I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 679: Evil Heart VS Fang Jie

Chapter 677 Evil Heart vs. Fang Jie

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"You got your life back."

The Overlord's voice was still cold and hollow, without the slightest temperature, without the slightest emotion-even mocking.

It's as if he was really just stating this firm fact.

However, this is where the Blue God's fire is the most.

He felt that he was underestimated. The attitude of the other party made him feel like a clown overpowering himself, as if defeating him was just a matter of effort, not even a warm-up exercise.

The Blue God looked directly at the opponent's golden, forbidding pupils, feeling the cold eyes like steel knives, and only felt that his heart grew stronger.

"The battle is not over yet."

The Overlord seemed to be completely unaware of the changes in his opponent's mood, or more likely he didn't care at all even if he found out.

He is the overlord, the strongest duelist and the biggest careerist in all dimensions. He will defeat any opponents in front of him, defeat all the strong in the endless dimension, and one day will stand at the true apex.

He has never understood the interests of his opponents, only to knock them all down.

"Dragon Sorcerer Guardian." The Overlord said, "Attack the enemy directly."

The knight in cyan armor waved his spear, and his cloak fluttered with his dash.

[Guardian of the Dragon Sorcerer, Attack Power 1800]

"Don't be overwhelmed!" Blue God shouted, raising his arm, "Open the cover card! Trap card-security ball! When the opponent's monster declares an attack, you can change that monster's offensive and defensive form!"

This card can only be activated when the attack is declared, and all the effects activated by both parties when the Karma Firewing Demon attacked were performed during the damage calculation phase, and the security ball that missed the point was not activated.

The red spherical machine appeared on the blue god's field, and the blue ray locked on the knight who was trying to charge.

In this way, at least the damage caused by this wave of attacks can be avoided...

But the Overlord also flipped the cover card immediately: "Then launch the trap-rescue the drama. When the monster on the field becomes the target of the effect, that monster returns to the hand, and then special summons other monsters in the hand." (Animation effect)

Blue God's eyelids twitched: "The trap to replace the monster?"

"The guardian of the dragon demon who became the target of the "security ball", return to his hand." The Overlord showed another card in his hand, "Summon the "Evil Heart Hero·Hell Link"!"

The figure of the guardian of the dragon wizard dissipated out of thin air, and the ray impact of the security ball plunged into the air fiercely.

A wicked hero wearing a heavy devil-shaped armor appeared from the field. His whole body was filled with white bone spurs, with blade-like silver-white steel claws, and the shape of the armor was like a metal demon skeleton.

[Evil Heart Hero·Hell Link, Attack Power 1600]

Blue God's face changed: "Actually...are you even prepared for this step?"

"The effect of the "Evil Heart Hero: Hell Demon"." The Overlord continued, "During his own combat phase, remove the "Hell Demon" that has not made an attack statement from the game.

During this round, a Demon monster on your field can attack twice. "

Blue God: "Nani!?"

The space was distorted, the electric current tore open the dimensional crack, and the **** even demonized into a transparent phantom and disappeared from that crack. At the same time, the Karma Fire Wing Demon's attack authority was reset, once again gaining the power to launch an attack.

Overlord coldly ordered: "Additional attacks. Evil-hearted heroes·Karma Firewing Demons, attack directly!"

The evil heroine spread out her fallen wings, she flew up, bashing with the gloomy cold wind, her claws dragging the scratches of the **** industry fire and swinging down.

Karma is bursting!

The cold karma fire that penetrated the soul, the impact of hellfire, and the painful touch swept through the Blue God's body. The impact of the blast blasted him high into the air, falling feebly like a kite, his nose in close contact with the solid ground.

[Blue God, lp4000→lp1900]

At this point, the overlord's attack finally ended.

"Three cards are covered." Overlord said, "The round is over."

But the Blue God was still lying on the ground and did not get up.

The pain of being burnt by the prison flame still reverberates all over the body, lingering like an illusion. The Blue God pressed his hands on the ground and tried to force himself to get up, looking at the Overlord with annoyed and resentful eyes, but with a hint of fear.

This guy is simply ridiculously strong!

Looking at the child-or the soul of the king hidden in the child's body, he felt as if he was looking at an indestructible fortress that was loaded with guns and live ammunition.

The image of the child seemed to gradually merge with the dark Overlord City behind him, unattainable and invincible.

Blue God began to doubt life a bit.

Could it be... really his own card skill 8 Taihang?

Yesterday, I couldn't beat the Seahorse, so why couldn't he even beat this little kid who came out of nowhere?

Master Xia Di never mentioned that there are so many comparisons in the world!

"Get up." The overlord's cold voice sounded again, like an irresistible command, "surrender is not allowed. You have only one choice, and that is to be defeated by me in a duel."

This sentence once again ignited the anger in Blue God's heart.

"Oversatisfied, kid."

He stood up, calmed his breath, regained his strength, tried his best to pretend that this duel was just beginning, and returned to the duel field in this dimensional realm.

"My round!"

The Blue God drew the card vigorously, as if the larger the drawing, the more miraculous it would bring him.

"I removed the'Fangjie Super Beast·Grant of Destruction' in the cemetery from the game~www.NovelMTL.com~ I can return a'Fangjie Yinbijam' in the cemetery to the hand card." (Animation effect )

The Blue God retrieved a piece of Vijam from the cemetery, and immediately took it.

"Summon'Fangjieyin Vijam'!"

[Fangjieyin Vijam, attack power 0]

"Then add the magic card'proliferation'!" Blue Shinto, "Monsters with an attack power of 500 or less on the field are used as sacrifices, and any number of tokens are Special Summoned. (Animation effect)

I took the "Fangjieyinvijam" with 0 attack power as a sacrifice, and specially summoned three "Fangjieyinvijam Tokens"! "

Vijam split under the effect of the magic card, divided into three with rippling golden waves, standing side by side on the blue god's field.

[Fangjieyin Vijam derivative, attack power 0] x3

Although the appearance seems to be the same as the real "Fangjie Yinbijam", they are only derivatives after all, and they don't have the ability of a real Fangjie monster.

The only thing they get from the deity is their appearance and similar names.

But this is enough!

"When there are three'Fangjieyin' monsters on the field...this guy can be specially summoned!" The Blue God shouted, "The light of textiles, the darkness of pitch black, restore the world to its proper posture. , Open the door to a new world!

Fangjie Super Emperor Indra of Dead Thunder! ! ! "

The darkness that seems to be swallowed by the dimension, and the light that shines through the entire sky. The golden light spots floating all over the sky abstracted the thick palms, the white body fell heavily, and the pattern on the chest seemed to be a mocking face.

Fangjie Super Emperor Indra of Dead Thunder, summon! ! !

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