I’m Playing Cards In Duel City

Chapter 875: Let me be healthy!

Sai Wang Takumo, "Yugioh GX" is the first OSS after Kagemaru.

But to be more precise, he was actually just a victim. He is the host chosen by "Shattered Light", and his life is a tragedy.

Zhai Wang Takumo himself is a fortuneteller, a natural ability to predict the future.

In the original work, he saw his destiny in the future through tarot fortune-telling many years ago. He saw the light that distorted everything coming from outside the sky, waiting for his future only to be destroyed.

Saiwang is actually a very contradictory character. On the one hand, he believes in fate and feels that the established future is difficult to reverse, but he still resists as much as he can.

Under the guidance of the tarot card, he found the young love at that time, hoping that someday in the future, love can help him when he falls. In the original work, he is also Ed's closest friend after losing his father.

He can see fate, but he can rarely change it. He clearly knew that sometimes fate was a bastard, a cold-blooded and very stubborn bastard.

You Yu wiped out the shattered light lodged in the Gorefiend D card, greatly rewriting the future. But the shattered future that King Zhai had foreseen did not waver.

Or rather, it got worse.

The destruction of the Light of Destruction on Earth six years ago seems to have attracted the attention of its forces in the depths of the universe. The wave of destruction was dragged, and followed the coordinates where the companion was defeated, and found it precisely.

After that, the diviner Zhai Wang Takumo was picked by the shattering light that descended on the earth.

The world line has changed and history has shifted, but King Zhai has not been able to escape from the fate he predicted.

Gradually, Saiwang's own consciousness was pushed to the edge, and the one who controlled this body became a brand new personality born from Saiwang's own consciousness under the influence of cosmic fluctuations.

If the personality born from a thousand-year-old artifact of darkness is called a dark personality, then this king who was born from the power of shattering light may be called the "personality of light."

Since his birth, the character of Zhai Wang has never been as shocked as he is now.

He inherited the host's own ability to "foresee the future", and even derived new power on this basis. Under the influence of the Light of Shattering, he can even influence the gears of fate to a certain extent, and let the future develop in a direction that is beneficial to him.

He believes that fate is the only absolute thing in the world, a behemoth that is absolutely impossible to be shaken, and at the same time an ally on his side.

In the animation, it is shown in the duel, that is, all the effects related to the "rolling of the dice" and "tossing a coin" category, the points and the pros and cons will be absolutely beneficial to him.

When he needs to throw a righteousness, he can never be a reversal.

This is the only character in the entire series of animations that can be crushed by the actual combat performance in this regard. If Chengdaozi is still at the level of the European Emperor, then this product can no longer be explained by European spirit, and it is properly opened.

Saiwang firmly believes that destiny is on his side, which is the main reason why he is more confident than his duel strength.

Even God is mine, so I just ask how to lose?

And his absolute self-confidence has just been shaken.

As I said before, Zhaiwang has the ability to develop in his own favorable direction in the future. Sometimes these happen naturally, and sometimes he needs a gentle push.

Through his own eyes, he can see the path of everyone's destiny. He knows who is useful to him, and who must be obliterated.

He knows where and when each person must appear, and which future each decision will lead to.

He felt that he was a chess player, and everyone was his pawn. He set up a winning game on a chessboard called Destiny, and personally promoted this torrent.

For example, if this down-and-out DD gets "Turtle Beast Gamesiyele", this is part of the destiny arrangement. This is just the beginning, the choice of fate, and the prelude to the next series of shattered epics.

The rampage of sea turtles and beasts should have caused even greater disaster. King Zhai saw that half of the city was instantly wiped out in front of the mighty power of the bad beast, leaving a deep scar on the entire world.

Yes, the turtle monster will be subdued in the end, and this triumphant DD will eventually be subdued. This is also in the calculation of King Zhai.

...The problem is that this is too fast, right?

The sea turtle bad beast had just made a bubble, and took a walk down the street, and was cleanly pressed before it had time to do anything.

There is no such chapter in the script! ?

Of course, You Yu, who defeated the turtle beast, caught Zaiwang's attention.

As a magic stick, he naturally relied on his best ability-divination.

Tarot cards are flying all over the sky like alive, overlapping in mid-air. King Zhai leaned back in the chair with his hands folded, staring intently at the afterimages of cards in the sky.

The washed spleen will automatically fall back in front of him. The divination card array will reveal everything, and no one can hide under the brilliance of fate.

And then there was a scene that stunned King Zhai.

His tarot cards flying all over the sky, drawing the trajectory of fate--

——It was exploded.

Accompanied by a pop of "pop", each card got rid of his restraint like a collusion, and scattered all over the place like snowflakes in a disorderly manner.

King Zhai shook all over his body.

Exploded? What does it mean?

Could it be that fate is preventing me from seeing the future of this duel king?

No, that's impossible!

Zhaiwang's face quickly turned cold.

Fate is on his side, he can see anyone's future, anyone's ending...anyone!

He must reconfirm this matter.

Saiwang took out the crystal ball-through this prop, he can see almost any corner and any place on the earth, he can see anyone.

Through the crystal ball, he clearly saw the city after the duel was over, saw DD, and at this moment had lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

He also saw the duel of Wang Youyu, he is... is...

... is pulling the card group...

While pulling up, I also said something: "As the manager of the Haima Group dueling monster department and the chairman of the Global Duelist Association, I have good reason to suspect that your deck is of unknown origin and is very evil, so I will keep it for the time being for further investigation.... .."

King Zhai: "..."

Oh, nothing, anyway, this DD and the "turtle bad beast" in his hand are just abandoned children. They have already played their due role, this duel king wants it, so let him take it.

Sai Wang then noticed Ed Phoenix in the crystal ball, the hot newcomer who just won the world championship tonight. From that point of view, it seemed that he had a good relationship with the duel king.

The Tarot cards scattered all over the ground flew again under the invisible force. They flew in a staggered manner in the air, weaving the trajectory of destiny in this unique way.

The tarot card fell back in front of him.

Saiwang turned over the top card——


A high tower was destroyed by lightning, and two people fell from the tower.

Destiny revealed to him the influence of the future through this card.

Ed Phoenix's health has returned to zero ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and lay weakly on the ground. The heroes he trusted flew out of the duel, slowly covering his body.

This is his end, which cannot be avoided and symbolizes the destiny of "destruction".

Zhaiwang was very satisfied.

His power has not failed, the wheel of destiny continues to run, and he can still clearly see the trajectory.

This made him believe that the failure just now was just an accidental mistake.

Then let us revisit the fate of Kangkang, the duel king...


The Tarot cards flying all over the sky exploded again.

King Zhai almost exploded, and he was so angry that he lifted the table into the air.

It's evil!

Why don't you let me Kangkang! ?

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