"Chairman Kagemaru is missing?" You Yu frowned.

"It can't be regarded as missing." Keiping shook his head. "But it's also true that he hasn't been seen in front of anyone for a long time.

Brother You Yu, after you asked me to check the news about Yingwan, I also specially used the spies of Haima Company installed in the World Image Agency to inquire about the news..."

"We still have spies in Kagemaru's company?"

"Of course." Keiping nodded. "Because there was a period of time when the World Image Agency developed really well, and it definitely posed a threat to our Haima Group. Of course, that was the case before, and now they are going downhill. , This company may be dead soon...

...But these are far away. In short, according to our spy's report, even the closest person to Kagemaru hasn't seen him during this period. "

"Maybe he decided to put aside all worldly affairs and enjoy his old age?" You Yu said.

"That doesn't sound like Kagemaru." Keiping said, "This old guy is over a hundred years old. It is said that his body and mind are far from allowing him to carry the banner of the company.

But this old guy is terribly obsessed with power, even now he still has the absolute right to speak in all matters of the World Image Agency. "

"But he can't give orders without showing up." You Yu browsed Kagemaru's career resume on the tablet.

"It's really not very convenient. But he always participates in company meetings through remote video and makes decisions. But ... some people say that his style of behavior has changed dramatically recently."


"Yeah." Keiping nodded. "Sometimes his speeches and decisions made in meetings are different from the previous ones, and it feels like a different one.

However, the senior management of the board felt that it was simply that he had been confused, and they were now thinking about kicking this old guy out of the game. "

You Yu stared at Chairman Kagemaru who made his last appearance on the tablet screen-a dying old man, wearing a black suit and bow tie, trying to straighten his waist under the spotlight on the rostrum, trying to make himself look vigorous, but concealed it. Keep the traces of the devastation of the years.

"...So I guess it's not so easy to make an appointment with this old gentleman?" You Yu asked.

"Indeed." Keiping smiled mysteriously, "but don't underestimate me. Although our spy could not find more information, I hacked into the server of the World Image Agency and found the location where Kagemaru may live now."

He took the tablet from You Yu and quickly called up a map.

It was the center of a vast ocean, an isolated island completely isolated.

"Kagemaru hid a private recuperation center on the island," Keiping said. "There is a high probability that he will be hiding in this."

You Yu couldn't help feeling that Guiping was really easy to use!

It may not be possible to collect so much information in a lifetime using conventional channels, but Keiping only made a few phone calls, and then probably used the dessert time to hack a group server, and a large amount of information immediately surfaced.

"Do you need me to arrange a plane for you, Brother You Yu?" Guiping asked.

"Okay, just today, I'm going to visit that island." You Yu nodded, "Thanks to Guiping."

"You are welcome, Brother Yuyu." Guiping smiled brightly, "I'm glad to be able to help you. If you come back early, send me a message and I'll wait for you to have dinner together."

"I will." You Yu waved his hand and bid him farewell.

Taking off from the top of the Haima Group, it didn't take long for You Yu to find the island marked by Keiping.

In order to avoid being too eye-catching, You Yu didn't let the plane land. He only confessed that the pilot would come back to pick him up an hour later, and then jumped straight off the plane.

Unlike the artificially developed islands like Duel Academy, many artificial traces cannot be found in most areas of this island.

The island has an intoxicating and beautiful natural scenery, with towering old trees and shrubs weaving a huge mountain labyrinth. The huge mountain wall blocked most of the sunlight, only the afterglow of the setting sun revealed from behind the steep cliff, sprinkled on the turquoise and flawless lawn.

A strong and ominous atmosphere enveloped the island. You Yu couldn't feel any breath from this island-whether it was a human or an animal.

He instinctively felt that Chairman Kagemaru was caught in some kind of mist. The closer he gets, the thicker and heavier the fog, burying the truth deeply under that.

You Yu found the nursing home that Guiping said. This is indeed a luxurious building with a beautiful appearance and luxurious and complete facilities.

But what surprised him was that there was not even a guard standing outside the building. There are no door guards, no security guards, or even handy staff.

This makes You Yu's "infiltration plan" go bankrupt before it can be implemented-after all, someone must first be guarded to count as an infiltration, right?

As a result, he kicked the door directly and went in smoothly through the front door without encountering any obstacles.

The hall was also empty. For a time, You Yu wondered if Guiping had guessed wrong, but in fact, this nursing home was simply unoccupied at all.

But the light was on again on the ceiling of the hall. The crystal chandelier pours bright light without reservation, it slowly rotates, and the gorgeous light also changes with the angle of rotation.

He knew that the old man Kagemaru was very rich, but even so, he wouldn't be able to energize the buildings on this isolated island all year round, right?

In this kind of repressive and weird atmosphere, most people may be scared in less than a minute and can't stay at all. But You Yu didn't.

The big deal is playing cards, anyway, there are not many cards in Yuanlilun that can make him persuade him, no matter what is in him, it will be over.

So when he walked through several corridors and blasted open several doors, he finally found something behind one of the doors.

It was a room with no light and no windows. The floor and surrounding walls appear to be paved with metal, cold and hard.

In the center of the room is a machine device, a robot-a robot made by imitating the structure of a reptile. It lay prone on the ground, carrying a transparent glass survival capsule on its back. Some unknown liquid filled the glass cabin, and there was a vague figure in it.

You Yu has seen this device. The three magical chapters of GX animation, as the chapter BOSS chairman Kagemaru, hid in this device when he appeared on the stage.

Kagewan is an old man who is over a hundred years old and dying. This life-sustaining cabin directly extends his life. He leaving this thing is like a fish thrown on the coast ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ will be dried in a moment.

"...I guess you are the chairman of Kagemaru?" You Yu spoke first.

Because of the bad light and the liquid in the life-saving capsule, You Yu couldn't see the person behind the glass. But he was 90% sure that this was the person he was looking for.

"Duel King." Kagemaru's heavy and hoarse voice came from under the survival capsule, "I'm waiting for you."

"I don't remember that I had an appointment."

"But I know that meeting you and me is inevitable," Kagemaru said.

"Let me guess, is this related to your sending someone to the duel academy to find my students?"

Kagemaru was silent for a moment, and did not answer this question.

Then the robot carrying the survival capsule raised an arm, and the duel disk on the robotic arm opened.

"Dare to accept...my challenge?"

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