I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 846: Who is the chess piece?

"So you are not dead."

You Yu stood at the door, just a few steps away from Chairman Kagemaru, looking at the grotesquely young face.

"Obviously." Kagemaru smiled. "That monster from ancient times... is it called Tragodia? It thinks it controls everything, and it thinks it can control the business I founded. Use my resources to realize its ambitions.

But do you know what the truth is? He is just an idiot. He has the power to shock the world and the ability to shake the world, but he does not have the ability to use them effectively. "

After a pause, he added mockingly: "Like a child wielding a submachine gun."

"Tragodia thinks he used you, but in fact the truth is the other way around, right?" You Yu said, "You lost to him in a duel, became his pawn, and was treated as a puppet by him... .But that is not you at all.

What you sacrificed to Tragodia was originally your puppet-a body that was abandoned by you because of aging and illness.

Tragodia thinks that he is controlling'Chairman Kagemaru', but in fact it is just an empty shell left by your transformation. "

You Yu narrowed his eyes.

"'Human Body Refining', a taboo chapter in alchemy, artificially creates a body capable of carrying the weight of the soul and realizes the migration of the soul."

Kagemaru chuckled dryly.

"It looks like you have talked to Dade Temple."

He didn't deny it, it looked like the villain who had succeeded in his trickery and felt that he was already stable and no longer needed to hide.

Now he has passed the stage where he needs to hide behind the scenes and work hard. He can't wait to find someone to tell his evil plan and share his "genius" concept with others, just like showing off his own prank.

"Yes, even I have to admit that Dade Temple played a vital role in my plan. I invested a huge amount of money in his alchemy project that ordinary people might not even dare to dream of. But it’s worth it."

He spread out his hands, showing his young, strong and energetic body with complacency.

"Look at it, the miracle of alchemy, the creation of the combination of magic and technology by people full of wisdom, a young and perfect body.

The technology of Dade Temple makes things a lot easier. Alchemy allowed me to extend my life and buy the necessary time-otherwise I might have died before the plan reached this point.

At the same time it also provided me with cover. Tragodia is an idiot, but his short-term purpose is the same as mine-to **** the ‘Three Phantom Demon’ from you and Seahorse. So I let him do the compelling work, and I can avoid the backstage and avoid unnecessary attention...

......Just like you, Mr. You Yu, the attention of troublesome characters. "

"So you're doing everything you want, let Tragodia take your past body as a puppet." You Yu said, "Tragodia thought you and your World Image Agency were his chess pieces and his hands Sword, but in fact he is your shield."

"Yes." Kagemaru said, "Thanks to him as a cover, I can take some necessary actions without attracting any attention. And everyone, including you, duel Wang Youyu, you even thought I was dead.

I know you feel that the ‘Seven Stars’ were dispatched by Tragodia, and you and the person in Department D, you all feel that the slate of the ‘Phantom’ has fallen into Tragodia’s hands.

But Tragodia was just a poor worm kept in the dark. In fact, I did it all. Speaking of which I have to thank that idiot Tragodia, if he had not attracted attention, I might not have made this step yet. "

"Seven Stars...you sent them to attack the students of the dueling academy, what is the reason?" You Yu asked.

He really couldn't see the significance of this.

After all, even though Qixing might belong to the middle and upper reaches of the Dark Duel overall, in the eyes of You Yu, it was only the five scum of fighting. They just lined up like Huluwa to save grandfather, and they didn't see any meaning.

"Of course I didn't expect the'Seven Stars' to come in handy. Their level would not be the climate in front of you, Mr. You Yu, I understand." Kagemaru smiled, "But have you ever thought that maybe the duel itself is the goal? "

You Yu remembered.

It seems to be the same in the original. The so-called "seven keys to seal the magical demon" is actually a guise at all. If the seven stars are sent to grab the keys through a dark duel, the process itself is actually the goal.

Even Chairman Yu Kagemaru made his calculations when the academy was completed.

The three phantoms are demons that feed on the energy of dueling monsters and elves. The energy produced by the duel in a duel can be food for phantoms to a certain extent.

When Qixing was sent to attack the students, Kagemaru didn't actually expect them to win. In fact, it doesn't matter to him who wins or loses, he just wants to provide enough energy for the three phantoms sealed on the island through a dark duel.

So at the end of the three magical animation chapter, although the ten generations and others successfully defeated all the members of the seven stars, the final seal was lifted, and the three magical monsters still reappeared in the world.

The only difference here is that Kagemaru missed a small detail...a fatal detail.

"The Three Phantoms were not sealed on the island at all." You Yu shrugged, "Maybe your purpose of sending Seven Stars to attack is to replenish the Three Phantoms with energy so that they can break the seal on their own? But you have to be disappointed."

Kagemaru smiled: "Yes, I already know. Your alertness really surprised me, Mr. You Yu. I didn't expect the seal on the island to be a guise beforehand. The three magic demons were not sealed there at all, but were You keep it personally.

I must admit that in this regard, I was sent to another army. The'Seven Stars' plan was a complete failure. "

Despite saying so, Kagemaru kept a calm smile from beginning to end. Combined with the oppressive feeling he felt when he stepped into this building, this gave You Yu an ominous premonition.

"The three phantoms you are holding now ~www.NovelMTL.com~ were obtained after the entity of the phantoms appeared to be messed up and then sealed as cards, right?" Kagemaru asked suddenly.

You Yu did not deny it.

"But have you ever thought...so far, the world hasn't discovered the slate of the magic demon?"

You Yu's eyes became cold.

"Could it be that you..."

"That's right." Kagemaru laughed, "Fate made me discover them, in the forgotten corner of the world, the slate of the'phantom' that was sealed in the ancient times!

The phantom recognized me, accepted me, allowed me to have that power... and finally gave me these! "

He showed three cards that were obviously already prepared.

Cards in red, yellow, and blue colors have no stars or attributes on the card surface, and there are hideous and arrogant monsters painted on the card.

It is the three magic demon!

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