"'Divine Flame Emperor Uriah','Thunder Emperor Harmon', and'Illusory Demon Emperor Rabbi El' are powerful beings collectively referred to as the'Three Magical Demons'."

Fujino gestured to the Ministry to go down to the door and wait, and at the same time slowly began to talk.

"Of course, I believe you are not unfamiliar with these. After all, your credit is indispensable in the process of the seal of the Three Magical Demons."

Department D also sent duelists to try to fight when the phantoms were in chaos. Relying on some anti-common-sense black technology, they can also summon duel monsters to a certain extent by means of high-quality three-dimensional images with technological means, and have good combat effectiveness against ordinary elves and dark duels.

It's just that it's obvious that it doesn't look big enough when facing a behemoth like the "three magical monsters".

The special duels in Department D have no power to fight back in front of the phantoms. If it hadn't been for several legendary duelists including You Yu, the incident might have evolved directly into a frontal battle between aircraft, artillery and magical monsters across the country... it would be exciting to think about it.

"You probably already know the reasons for those riots?" Fujino asked.

"The advent of the dueling generation has led to the general awakening of monsters and elves. The three phantoms that were dormant in the ancient times were awakened by environmental factors." You Yu said lightly.

"Exactly." Fujino nodded, "Thanks to your activeness, the three magical demons have been sealed. However, in the records left by some ancient people unearthed later, we have read the relevant ancient written records and found that they seem to be These three demons are compared to existences comparable to the'Three Illusory Gods'."

"Maybe it's just that the ancients have seen too little." You Yu said.

That's not surprising. After all, the three of them looked a little like Illusory Gods-especially the Emperor of Flame Uria, who didn't know they thought it was Osiris' long-lost brother.

Perhaps the ancients who left the record had never seen the power of the phantom gods, but after witnessing the pressure of the three phantoms, the strongest creature they imagined with limited brain power was only at that level, so they stayed like this. record of.

"There is such a possibility." Fujino said, "but have you ever thought about other possibilities? For example...maybe the three magical demons we have seen are far from their final posture? "

"You mean the discovery of that archeological team." You Yu said.

"You have read the information, you know what I mean." Fujino said.

On that mission, those evil objects that no one would ever mention are exactly the things that are closely connected with the phantoms——

——A slate sealed with magical power.

At that time, the archaeological team did not realize what they had unearthed for the first time. With the help of modern technology, they broke through the secret rooms sealed by the ancients, and perhaps hoped that they would never see the sky again, and found the exquisite stone slab buried deep underground.

The magical alchemy material makes the slates never corroded by the years, and even the chains that bind them shine like gold.

The stone slabs were carved with abstract and distorted demons. Although the ancient people's painting skills were relatively clumsy and the lines were crude and abstract, these child-like graffiti-like lines quickly awakened the deepest fear in everyone in the archaeological team.

The joy of a major discovery was quickly dissipated by unfounded fear. In fact, no one of them has heard of the story of the "three magical demons", and they don't know what the clumsy and crude lines on the stone slabs and the abstract and complicated ancient texts represent, but they still feel scared, as if they were their ancestors. The instinct left behind to be burned in the DNA.

This is why the matter was quickly handed over to Department D.

"Those slabs are not actually the slabs that seal the'Three Magical Demons' themselves, but some of their powers." Fujino said, "The incantations carved on the slabs described in detail the powers in the'sacred battle ritual'-also It’s how to use in the duel that we are familiar with today."

"Auxiliary magic and trap cards used by phantoms." You Yudao.

This is why the three magical monsters in the animation claim to have considerable power with the magical gods, but you can't see such expressive power at all.

Because just like the blue-eyed white dragon, the true red-eyed black dragon, and the black magician are all mortal bones, but among the dueling monsters, they are all the strongest monsters at the top of the pyramid. Their strength is not only in their own body, but also in and They have a mess of support cards and even new vests in various forms.

The same is true for the Three Magical Demons.

Unlike all the effects of the phantom gods are all contained in the cards of their own deity - even sometimes they can use some effects that are not written in the card face effect text at all - the strength of the three phantoms is not all in the deity .

In fact, the three Phantoms have their own support cards, as well as a fully operational system, a complete and quite powerful deck.

In GX's fantasy chapter, Kagemaru only exerts a very small part of the power of the three fantasy monsters-except for the three fantasy monsters and one site magic, he has almost no support card related to the fantasy magic.

Ubel, who is the villain in the chapter of different dimensions, has also succeeded in the three magical demons. As a villain, Ubel is obviously much stronger than Kagemaru. She has unearthed more hidden potentials of the phantoms, printed a lot of special support cards for phantoms on the spot, and even summoned the combination of the three phantoms into its ultimate form.

But that is still not the true complete state of the three magical demons.

"The discovery of the archaeological excavation is the secret to the true power of the three magical demons, and at the same time the correct way to control the magical demons."

Fujino's expression is very serious, it seems that even for him this is the secret of not wanting to be recalled.

"The archaeological team contacted us, and I immediately arranged a team stationed nearby to pick it up and ask them to transport all the slabs back to the headquarters.

But all of us underestimated the horror of that force.

On the first day of departure, the entire transportation team has been mentally troubled. They heard babbles, and some people said they heard a low growl from an unknown creature.

When they are on the boat, they always feel that there is always a strange noise outside the windows of the room, but all they can see when they open the windows is the sea beyond the horizon.

Some people are on the verge of collapse in half a day. They imagined that the transport ship was hit by a tsunami and a storm, and some people said that they saw ferocious demons protruding from the clouds.

The fragile nerves of the scholars of the archaeological team finally couldn't bear the stimulation, so they jumped off the deck on the first night and disappeared into the waves forever. "

You Yu frowned: "It sounds like the time when the stone slabs of the Three Magic Gods were unearthed."

In the early stage of the DM animation, the three magical gods seemed to have similar things when they first appeared on the scene. All the designers who have handled the Illusory Slabs went crazy, and in the end, Bekas took the shot himself to complete the three cards.

However, the three phantom gods are just three awkward and arrogant. Although their overpowering power is beyond the control of ordinary people and has caused many people to go crazy, after all, they are still upright gods, and they do not contain offensive evil thoughts.

The three phantoms are different. These three are originally the incarnation of evil, the product of distortion, and they may have evil thoughts about anyone and everything.

You Yu quickly thought of something: "So you contacted Xiang Hongye? Do you hope that the second-generation Duel King can suppress that force?"

"That's right~www.NovelMTL.com~A powerful duelist can suppress the elves. This is the conclusion we have reached after research." Fujino said, "The facts have also proved that we are right.

After Mr. Hongye arrived, the transportation soon became smooth. No one saw the hallucinations, and the chattering disappeared. It is as if the existence of the duel king itself is accompanied by a strong aura, suppressing the evil of the illusion. "

"It sounds like it's going well." You Yu leaned into the office chair, "How did the ringing red leaves disappear?"

Officer Fujino looked a little ugly.

"Because the transport team was attacked. The news that the slab of magical power was sealed has leaked. Other existences besides us are eyeing this power, a very old and terrifying powerful existence."

Hearing this, You Yu had completely guessed what happened next.

It's Tragodia.

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