Ed Phoenix, winning!

The life value of Craiguta that was hanging on the electronic display dropped rapidly, and finally stopped firmly in the "0" gear.

The applause was thunderous.

The shouts and applause were like an instant wave that almost collapsed the entire stadium. Even the excitement and congratulations lines were drowned in people's enthusiasm, and even the ground on the stage seemed to resonate.

Young Ed Phoenix stood in the center of the stage, his expression as calm and indifferent as ever. He politely waved to the enthusiastic crowd, as if he hadn't been dazzled by the great glory at all, he didn't even seem to be surprised at this victory.

As far as he is concerned, this trophy has already been booked and belongs to him, and it was originally placed here. All he did was step forward and take his own things step by step, it was that simple.

The world champion, that is the dazzling title that countless people look up to, representing the top of the top!

All of Ed's contact information was exploded that night. The phone calls one after another, and countless short messages of blessings almost flooded him.

A large group of contacts who might even just nod their heads, and he didn't even have any impression, sent him a blessing, and almost said whether or not to come out to eat and play cards, of course, he ignored them without exception.

It seems that everyone around me is more enthusiastic about winning than Ed himself. On the contrary, the parties involved were neither surprised nor happy about this.

Because he thinks that the world champion... is actually okay.

It wasn't that he was so arrogant, and he didn't think so at the beginning. The reason for this idea is still influenced by You Yu.

That was when he informed You Yu that he planned to officially enter the professional circle.

"Oh, playing professionally." You Yu replied casually, "Then try to come back for the entire championship next year."

Ed was stunned for a long time at the time: "Champion...refers to the division champion?"

"Huh? What's the use? Of course it's a world championship."

You Yu's tone is of course, acting like "It's not just a hand."

His idea is very simple. You can't even win a championship, so why are you going to play?

In fact, Yu-Gi-Oh’s professional league is not much the same as other similar works. Although it is a worldwide league, the gold content is not necessarily that high.

Not to mention anything else, first of all duels like Yuyu, Haima, and Jouchou are not players in the league, and any of them can actually penetrate the professional circle.

At the same time, there are also the Three Swordsmen of Doma in DM—Rafiru, Baron, and Ameruda, or the tomb-keepers of the Ishdar clan.

Not to mention DM, even all the real top-ranked powerhouses who have appeared in GX animation, basically no one is from the professional circle. On the other hand, those who are known as the top gods in the professional league, in the animation, most of them are rookies.

This is because the industry and almost any field of the Yu-Gi-Oh! worldview has something to do with card games, and there are so many experts in card games. In fact, most of the experts are not interested in the option of "professional playing" and have their own reasons not to participate.

For example, for a duelist like You Yu, the professional league is tiring and flying around the world all day long. He is too busy to even have a chance to drink. The income level seems to be the same for him. It's totally uninteresting.

Among other things, just because the spicy chicken named "DD" possessed by the Light of Shattering in GX has been able to win so many championships, it can be seen that this league level is just like that.

It is worth mentioning that the last DD with the title of world champion was also defeated by Ed. So You Yu feels that there is reason to believe that Ed in the original work actually has the potential to win the league championship, but it just takes time.

That's why You Yu feels that the love that has been trained by his side more or less these years, there is no reason why he can't win this championship.

Sure enough, Ed, who had just entered the league, did not disappoint him, and he won the championship smoothly.

Of course, this is not to say that there are only wine bags and rice bags in professional leagues. In fact, as far as the overall level of the dueling industry is concerned, professional players can indeed represent the level of first-class masters, and it is quite difficult to win the championship in such a league.

It's just that Ed, who has already adjusted his mentality, has already revealed this page and is ready to continue marching towards new goals.

After dealing with the interview after the game and getting rid of the journalists who were chasing after him, Ed went straight back home.

His dad has already been waiting here... and he also prepared flowers for celebration and a grand dinner.

Ed helplessly: "I said, I don't need anything to celebrate..."

"That won't work."

Mr. Phoenix insisted on pushing him into the chair in front of the dining table, and touched his head affectionately.

"But not every father has the opportunity to see his child win such an honor."

When Ed was young, his father liked to touch his head. Now that he has grown up, his father still hasn't changed this habit.

"Perhaps I should be thankful to You Yu." Ed said, watching his father sit across the table, "The tactical ideas I used in the game are largely due to You Yu's teaching."

"Did you tell him?"

"Of course, the first thing I did when I left the meeting was to send him a message."

"It should be so." Mr. Phoenix smiled, "We are lucky to meet him. If you didn't meet him, you might not have a dad.

Ha, who knows? Maybe you will become the adopted son of someone else... meet some weird people. "

Ed paused and frowned: "Dad, this is not funny at all."

"Okay, sorry, I just mentioned a possibility." Mr. Phoenix didn't bother with this topic anymore. "Speaking of your brother You Yu, he sent me a message earlier today, saying he was going to come here to celebrate in person. You won the championship."

Ed's eyes lit up: "Really? But I just..."

"So it looks like he guessed the result before the final." Mr. Phoenix smiled and helped his glasses. "He believes in you."

Ed showed a happy smile-much happier than when he defeated his opponent in the final and won the world championship.

"Yeah, he has always been like this."


The chandelier on the ceiling of the living room went out, and the sound of electronic equipment extinguished echoed in the darkness that quickly occupied the audience.

Mr. Phoenix turned his head suspiciously: "Is the power out?"

What followed was a strong shock. Almost everything on the cupboard was dumped on the ground, and the mug was smashed to pieces on the floor. Mr. Phoenix was also thrown off his chair unsuspectingly, and his eyes went black for a while.


Ed hurriedly stepped forward and lifted him up~www.NovelMTL.com~ The latter waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and at the same time straightened his glasses.

"What's the situation? An earthquake?"

Then came another wave, a strong sense of shock.

Although it sounds weird, Ed feels that the touch feels like...like heavy footsteps.

He stood up, approached the window, opened the curtains, and froze in place.

He saw a certain monster, huge and heavy, like a moving fortress, walking slowly between the streets of the city, with crowds and vehicles fleeing in panic at his feet.

It stands on the ground, and its solid blue body like a rock is clearly reflected in the glass curtain wall of the skyscraper.

A monster.

It is not the collective term for the creatures boarded in the card by the duelers, but the kind of monster that seems to be a walking catastrophe from an ancient special film set.

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