I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 699: Fangjie of other people's homes

Main text Chapter 599

The black armor was tightly wrapped around the hero's strong body, and the black streamer flew behind him. The fusion of the two phantoms turned into entities, and the dark hero stepped heavily on the ground, and the gravel cracked under his feet.

Phantom Hero · Worship, Summon!

[Phantom Hero · Worship, Attack Power 2800]

"Phantom hero, that is You Yu's new power!" Game Road.

At this time, Chengouchi and others had also jumped from the auditorium and ran up to the front row to watch.

"But the attack power is still a little bit short." Jouchou said, "But, you must have an idea about what you said?"

"elder brother!"

Keiping also jumped from the direction of the console and ran over to my brother. But he hasn't figured out the identity of the silver-white long-haired elder sister next to his old brother for the time being, he just thinks that she looks very kind and familiar.

Qisala noticed the look in Keiping's eyes, she lowered her head a little embarrassedly, and raised her little hand stiffly as saying hello to him.

"I activate the effect of the "Phantom Hero Multiplier" in the magic trap area!" You Yudao, "Take a "hero" monster on the field as a sacrifice, and the multiplier in the trap area can be specially summoned on the field.

I took ‘Elemental Hero·Skyman’ as a sacrifice, and the defensive expression summoned ‘Phantom Hero·Multiplier’! "

The hero's entity came out of the phantom, wearing a blue-black armor. He landed on the field of the monster zone in a crouching state, and the armor on his body hummed with a dull hum.

[Phantom Hero · Multiplier, 700 defense]

The body of the worshiper was shrouded in a bleak glow, and the black streamers continued to fly.

"The multiplier was successfully summoned from the trap area and increased the attack power of a monster on the field by 800. Increased the attack power of the "Phantom Hero Exalted"!"

[Phantom Hero·Exalted, Attack Power 2800→Attack Power 3600]

"Very good is this momentum!" Honda shouted, "Smash him in one go, You Yu!"

You Yu said: "The battle phase! I use the "Phantom Hero · Worship" to attack the "Dark World God·Crimson Nopo"! Ambitious sanctions!!!"

The air current lifted the hem of the Phantom Hero, and a transparent vortex spread out from under his feet. A hot beam of light rose from the feet of worship and Fangjie God at the same time, and the erupting torrent blasted the huge dark Fangjie God from bottom to top into two.

The eyes of Crimson Nopo's whole body were round as if bloodshot, as if full of unwillingness. Its arms flew out in a whirl, the sharp blade plunged into the ground with a bang, and the mechanical body shattered with a series of cracking sounds.

【Z-one, lp4000→lp3400】

Originally, if you use the "Phantom Hero Multiplier" additional attack to cause more damage, if you do that, you have to risk leaving the multiplier with only 800 attack power on the field in the next round.

Therefore, to be cautious, You Yu still chose the defensive state when summoning the multiplier.

"Cover a card, the round is over."

Z-one was very calm from beginning to end, it seemed that the ace monster was defeated within his expectation. The duel plate in front of him made a slight buzzing of mechanical parts, and another card flew out automatically.

"Draw a card." He glanced at the card he had drawn, and the card was automatically turned over and inserted into the duel board.

"Magic card'bitter choice'. Choose five cards from the deck, and the opponent will pick one to add to my hand, and send the rest to the graveyard."

Five cards were automatically flown out from various parts of the z-one deck, and the deck was automatically shuffled in the slot. The five cards were arranged in sequence, and they were shown to You Yu.

They are the other two "Dark Fangjie God·Crimson Nopo", two perpetual magic "fangjie law", and the magic card "Fangjie Fluctuation".

There are three other "Fangjie" monsters in z-one's hand. You only need to show those three cards, and "Dark Fangjie God·Crimson Nopo" can jump out unconditionally. If you let him add these two cards to his hand, it would still be a bit troublesome.

When the perpetual magic "Fangjie" exists in the graveyard, you can remove the card in the graveyard from the game and recover the "fangjie" monster in the graveyard, which is not a small trouble.

You Yu thought for a moment: "Perpetual Magic'Fangjie Method'."

Although there will still be a "Fangjie Law" entering the cemetery, there is no other way. At least this can more or less reduce the other party's available resources.

But soon he learned that no matter what he chooses, it doesn't make sense.

"Flip the cover card." z-one calmly opened a trap at his feet, "Trap card'Fallen Angel's Charity'. In this round, both players discarded the cards from the graveyard through magic effects and all returned to their hands." (Animation card)

You Yu: "......"

It’s too much. Doesn’t this feature mean an accurate search?

"So the four cards sent to the graveyard by the'Bitter Choice' all return to the hand."

Four cards were added in one go, and z-one immediately played one of them.

"Perpetual Magic'Fangjie Method'. Once in a turn, send a'Fangjie' card from your hand to the graveyard, and draw a card from the deck.

I sent another ‘Fangjie Method’ in my hand to the graveyard, and I drew a card from the deck. "

A new card automatically flew out of the deck, and the perpetual magic that had just entered the graveyard quickly automatically popped out.

"For the effect of the perpetual magic "Fangjie" in the cemetery, this card in the cemetery can be removed from the game, and the ``Fangjie" monster in the cemetery can be recovered.

I added the "Dark World God: Crimson Nopo" from the cemetery to my hand. "

You Yu narrowed his eyes.

In this way, there will be three "Dark Realm Gods" in the opponent's hand...

"The'Meteor Square Tool·Skydust' in the card in my hand,'Square Beast·Gannix of Darkness','Fangjie Emperor·Gardia of the Blade', three pieces of'Square Monsters' are displayed— —

——Dark Fangjie God·Crimson Nopo, all three bodies are summoned! "

The silver-white knife light fell off, and the darkness was cut into several pieces like a huge curtain. Countless eyes opened from the darkness, and the purple-black laser shot around like out of control. Three huge bodies sprang out side by side, each of their heads covered with dark purple squares, twisted and funny, ridiculous but hideous.

[Dark Cube God·Crimson Nopo, Attack Power 3000] x3

"It's a lie?" In the city, against the dark vortex rolled up by the Fangjie God, "Such a strong monster...Three come out in one breath!?"

"Too strong." The game couldn't help but praise, "The strength of the'Fangjie' used by the Blue God is not on the same level at all!"

Blue God (has been autistic): "My Quantum Cube...My deck..."

"Activate the magic card'Fangjie Fluctuation' from your hand." z-one said coldly. "Choose a monster on the opponent's field to halve the attack power, and double the attack power of the monster on your field.

Halve the attack power of "Phantom Hero Worship", choose one of the "Dark World Gods·Crimson Nopo" on my field, and double the attack power. "

The fluctuations of the gold spread, like a sturdy shackle on the phantom hero. The invisible weight made the hero knelt on his knees, and was overwhelmed with breath.

[Dark World God·Crimson Nopo, Attack Power 3000 → Attack Power 6000]

[Phantom Hero·Cult, Attack Power 3600 → Attack Power 1800]

"It's awful!" Chengouchi said, "With so many consecutive attacks..."

"Brother You Yu!" Guiping couldn't help but yelled out.

"Try it if you can take it, duel with Wang Youyu." z-one entered the battle phase, "The first'Dark World God·Crimson Nopo, attacking the'Phantom Hero Worship'!'"

The Fangjie God with an attack power of 6,000, his sharp blade swung wildly, all his eyes were round, and the soft sound of the metal joints was like a low cry of excitement that could not be restrained.

A gleam of silver light was thrown along with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and it flew to the midway to be shrouded in golden light, like a falling meteor!

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"Flip the cover card!" You Yu stared, "Trap Card-Absorbing Shield! One attack is invalidated by the opponent, and his health restores the value of that monster's attack power!"

The rainbow-colored energy barrier, the battle axe dragged the gorgeous golden light and slammed it up. The overbearing impact was all turned into nutrients under the effect of the trap, and was slowly absorbed into You Yu's body.

【You Yu, lp3500→lp9500】

"Do you absorb the shield?" Z-one's voice is still Wubo Gujing, "Then attack again. The second "Dark World God Crimson Nopo" will continue to attack the "Phantom Hero Worship"."

There is another golden light, and the heroes are divided into two parts with a scorn that breaks through the air. The shock engulfed the golden wave and hit You Yu. It felt like he was smashed in the chest, and the bones screamed as if they were about to fall apart.

【You Yu, lp9500→lp8300】

"The effect of Crimson Norpo. When the opponent's monster is destroyed in battle, additional attacks can be added." z-one continued, "Attack'Phantom Hero · Multiplier'."

In the second offensive, the sharp blade cut the multiplier from it, turning it into a phantom and dissipating.

"Next is the third'Crimson Norpo'." Z-one continued, "Attack directly!"

The joints of the Diablo Realm God's whole body are working, and the voice is like a metal cheer. Jin Guang turned into staggered blades to cut out, cutting through You Yu's body time and time again. The burning pain feels like a blown nerve, it feels like the body is cut open and repaired in a short moment.

【You Yu, lp8300→lp5300】

"Very good, so the number of attacks by the other party will be exhausted!" Keiping said with joy, "As expected of Brother Youyu, even so many attacks..."

"It's not over yet." Seahorse said lightly.


"Gaifu two cards are on the court."

An extra Gevka appeared in front of z-one, and at the same time his icy gaze lifted.

"At the end of the phase, the effect of the'Dark World God Crimson Nopo' was activated again. At the end of the phase, both players received 3000 points of damage at the same time."

Purple and black light burst out from the eyes of the Diablo Fangjie God who could not restrain his thirst, and countless lasers criss-crossed. The ground was cut open, and the walls were melted with radial cracks.

You Yu was hit head-on again and staggered back half a step, feeling like his body was torn once again.

【You Yu, lp5300→lp2300】

Sure enough, the thickest armor was hit hardest. Although the blood was thick, the pain was really painful...

You Yu shook his footsteps~www.NovelMTL.com~In the cemetery...the effect of "Phantom Hero: Multiplier". When you take damage, you can place this card in the magic trap area. "

With a erratic outline, the multiplier who had just left the scene returned to the scene again in the form of a phantom.

"It is indeed a very powerful damage ability, but this condition is the same for the enemy." Haima narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, I saw the indiscriminate blast of the Diablo Fangjie God also swept towards z-one. But z-one was still calm, and only opened another cover card.

"Abandon a card in your hand and activate the trap card "Rainbow Life"." He said, "All the damage I have suffered this turn has become the restoration of health."

The colorful rainbow light rises up like a shield, and the overbearing square impact is all transformed into warm and peaceful nutrients, which are absorbed into z-one's body.

【Z-one, lp3400→lp6400】

"Life...6400!?" Keiping exclaimed.

"That's awful." Cheng said, "There are two remaining'Dark Realm Gods'. If the other two also inflict 3000 damage..."

"'Dark Cube World God Crimson Nopo', this effect of inflicting 3000 damage, the card with the same name can only be activated once in a round."

Z-one's words left a big rock in everyone's hearts.

Fortunately, it would be too abnormal if each of the three Fang World Gods came to send such a shot...

"My round is over." Z-one cast his gaze on You Yu, "Come on, it's your turn."

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