I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 873: The invincible turtle?

This DD is arrogant, but his turtle is really so tricky.

Not only can it eat the monsters on the opposite side, but it also has ineffective abilities that are not restricted once and for all. It is no wonder that even nowadays, even if you see turtles, they want to go crazy (although it is usually only because it can eat monsters).

But it's not impossible to attack.

"My turn, draw a card!" You Yu directly showed a card without hesitation, "I summon the'Shelled Catapult Turtle'!"

The catapult tortoise appeared prone on You Yu's field, with a long electromagnetic catapult trajectory on the back of the tortoise shell.

[The shelled catapult turtle, 1000 attack power]

"The effect of the catapult tortoise is activated." You Yu said, "Take a monster on the field as a sacrifice, and special summon the "Dark Knight Gaia" monster or the level five dragon monster from your hand and deck!

I took the "Shelled Catapult Turtle" itself as a sacrifice, and I special summoned it from the deck! Level five, the cursed dragon-the cursed dragon! "

The catapult turtle turned into a blue star and dissipated, and a scorching flame flew out from the deck and fell to the ground. The golden dragon stretched its wings and slapped the flames, and the fire of hellfire flew around.

[Cursed Dragon-Cursed Dragon, Attack Power 2000]

"The effect of'Cursed Dragon-Cursed Dragon' is activated." You Yudao, "When summoned, add the magic trap card with the name of'Dragon Knight Gaia' from the deck to your hand."

After a pause, he added: "Of course, you can use the effect of'Turtle Beast Gamesielle' to negate the effect of the Cursed Dragon."

DD pushed the frame: "I chose not to invalidate this effect."

You Yu raised his eyebrows.

Actually ignored the deck search action? Or do you think that no matter what kind of magic trap you retrieve, you can still use the effect of a turtle to kill it, so it doesn't matter?

"Then I add the magic card'Spiral Fusion' to my hand." You Yu directly showed the card, "Magic card'Spiral Fusion'! Put the'cursed dragon-cursed dragon' on the field into your hand. Fusion of the'Awakened Dark Knight Gaia'!

The fusion condition is that the ‘dark knight Gaia’ monster plus the dragon monster! Fusion Summon—

-Sky Dragon Knight Knight·Gai~ya! ! "

The knight and the dragon disappeared in the fusion vortex, the beam of light hung from the horizon, and the majestic dark cavalry sat on the back of the red dragon, as if bathed in sacred golden light!

Dragon Knight Gaia, Summon!

To You Yu's surprise, the launch of "Spiral Fusion" still encountered no resistance.

Isn't this guy afraid that his turtle will be hit by the invincible Guya directly?

The effect of the turtle monster is really terrifying, but its power is that it can interfere with all the counterattack methods of the opponent, so that the opponent cannot summon a monster with sufficient strength to counterattack.

But the turtle monster's own attack power is only 2200. Once You Yu summons the attack power even at the level of the true red-eyed black dragon called "Salted Fish Eye", it can be taken away with a single shot of black flame.

But since they didn't speak, You Yu continued: "The effect of the'Spiral Fusion', the attack power of the'Dragon Knight Gaia' summoned by the fusion increased by 2600."

[Sky Dragon Knight Gaia, Attack Power 2600 → Attack Power 5200]

Before the other party had a chance to speak, You Yu waved his hand again: "Following is the effect of the'cursed dragon-cursed dragon' sent to the cemetery as a fusion material!

When the cursed dragon is sent to the cemetery, you can choose a "Dragon Knight Gaia" on your field as the target. Only for this turn, all monsters in the opponent field whose attack power is lower than the target monster... all effects invalid! "

The red dragon under the dragon knight's crotch roared, and the lava-like red melt flowed from its mouth like the sky!

"Dragon Knight Gaia's attack power is lower than that, in other words, all monsters with attack power of 5200 or lower are ineffective." The corner of DD's mouth raised, "It really has enough terrifying power."

You Yu looked at the huge Gamersiele calmly.

So the effect of using bad beasts should always be ineffective, right?

If you don't activate it anymore, Gamersiele will be negated by the effect.

But never expected that the other party... really didn't activate it.

"Open the cover card!" DD's mouth twitched, "Trap card-torrential burial!"


"Trap card "Ripple Burial", when monsters are summoned, special summoned, or reversed summons," DD shouted, "all monsters on both sides are destroyed!"

With the azure torrent, everything on the field was swept and flooded. The dragon knight who had not even had time to gain a foothold was instantly submerged, including DD's own turtle monster, Gamesiyele, also shattered in the surging torrent.

"Is it really good? In this way, your trump card "bad beast" is also eliminated, right?" You Yu looked at the bad beast that was wiped out in the tsunami torrent, and said lightly, "Keeping the bad beast on the court is ineffective to interfere with me. Isn’t it more valuable for your actions?"

"Oh, I'm worried about the King of Duel." DD smiled, "At the moment when the monster is destroyed, open the cover card, and perpetually trap the "Call of the Living Dead"! The monster attack in the cemetery means the resurrection.

Come back to the court again, Turtle Beast Gamesiyele! ! "

"So that's it." You Yu knew it.

In this way, not only did the "Ripple Burial" unilaterally destroy the monsters You Yu summoned, and greatly consumed the resources that You Yu had in his hands, but also this wave of Ripple Burial exploded all the monsters on the field in one breath, every card. All down is a bad beast counter.

The bad beast counters placed on the field magic "Kyota-Seaside Area" have been charged to five-that is already the maximum number of counters that can be placed on this field.

The resurrected turtle monster, Gamesiyel, in this state will be in the strongest state!

"Flip the cover card." You Yu snapped his fingers, "Trap Card ‘Soul Compendium’! When a monster is destroyed, pay 1000 HP and Special Summon a Level 4 monster from the deck.

I special summon "Elemental Hero·Shadow Mist Girl" from the deck! "

【You Yu, LP1800→LP800】

The ground in DD’s field broke up, the sea surged, and giant sea turtles on top of the sky soared across the cities; while you Yu’s deck flew out black mist, and the fog condensed into entities between the fields, transforming into A slender and slender masked heroic lady.

[Sea Turtle Bad Beast·Gamesiele, Attack Power 2200]

[Elemental Hero: Shadowmist Girl, 1000 Attack]

"The effect of the Shadowmist Girl!" You Yu continued, "When Special Summoning, add the'change' quick attack magic from the deck to your hand. I put the quick attack magic'mask change'..."

"That can't work!" DD shouted, "The effect of Turtle Beast · Gamesiyele! Remove the two bad beast counters, invalidate the effect of'Elemental Hero · Shadowmist Girl', and remove it from the game! "

Before the retrieval effect took effect, the Shadow Mist Girl was hit by the jet of water spit out by the bad beast, and the space it was in was distorted and disappeared.

Jingta-the bad beast counter in the coastal area, there are three remaining.

"The magic card'hero is coming'!" You Yudao, "When there is no face-up hero monster on your field, pay half of your health and special summon the'elemental hero' below level 4 from the deck!"

【You Yu, LP800→LP400】

"How many times have I been here?" DD shouted arrogantly, "The effect of the Turtle Bad Beast·Gamesiele, removing the two bad beast counters, this activation is invalid!"

The bad beast counter in the Jingta Seaside area is the last one remaining.

"The magic card'Life-cutting Boza', until the hand becomes five cards, draw cards from the deck."

"So, do you consume my counters to cover the draw magic?" DD narrowed his eyes.

"Magic card'Susheng of the Dead'!" You Yu waved his hand, "Resurrect the'Super Magic Knight·Black Magic Cavalry' in the cemetery!"

"Oh, that's the case. Was the victory bet on the'Dead Susheng'? Indeed, if the powerful'Black Magic Cavalry' is resurrected here, the defense line of the turtles and the beasts will be penetrated. But... .."

DD pushed the frame again.

"You seem to have neglected the important thing, Lord Duel King. The moment you launched the'Death-cutting Baoza' and sent it to the cemetery, Jingta's counters have changed into two again!"

He waved his hand.

"The Turtle Beast Gamesiyele, invalidate the'Susheng of the Dead'!"

Once again invalid, as if ruthlessly pronounced. The taboo spell that reversed life and death was also revoked under the strong strength of the bad beast, and the huge resurrection mark was torn to pieces.

"Hahahaha! See it? No matter what you do! Any monster, any card, all effects will be revoked in front of the bad beast!

This is the strongest power beyond this world, the power that will send me to the throne..."

"Not always."

DD: "!?"

"That time just didn't work, is it your last time?" You Yu said slowly.

In the Jingta-coast area, the bad beast counters remain, 0.

DD narrowed his eyes.

He does have no bad beast counters and good ones left... But with so many cards consumed, can you still solve my turtle?

To be reasonable, you can still pull out a monster with higher attack power than me from the crotch at this point, then I DD will eat this turtle on the spot!

"Quick Attack Magic'Quick Attack Summon', UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can special summon a monster with his hand. I summon the'Chaos Summoning God'." You Yu said calmly.

[The summoning **** of chaos, attack power 0]

DD: "?"

What is that? A monster that I have never heard of before. The attack power is 0, so it looks ugly. It looks like a miscellaneous fish...

"With the'Chaos Summoning God' as a sacrifice, this guy can be specially summoned from his hand ignoring the summoning conditions!"

You Yu raised a card in his hand, and in an instant a blue electric light split through the sky, passing over the iron tower in the coastal area.

"The ultimate phantom with destructive power—

-Magic King Rabiere, come! ! "

DD's glasses almost fell off.

Na...Nani! ?

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