Text Hundred and Ninety Sixth Chapter Z-ONE

The old audience of Yu-Gi-Oh knows that although Yu-Gi-Oh has released seven games so far, only dm, gx and 5ds share the same worldview.

Some people say that this is what the original author Mr. Takahashi meant. He personally participated in the planning of these three game kings, and laid a dark line in the story that runs through the three eras.

In dm, the evil **** Sock mentioned the darkness of the human heart. Sock himself is the incarnation of darkness, and it is human beings who endow him with infinite divine power. The feedback of all negative energy and dark thoughts will turn into a trend, which will eventually lead to the destruction of human civilization itself.

The Wannian old demon Da Zi also mentioned this point. He said that Oliha was just a challenge to mankind. Ten thousand years ago, mankind suffered from destruction due to deep inner darkness and unable to extricate himself from it, and Da Zi predicted that it would still be the same in the future.

Then in the gx era, the final villain darkness in the animation also mentioned that one day human beings will perish due to inner darkness. Darkness assimilated all human consciousness and fell into an infinite cycle of illusion, claiming that such a method is the salvation of mankind.

The prophecies of the villains, all the clues, all point to the same ending. In the future revealed in Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds many years later, these predictions have all become reality.

At the end of the official history of mankind, the earth’s civilization has really been shattered because of the ever-expanding inner darkness of the future people, and the earth has become a purgatory on earth.

And this weird person who appeared in front of You Yu and the others at this moment is the last human being from the end of history, z-one.

If placed in a story with apocalyptic background, z-one should have played the role of the protagonist of the savior. He has an extraordinary mind, a compassionate mind, and a consciousness at all costs.

He gave up his personality and body, and even his original name was lost in the course of time. He used to have great dreams in mind, was also full of enthusiasm and hope, and he did not hesitate to distribute these to everyone around him.

He bravely stepped forward, he was also bruised and bruised, and he rose from setbacks time and time again, helping each other with his partners.

...But he failed.

He failed to save anyone. He lost his relatives, lost friends, lost everyone.

He became the last human being left on earth.

A failed savior.

Walking on the broken ground, standing at the end of the desolate time, all the wreckage and corpses in the eye are all silent mockery of the failed savior.

Da Zi is right, and darkness is right. Mankind is destined to embark on the old path of Atlantis. Generations of duel kings continue to defeat the powerful enemies in front of them and save the world from crisis after crisis. In the end, they failed to save themselves in the hands of mankind.

So z-one has returned from the end of time.

A savior who has exhausted everything but can do nothing, finally incarnates the ultimate villain who runs through the three game kings.

"...I guess you know Paradox." You Yu broke the silence.

The z-one sitting in the steel device slowly spoke. The sound coming from under the metal device seemed to have been mechanized, indifferent and full of metal, and it sounded like a machine.

"Paladox mentioned you... I was really surprised that you could change his mind."

"It looks like you have communicated with each other, I guess it must have not gone well." You Yu said.

z-one did not answer this question, but instead said: "This venue has been locked by the'Quantum Cube', and no one can get out of this dimensional realm."

"...Give it back to me!" The Blue God stood up with difficulty, "That's our thing..."

However, z-one ignored him.

"You know the rules, the duel king." He said, "a duel, one condition."

But Haima took a step and stopped in front of You Yu: "I don't know who you are, but your actions are extremely stupid! Before challenging You Yu, you must pass my level first."

"No, Haima." The game did not flinch either, "This duel should be made by me..."

However, z-one interrupted them: "I have nothing to look for you for now, Muto Game, Sea Horse Seti. At least not now."

The line of sight under the steel gray mask went straight over the two and fell on You Yu.

"...Okay." You Yu thought briefly, but didn't refuse.

Seahorse squinted his eyes, and then retreated with a hum.

But Haima glanced at him when You Yu stepped forward, holding his arms and saying: "Be careful. This guy... is not ordinary."

You Yu didn't look back: "Well, I know."

He had long known that such a moment would come, but he didn't expect it would be so soon.

You Yu had already been mentally prepared for the opponent in front of him, since he defeated Paradox and sent the beautiful blond boy back to the future.

Z-one is not a person who gives up lightly, nor is it the kind of second-rate villain who can fully understand and change past mistakes in just a few words. To convince him that the future does not necessarily have to be changed in the form of destruction, and to convince him that hope exists, you must provide actual proofs, not empty words.

Parts were ejected from the front of the device worn by z-one and assembled into a special duel plate style. The duel disc system was activated, the monster area was outlined by golden light in turn, and the electronic display showing lp was also lit.

But there is no card group in the slot.

You Yu clearly remembered that in the final battle of 5ds, z-one and Fudo Yuxing were driven by a huge deck of slabs. That is a deck named "Time Machine God", whose power comes from "Kabbalah Tree of Life", which is a very difficult and powerful deck in the animation.

"Your deck..."

"As you know, I come from the future time and space." Z-one said, "My original deck cannot be used in this time and space because of some unresolved problems."

You Yu raised his eyebrows.

Not available? Then what are you going to fight with me?

Playing cards?

"As a substitute, let me use this first."

Z-one said lightly, raising his hand...or it should be the mechanical arm of the device on his body.

The Quantum Cube in mid-air stopped suddenly as if caught, one card after another, flying out of the cube, lined up in a neat queue, like a dancing girl stepping into the dance floor with neat dance steps.

One after another, they landed steadily on the empty duel plate in front of z-one, and quickly completed the automatic washing and cutting, and then automatically flew out five cards from the top of the deck and floated on z-one. in front of one.

"My deck!" Blue God yelled from the side.

"Okay, now I have a deck." Z-one said calmly, "Come on."

You Yu: "......"

This guy... is actually going to fight him with Fangjie?

"Duel!" x2

[You Yu~www.NovelMTL.com~ I'll attack first and draw the card. "This time the first attack is You Yu.

Starting with the first card, I first got a card gifted by Mr. Phoenix. You Yu chose to use it without hesitation.

"Spell card ‘takeover 5’. Send the top five cards of the deck to the graveyard." (Animation card)

Five cards entered the cemetery one by one, and You Yu then drew the next card from his hand.

"Summon'Elemental Hero·Liquid Man'!"

[Elemental Hero·Liquid Man, Attack Power 1400]

"The effect of the liquid man, when the summoning is successful, special summon heroes below level 4 in the cemetery. I special summon the'Elemental Hero Flame Man'."

[Elemental Hero·Flaming Man, Defensive Power~www.NovelMTL.com~Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Book Friends Base Camp], read books and draw cash/points every day!

"The effect of the Flame Man, when summoned, add the ‘fusion’ magic card from the deck to the hand. I add the ‘displacement fusion’ magic card to the hand.”

You Yu showed the magic card he was using and inserted it directly into the duel plate.

"The magic card ‘replacement fusion’, the ‘Elemental Hero·Flame Man’ on the field, and the ‘Elemental Hero·Liquid Man’ of the water attribute fusion!

The fusion condition is that elemental heroes plus any water monsters. Fusion call!

Born from the abyss of extreme cold, freezing everything with absolute power of ice and snow——

——Elemental Hero·Absolute Zero! "

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