I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 632: It hurts just to look at

The 632nd chapter of the text hurts when you look at it

The light of creation!

The brilliance created by heaven and earth enveloped the great evil god, as if thousands of lightsabers penetrated the huge body like a mountain. The incandescent light exploded continuously in every vein of the Great Evil God's body, tearing the veins and structures of his whole body into pieces.

The black flesh that was stronger than steel was shattered, and the bone-like horns pierced from the top of the head were broken piece by piece. But this is not the worst. The worst is that the dragon head under its hip was broken into two parts with the screams, and the cervical spine was **** and **** in a burst of crackling.

Miss Yuehua’s game screen recorded this scene in its entirety. For a while, densely populated barrage rolled over from the live broadcast room, and it was a lively scene.

There are those who brush 666, those who are excited to brush airplanes and rockets, and a bunch of bullet screens are brushing "This is not more flammable than xxx?", and then another bullet screen replied, "Please don't use non-combustible materials. Compare".

What's more unclear is that when the supreme creation **** Harakti came on stage, he shot a "Creation Light" to kill the great evil **** at the moment, and there was a pile of sand sculptures brushing the "toilet cleaner spirit"...

This is another old stalk that only old audiences can understand. It is said that it is because of the line that the creation of light called out at the moment, and the homophony sounds like "toilet cleaner spirit".

Sand sculpture players also have their own set of explanations. They said that the dark and unclean great evil **** Thok was like a stubborn stain that couldn't be washed away from the toilet. Not only could it not be washed away, but it could also stain the surrounding water into a dirty piece. However, it can only be instantly killed in front of the invincible toilet cleaner...

It can be said that there is a very sand sculpture style explanation.

And when Suoke's body fell apart and the grandiose dragon head broke off the cervical vertebrae, the sand sculptures became more lively.

"Fuck, it's miserable!"

"There is a kind of pain that hurts at all."

"What a miserable evil god..."


In any case, there is no doubt about the result. The appearance of Harakti, the creator of light, represents the change of the law-not only the decision of the law of victory in this duel, but also the victory of the entire rpg dark game.

In addition, there was the great evil **** Thok-the infinite swindler, the evil **** who can continue to jump around like a Xiaoqiang after losing many times, also completely wiped out.

The **** guy cracked open, and endless streams of light wandered over its black body. The huge body looked up and fell down as if it was burning, and the waves of flames rushed into the sky like a sea tide.

Then the great being, Harakti, the creator of light, slowly turned around. The gentle and peaceful golden light was released and enveloped the two victors of this duel together.

The world formed by the pouring silver light intertwined, as if a curtain of pure light was hung all around, and there was nothing in the entire space.

It looks like a dimensional space built by light.


Harakti, the creator of light, spoke, with a very soft voice, gentle and easy yet majestic, and her voice, like her appearance, was more feminine.

Atum raised his head: "Halakti."

"Three thousand years ago, you were alone and failed to find a way to defeat the great evil **** Thok. You can only choose to seal him back to the underworld at the price of your name and identity."

Halakti spoke slowly.

"At that time, you chose to seal the road with Thork. But today, three thousand years later, when facing Thork again, I am very happy that you have found a way to defeat him.

Now you have trusted comrades around you, protect your partners, and the best partners.

The bond built between you and other people has become the only way to defeat Thok. "

While Harakti was talking there, You Yu was thinking wildly next to him.

Isn't it true that there was no one around Pharaoh three thousand years ago?

I think you are looking down on our pharaoh's clergy.

...Well, the priests who fought against Suok did indeed seem to have been wiped out.

At the end of the battle, standing on the battlefield, standing in front of Thok with flesh and blood, indeed, only the sixteen-year-old Pharaoh was left.

So this story tells us that unity is strength, where strength is iron, and this strength is steel...

While Harakti explained to Pharaoh Atum, a passerby with the surname You was standing beside him with his arms in his arms and thinking, rolling his head over and over again with this familiar melody...

...Until he suddenly realized that Chuangshi Shen's eyes seemed to be looking at him.

Only then did You Yu come back to his senses.

Ah? The creator of God is looking for me as a passerby?

"You Yu...right?" she said.

"...Hmm." You Yu's thoughts were pulled back, listening carefully to what she was going to say.

"Sok erased the real name of the pharaoh from the mausoleum, trying to make that name be buried in history forever." She said, "but luckily you showed up.

You passed the'Trial of the King' and won the key to retrieve the real name of Pharaoh. The bond between you called for a miracle. "

Ah? Isn't that the big guy you gave it to me?

Atum gave You Yu a grateful look.

He only now knew that his name had been erased by Sock. Although I don't know what the "Trial of the King" is about, it sounds like it was thanks to You Yu that he was able to get his name back from Harakti's words.

If this is true, then it is not an exaggeration to say that he owes You Yu a life.

You Yu remembered that at the end of that trial, at the moment when he and the three phantom gods called out by the Pharaoh's phantom, he briefly saw the image of Harakti in the light.

Could it be that......

With a thought, You Yu decided to ask the deity directly.

"'Trial of the King', that duel...Did you end it?"

He felt as if it was really possible.

In any case, that Pharaoh's man-machine is really too strong, making him suspect countless times that it is not like a man-machine at all. If Harakti is controlling the phantom, it might not make sense.

But Harakti shook his head.

"I'm just a bystander." She said, "The opponent you fought was the Pharaoh from three thousand years ago-that is, Atum-before self-sealing, because he could not rest assured of future generations and could not sleep peacefully, so what remained A touch of remnant soul.

Just as the great evil **** Thok, who was sealed back to the underworld, and the lingering resentment attached to the "Millennium Wisdom Wheel" left fragments of the soul waiting for the opportunity to resurrect again, the soul of the Pharaoh's body was sealed in the "Millennium Building Block" At the same time, the remnants of his consciousness three thousand years ago were sleeping in the stone slab that preserved the memory of the Pharaoh. "

You Yu was stunned to hear: "In other words, the opponent I was fighting..."

"It's the Pharaoh three thousand years ago, yes." Halakti gave a positive answer, "You let him see your strength and proved to him that there are people who are worthy of entrusting to the future. He has no worries. , The remnant soul disappeared."

After a pause, she smiled slightly.

"It was a very wonderful duel~www.NovelMTL.com~ I also saw from you the possibility of duelists in this era. With a reliable duel like you, the Pharaoh will surely be able to sleep peacefully. ."

It seemed that You Yu suddenly understood something, and some joints that had always puzzled him were suddenly opened up.

Although the opponent of that "Trial of the King" was not Harakti, she also watched the duel throughout. It may be that she saw You Yu's strength in that duel that she decided to hand over the "True Name" card to You Yu.

In fact, if he doesn’t run into this memory world to make trouble, then according to the normal rpg process after the ancient Egyptians created this memory slab, the pharaoh after three thousand years will simulate his three thousand years ago in this memory world. Experience, the final outcome is to die together with Sock and be sealed together.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

There is no such thing as the creator of light.

After all, if your villain doesn't jump out to make trouble, how can the protagonist be so good?

If you think about it carefully, if it weren’t for Tapir Liang who ran to scrape the king’s name from the Pharaoh’s tomb, You Yu might not have the opportunity to accept this trial, and might not get the "True Name" picture. Card, it’s even more impossible to unlock the skill "Calling the True Name", and directly draw light from outside the card group to make a comeback on the spot.

In that case, his You Yu is really just a passerby with the surname You, and has nothing to do with the memory of the pharaoh or the grievances and grievances of three thousand years ago.

It's okay now. Originally, You Yu and Guangchuang couldn't fight with each other. It's totally okay, but thanks to Tapir Liang, a shit-stirring stick, they are now related...

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