I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 709: Dueling Academy

Text Chapter 709 Dueling Academy

The Duelist Alliance is okay.

It seems that something strange has gotten in...

"President Haima Seto invested in the establishment of this organization and established the headquarters of the alliance in Tomino City, which is also a landmark building in Tomino City today.

So far, the alliance headquarters is the tallest building in the city..."

Hearing the introduction on the electronic screen, Xuelang couldn't help looking out the window. Sure enough, he found the tallest and most eye-catching building without much effort.

The towering building, the glass curtain wall shining like crystal. On the top floor of the building stands statues of blue-eyed white dragons, masked heroes, and black magicians, like the silent city watcher, the ace monster that represents the three founders of the alliance.

When Xuelang saw this, he couldn't help but an urge to post on the forum.

Putting these news on the forum is definitely like detonating a depth bomb, and it will definitely arouse the attention of sand sculpture players.

However, this thought only flashed briefly, and was soon left behind by him. Because as the number one team battle of You Yu's fan support group, Xuelang has first-class professionalism. He clearly knows what is most important and what he needs to do the most.

He must find You Yusang first, this is the top priority, and everything else can stand aside.

It's a pity that all the people he knew before are gone in this shop.

He inquired about it, as if saying that not long after Ito China went to university, this card shop had been transformed into a museum of the king of duels. The uncle of the shop owner counts the money every year and gets cramps.

Xuelang couldn't help wailing.

You Yusang, where have you been?

Have you forgotten the snow waves on Daming Lake?


Southern region.

The huge island sits on the endless blue sea, and the sun comfortably basks the sea. The foraging seagulls swooped down under the bright sun in groups, like rushing to a fragrant canteen.

The roar of the engine cut through the tranquility, and the steel bird of prey with the "kc" icon printed on its shell flew from the blue sky, and its tail flame was like a silver-white sharp sword that cut through the snow-white clouds.

The door of the cabin opened to the outside in mid-air. You Yu stood on the inside of the cabin, wearing black goggles, and his windbreaker was hunted and fluttered by the strong wind that poured in from outside the cabin.

The bodyguard of the Haima Group in the front driver's seat couldn't help but poked his head: "Mr. You Yu, are you sure you don't need to bring a parachute?"

Although the person who is about to perform the crazy behavior is not himself, the bodyguard is more nervous than You Yu.

For nothing else, he was worried that if Mr. Wang had some shortcomings, President Haima would definitely make sure that he was finished after he returned.

"No." You Yu was very confident, "You can go back directly, don't wait for me."

"Yes, Mr. You Yu."

You Yu put on his goggles, took two steps, and jumped out from the cabin. The wind swept him into his arms, and the heat and roar of the airplane's engine quickly disappeared behind him. He felt his body captured by gravity, and the coat of the windbreaker was like blasting wings.

Now he seems to understand why the president likes to jump off the plane so much.

This is not only very handsome and shit, but it's really cool.

The height of 300 meters is a new record-he has never tried free fall from such a high place before, but this does not affect his confidence in a safe landing.

The green whirlwind wrapped his body and cushioned him as he approached the ground. The elves of countless winds obeyed his command and precisely controlled the wind speed and direction, which allowed him to land at any landing point he wanted at the most perfect speed.

This is the power of Masked Hero Rafale.

The masked hero is an elf bred from You Yu's own power, like an extension of his own hands and feet. In six years, he and this hero have been in a high degree of tacit understanding, and he can easily use the power of various masked heroes with his mind.

Now even if you don't need other elves, relying only on the masked hero and his own power, You Yu is already the number one powerhouse on earth.

Of course, it's just on the surface.

You Yu did not feel inflated because of this that he was invincible in the world.

Everything in the world is constantly evolving, and so is the game duel monsters. Over the past six years, with the passage of time, the overall level of the dueling world has risen, and it is not surprising that new powerhouses appear in any hidden corner.

Most of the characters appearing in the gx animation seem to be inferior to the previous generation, as if the duel level of the entire world has regressed, but of course this is not the case.

The reason for this illusion is only because the perspective of the protagonist group is different.

After all, the protagonist in dm is the king of duel at the apex of the duel world, and the opponents he fought against were all top in the world. And the protagonist group in gx is still a group of young people who haven't been fledgling, and the game seahorse is a "legendary" level existence for them. Even ordinary professional duelists can make them worship.

The animation only shows the tip of the iceberg of this era, and the truly powerful duelists like the game Seahorse and the castle have never shown their faces.

But gx, as a sequel, does further expand Yu-Gi-Oh’s worldview, introducing the concept of parallel dimensions and introducing guests from the universe. Under such a background, there is absolutely no shortage of strong people.

Earlier this year, Youcheng Judai just ushered in his fifteenth birthday.

Also this year, he signed up for the assessment of Southern Dueling Academy, and the written test will begin in one month. Ten generations are now closing their doors to study hard at the cold window at home.

You Yu knows that this may mean that the gx era is about to officially open, and it also means that a new version of the linked world is about to go online.

He must prepare for this.

The island he landed on is naturally the famous duel academy, and it is also the main stage of the original plot. The main line of gx is based on the three-year growth experience of Youcheng Judai and his friends in this college, and finally ended with their graduation after completing their studies.

When the dueling academy was completed that year, after having spent the night in the game with President Haima, You Yu successfully won the right to serve in this academy through the channel of card games.

Now he is the honorary principal of this school.

However, it is similar to his position in the Haima Group~www.NovelMTL.com~ Said to be the principal. In fact, his main task is to shine with the title of "Duel King" and to attract countless young people who admire this name. Come. Three days a week, I showed up on TV, brushed my face, and drained the college.

Don't tell me, the drainage effect is pretty good.

Every year, more than half of the students who apply for the exam are rushing to the title of "Duel King", and the young girls want to come in and see the honor of the first dueling king in the legend.

If there is an opportunity to get his personal advice, then it would be even more fortunate for Sansheng.

Because of this, this dueling academy is now a leader among its peers, and basically belongs to the only prestigious school in the world.

Unless Muto Game, who was also the original duel king, went to a school on a whim, it is unlikely that there will be any more powerful competitors in the academy for a long time.

You Yu landed on the island, and while walking towards the school, he dialed the principal of Yudao.

"Mr. You Yu? Are you here?"

"Well, just got off the plane."

This is also telling the truth. Although he jumped from the sky, he also got off the plane.

When he came to the academy this time, he was going to meet someone... and he had an appointment for a game.

"That teacher has arrived?" You Yu asked.

Before the headmaster of Shaodao could reply, he heard the words "Mamma Mia" and "Mr. Duel King is really here" on the other end of the phone, which was too noisy, and his voice was very distinctive.

"Well, it looks like it's here." You Yu said, "Let the teacher wait for a while, I'll be there in three minutes."

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