantly turns into five cotton ball derivatives to fill the field.

"Three'cotton ball derivatives' were offered as sacrificial offerings, in the name of the Pharaoh, calling on the solemn real names of the gods and coming to the earth——

——The Titan Soldier of Destroyer Obelisk! "

The king's face was waveless, and the turbulent blue energy swept like a storm, making the thousand-year-old building blocks on his chest toss up and down, golden light radiating everywhere.

The name of the **** is like thunder for nine days, the blue electric current smashed the ice everywhere, and the flying ice **** melted in the air, reflecting the colorful brilliance.

The blue giant slammed to the ground, like an incomparable Mount Tai swaying behind the Pharaoh. The suspended ice **** was melted into water, and evaporated at the moment of contact with the blue air wave. The frozen domain of absolute zero collapsed with the advent of the gods, and the air was "sizzling" with high-heat air currents, and light refraction was like a space distortion.

[The giant soldier of Obelisk, 4000 attack power]

"... Are you kidding me!?" Chengouchi was silly, "Is it still possible to summon the phantom **** like this?"

"No, it's more than that!" Watch Game raised the volume anxiously, "Obelisk's effect is..."

"The other two'cotton ball derivatives' serve as sacrifices to the gods."

The pharaoh's unwavering voice sounded.

"Punish all the opponents' servants and their masters, the Holy Hand!"

The Giant God Soldier reached out with two big hands, one left and the other grabbed the "cotton ball token". The two tokens were immediately transformed into pure energy, like a torrent of rivers flowing straight into the head of the gods.

The Destroy God's aura was raised to the extreme, his scarlet eyes flashed with violent light, and the blue light of the raised fist was shining, and the destructive power contained in it was enough to sweep everything!

"Obelisk's effect is that using two monsters as sacrifices can destroy all the opponent's monsters and give the player 4000 points of damage!" The watch game raised its head hard against the hurricane, "One move is enough to decide the outcome!"

"You Yu!" Kyoko exclaimed worriedly.

It is good to have a beautiful lady who is worried about it, but You Yu knows that people are not really worried about themselves, they are worried about their sweetheart playing games.

Because if his You Yu is cold here, the chance of getting the "King's Name" will be gone...

But You Yu didn't even have the thought of rolling his eyes now.

God's coercion, ultra-high-speed offensive and defensive, he ushered in the critical moment of life and death in the first round.

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The pace of this duel is too fast to breathe!

Obelisk slammed his fist, God punched through the air, bringing a raging frenzy, and the arcs and storms that tore everything!

Holy Hand·Critical Strike!

"Flip the cover card!" At the critical juncture, You Yu opened the remaining cover card, "Trap Card-Damage Conversion! This round, all the damage from all the effects he received was halved!"

The gods that destroy everything swept across the grounds of Youyu, and everything in the domain of the gods of destruction will be burned into corpses!

【You Yu, lp4000→lp2000】

The turbulent tide swept through, and the disc man was turned into ashes as soon as he touched the gods~www.NovelMTL.com~ But the masked hero Wushui actually carried it down tenaciously, with blue and white armor on it. The black smoke, the hero under the mask is panting, but still stays stubbornly on the field.

"Masked Hero·Mist will not be destroyed by any card effect." You Yu explained.

Everyone beside him let out a sigh of relief.

"It's very risky, it's You Yu." Honda patted his chest, "If you were in the city just now, you must be over, right?"

Rarely, the city just swallowed, and didn't actually refute what the good brother said.

Because he felt from the bottom of his heart that if he changed himself in that round, he might have been killed by the nameless pharaoh.

No, this is too strong, right?

The Pharaoh at this time looked almost...just like a **** of war!

The giant soldier retreated to the master's field, but his domineering eyes still stared at the enemy. Pharaoh swept his arm, his cloak fluttered behind him, and said coldly: "This round is over."

"Another effect of the trap card'Damage Transformation'." You Yudao, "The turn this card is activated, at the end of the turn, according to the number of damages taken by the effect, special summon a corresponding number of'ghost tokens' on your field."

The phantom of the trap card appeared again, and a transparent ghost wandered onto the field in front of You Yu, and landed gently.

[Ghost token, defense power 0]

You Yu let out a long breath.

Even if it's just an afterimage, this pharaoh is very strong, very strong.

But You Yu's counterattack has just begun now.

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