"The card I want to cover from the cemetery to the field is the trap card ‘sacred shield-mirror power’!"

The backcourt cleaning of the Shattered Light caused a chain reaction. The famous "mirror power" was covered in the backcourt of the tenth generation, like an invisible wall.

"And the trap covered by this effect can be activated this turn!"

Judai smiled and wiped his nose.

After being educated by the teacher for so long, he still has some trouble in the pit!

"Hey, this kid is okay!" Some viewers immediately expressed admiration for the routine of the ten generations.

"It's no wonder that for such a critical duel, the duel king will take him with him. Even if he is placed in the professional league, this child is at the top level, right?"

The friends from the college who were watching the game also expressed their admiration.

"Pretty!" Asuka said, "With the power of the mirror, the opponent can't attack rashly!"

"Huh, it's not like a level without this level." Wanzhangmu commented.

But unlike others, Shattered Light as a party didn't seem to care too much, and only calmly said: "Enter the battle phase."

"Huh?" Shidai was stunned.

Just as surprised as him were most of the people who were watching the battle.

"This guy, are you going to fight over!?"

"Maybe the aliens don't know the power of the'reflection mirror'?"

"Ha, it's too easy to win..."

Shattered Light actually took the action so calmly: "'Star Wizard-Forerunner', attacking'Elemental Hero·Earth New Universe'!"

The weapon systems of the Forerunner are all activated, the laser turret is launched at full power, and the interstellar missiles and the high-heat beams are fired at all!

"Then open the cover card!"

Although I don't know what the opponent's plan is, but since the ten generations are here, there is certainly no reason to keep their hands.

"Trap Card "Holy Shield-Mirror Power"! When the opponent's monster declares an attack, all the monsters on the opponent's field will be destroyed!"

After a pause, the Tenth generation increased the volume and added: "Although the'Forerunner' cannot be the target of the effect, this is a full-field effect that does not take the target, so it must be destroyed!"

A hemispherical transparent shield emerged, and the spacecraft's laser heavy artillery bombarded the shield one after another, causing a strong rebound. The dazzling blue brilliance reflected back with a more vigorous momentum, like the mighty sea flooding everything on the opponent's court.

The huge battleship "Forerunner" and the spaceship "Magic Shoe Rider" were blown to pieces by the backlash.

"Success!" Judai's eyes lit up.

But before he was happy for a long time, he listened to the Light of Shattered and continued to speak: "The effect of'Star Wizard-Shoe Rider'. If this card is destroyed by battle or effect and sent to the graveyard, take this card from the graveyard. Except from the game, from the deck, special summon a "Star Wizard" monster below level four."

He drew a card ejected from the deck.

"I special summon a level two monster, "Star Wizard-Scarecrow"."

What appeared was a thin and thin robot, as if it could be blown apart by a gust of wind.

[Star Wizard · Scarecrow, 500 attack power]

"Then the effect of'Star Wizard-Forerunner', if it is destroyed by battle or effect and sent to the graveyard, remove this card from the graveyard from the game, and remove the'Star Wizard' monster below level 6 from the deck Special call."

He popped another card from the deck.

"Special summon another "Star Wizard-Dark Elvabar"!"

[Star Wizard-Dark Elva, 2200 attack power]

"Huh?" Tendai was surprised, "Even if it is destroyed, will new monsters be summoned immediately?"

"Don't be nervous." Ubel said, "Even so, the'Mirror Power' is not useless. It seems that his'Star Wizard' can only summon monsters of lower level than himself when it is destroyed.

Thanks to this, neither of the two newly-appearing monsters over there is an opponent of "Earth New Universe". "


But before he had time to relax, he heard the Light of Shattering and said again: "'Star Wizard-Scarecrow', the effect is activated. Remove this card on the field from the game, and remove the cards of level 3 or higher from the hand." Star Wizard's special call.

This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn or during the combat phase. "

"Huh?" Ten Dai was shocked, "Don't you say that you can continue to summon..."

"Exclude the'Scarecrow' from the game." Shattered Light raised the volume and raised another card, "Special summons from the hand--

-Star Wizard-Dark Destroyer! ! ! "

The card was shot on the duel plate, and the energy of disintegration was excited from it and exploded toward the sky.

But nothing appeared.

After a while, someone pointed to somewhere in the sky and exclaimed, "There!"

The space seemed to be slightly distorted, and a giant ship emerged from the invisible force field, gradually showing its arrogant outline to everyone.

It was a white spaceship with a round cabin, shaped like a curved giant knife.

It is obvious from its name that this ship is the "Machete" in the Star Wars series, alias "Sith Infiltrator".

[Star Wizard-Dark Scimitar, 3000 attack power]

"Dark Scimitar will destroy a monster on the field when it is successfully summoned or Special Summoned." Shattered Light said coldly, and reached out, "Destroy the'Elemental Hero·Earth New Universe'!"

Scarlet lasers shot from both sides of the wings, cut through the new Yuxia's sturdy armor, and blasted it to pieces in an instant!

Ten generations raised their hands to block the impact: "New Yuxia..."

"And it's still during the combat phase." Shattered Light said coldly, "So the battle continues.'Dark Scimitar', attack directly."

The huge battleship made a buzzing start-up sound, and the thick red hot laser blasted out in front of you!

But ten generations also have a last resort!

"The "chestnut ball" that discarded the hand card!" Judai quickly showed his hand card, "turning a battle damage to 0!"

"It's useless." The sound of Shattered Light was still calm, "The effect of'Star Wizard-Dark Elvabha', once a round, pay 1000 points of life, the activation of monsters other than this card is negated, and Its destruction."

[Light of Destruction, LP7500→LP6500]

"Ah, awful, the effect of Alvabar..." Judai's expression changed slightly.

This time even the invincible Curibo was powerless. The fluffy little guy flew out and jumped out onto the court, but only saw the lightsaber in the hands of "Dak Ababa" picking up, the purple light flashed, and the chestnut ball was scattered with only one blow.

"The attack continues." The Shattered Light said, "Dak Scimitar, Dark Elva, all attack directly!"

Attack two bursts directly!

The light beam of the spacecraft swept through the ground where Tendai and You Yu were located, and the lightsaber cut through, and the burning pain seemed to melt the internal organs!

[You Yu x Ten Generations~www.NovelMTL.com~ You Yu was only affected by the shock, and soon withstood the impact, and looked sideways at Ten Dais: "Ten Dais, are you okay?"

"Also... okay." Tendai took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, teacher. More than half of his life was cut off..."

Before You Yu's turn, he suffered more than six thousand injuries...

His new Yuxia's offense was resolved one after another, and even the numerous traps arranged by the opponent were easily taken down by the opponent, and even the unprofitable hand-pit "chestnut ball" actually returned to no avail today.

This also made ten generations aware of one thing.

If it weren't for a two-player duel with 8000 health points...If you face this opponent alone, you may have lost now.

This guy... is strong!

Definitely stronger than all the villains he has encountered so far!

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