I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 755: Awakened darkness

The health value returned to zero, and Kagemaru and the mechanical lead were knocked out. The blow of the evil emperor seemed to set off a gust of wind indoors, severely overturned the crawling robot, dragged a long string of sparks against the ground and slid out, slamming heavily against the wall behind.

The physical impact of the dark duel destroyed most of the robot's system, and the joints of the robotic arm broke open. The metal shell was damaged in many places, with broken wires exposed, and the scrapped circuit board crackled with electric sparks, just like the scream of a machine.

The life-sustaining capsule ruptured overwhelmedly during the impact, and a large amount of water burst out. The figure hiding behind the glass cover finally revealed his original appearance. He sat leaning in the broken glass cabin, bowed his head motionless.

It was an old shadow, all naked, with dry skin like cracked bark. Judging from the appearance, it is hard to even be called a human, but a skinny corpse.

You Yu recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.

It can't be wrong, this is the boss of the early GX, the old immortal Kagemaru.

"Finally met directly, Chairman Kagemaru."

You Yu turned off the system of the duel plate, and the image of the evil emperor disappeared behind him.

He stepped forward and said slowly: "The duel between dark duels has one condition for victory at a time. I think you should also know the rules. Then I will ask straightforwardly..."

He stopped here suddenly and realized that something was wrong.

You Yu stepped forward quickly, reached out and probed Tanyingwan's snort...nothing happened.

Gan, wouldn't you accidentally use too much force to kill you directly?

Thinking about it this way, the chairman has only one breath left, and it is normal that the old arms and legs may not be able to withstand the impact of the dark duel...

This is a little troublesome.

Although Kagemaru may indeed be the man behind the scenes, the troubles behind him may be gone if you directly kill him... But Youyu still cares about Kagemaru's previous sentence, "You don't even know who I am".

Is it just a bluff?

It's a pity that the dead can't speak, and some unsolved doubts may have to be taken into the grave by Kagemaru.

You Yu called Guiping and asked him to arrange professionals from Haima Company to come and clean up the mess. This island is not small, and it seems a bit strange that Kagemaru is alone in such a large nursing home. Professionals come to check it thoroughly, maybe there are some unexpected discoveries.

Keiping responded to his words and said that he would arrange for the team to go there immediately.

You Yu hung up the phone and was about to leave, but his eyes were fascinatingly attracted by the scrapped robot Kagemaru had just used.

Seeing that the paralyzed robot system seemed to have not completely collapsed, and the screen was still flickering, You Yu moved to the console of the machine and looked through the records.

This machine is directly connected to Kagemaru's life-sustaining capsule. It is directly responsible for Kagemaru's life-saving system. In other words, relevant records should also be kept in the system.

You Yu's guess is correct. But at this time, he had no idea what he would see in the system's records. Those contents made him freeze in place for a short time, and his mind was instantly filled with doubts.

It is clearly recorded in the life support system that the owner of this system, the Chairman Kagemaru in front of You Yu, had swallowed his last breath three months ago.

He was dead long ago.

You Yu frowned.

So the guy who just duel with him...who is he?




A man violently opened his closed eyes, and was caught off guard with a breath of blood.

A woman next to him immediately stepped forward to support him: "Sir, are you okay?"

The man gave her a cold look.

It was a woman dressed in a standard secretary costume. She was not particularly outstanding, but she was also pretty good-looking. With thick lip gloss on her soft lips, black silk on her slender legs, and high heels on her feet, it is definitely not weak to ordinary men.


Without a word, the man slapped the woman's head with a slap. The woman's pupils contracted in horror, only to feel that everything in her body was sucked away like a flood, continuously pouring into the man's palm.

She opened her mouth, perhaps wanting to ask for mercy, but her tongue was stiff like a rusty iron rod, and her vocal organ refused to work.

Within a few seconds, the woman lost her brilliance in her eyes and collapsed softly to the ground.

The man took a deep breath, which seemed to ease. He looked down at his hand and snorted angrily.

"The human body is really troublesome, weak and vulnerable. A duel of this level would be so traumatized..."

He paused and narrowed his eyes.

"Duel Wang Youyu, even with my remote-controlled puppet as the medium, it can actually cause harm to the deity... It seems that I still underestimate him."

In the original GX animation, Kagemaru may still be the final BOSS of the three magical chapters, but it is obviously not here.

Three months ago, this man found Kagemaru. Through a duel, he defeated Kagemaru's deck with absolute crushing power and killed the director of the dueling academy. Since then, Chairman Kagemaru has become his puppet.

The World Image Agency was completely not kept in the dark. They all only thought that their own director elder was crazy, but no one thought that there would be someone else who gave the order.

This giant group has long been a toy in the hands of this man.

And this man—or to be precise, this body—is nothing more than a puppet.

The real body occupying this body at this time is a stronger and older existence whose name is...

...Tragodia! ! !

This is a monster from three thousand years ago. It is extremely powerful, incomparably evil, and controls the trembling darkness. Its power even surpassed the power of a thousand-year-old artifact. It used to be the nightmare of ancient Egyptian priests!

It is the final BOSS that runs through the entire "Yogioh GX" comic. It has the dominant strength in the comics and is almost invincible among all the characters in the comics.

At this time, you may be asking, since this Tragodia is so awesome, how was it sealed three thousand years ago?

This is a bit funny.

Three thousand years ago.

Tragodia, who was hiding in the host, was arrested by the ancient Egyptian priest and taken to the Egyptian palace.

In fact, it has the ability to easily break free, as long as it wants to kill these priests at any time, but it just doesn't do that.

Tragodia said that we would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and ambush these priests backhand for a wave, and wait until the palace to burst out suddenly and make a fortune in a muffled voice.

In short, just to pretend!

The priests summoned the elves of the "winged chestnut ball". The winged chestnut ball has the ability to take out the heart of the wicked, and put it on the "millennium scale" to test the demon's evil thoughts.

Tragodia sneered as he watched the chestnut ball take his heart, triumphantly imagining the shock when the priests measured their strength level.

Later, it was indeed put in place. The priests couldn't help but scream when they saw the test results, shouting that there should be such an evil resentment in the world!

Tragodia was very satisfied with the panicked appearances of the priests, and felt that he had achieved his goal of pretending to be forceful. Then it was about to show off its power, and when it killed all these priests on the spot, it suddenly realized a fatal problem——

-Fuck! My heart is still on that elf!

The strength of Tragodia, who lost his heart, was greatly reduced~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although it rushed towards the winged chestnut ball in desperation, it was quickly pressed by the priests and was sealed for three thousand years..... .

Cause of death: pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and really becoming a pig...

After the seal, the priests still had lingering fears. Someone wiped cold sweat, saying that this monster is extremely powerful, and if it is in a complete state, we must not be opponents.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to have a good brain...

But three thousand years later, an archaeological team excavated the stone slabs that sealed it from the ground without seeing the sun.

This powerful monster was finally able to see the sun again!

This time, it has learned the lessons from three thousand years ago, and it will never capsize in the gutter like before.

This time, there is no longer a Pharaoh and no guardian priest.

This world will be in its bag!

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