I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

96. Chapter 95 Special Potion! Exposure Of Special Ingredients!

Chapter 95 Special Potion! Exposure of special ingredients!

Zheng Cheng and others came over to take a look.

Sure enough, in the originally turbid river water, a big fish with its belly turned over appeared.

There are also many river shrimps, crabs, water spiders and other underwater creatures, all floating on the river, lifeless.

"Come up quickly!"

"We might have been poisoned too, so use the antidote!"

"It's useless. Although the antidote can detoxify, we are trapped here."

Several people panicked and took out the antidote and ran to the shore.

Li Jiao said with a sad face: "Secret Realm only has three days, we have been here for almost two days."

"Although the mission props have been found, if we can't get back in time, we will all die sooner or later..."


Li Zhen stopped Li Jiao and said, "Don't worry, I will escort you out even if I risk my life!"

"Not that serious."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said, "Although the water is poisonous, I have a way for us to move in the water without injury."

"any solution?"

The eyes of several people suddenly lit up, especially Li Jiao.

Everyone is trapped here, what can Zheng Cheng do?

He is just a one-star Priest!

Zheng Cheng looked at Song Chaoyu and said, "It's very simple. We wrap everyone in soul beasts and swim out of the river."

"Since Chaoyu's soul beast can block the river water, it can definitely block the toxins in the river."

Only then did Song Chaoyu react.


Now he not only summoned a fish-man BOSS spirit beast, but also eight giant python spirit beasts.

Take everyone out, that's enough.

"Following everyone this day, the level has increased by two levels. Now it is LV12."

"I put all the 16 experience points gained from the upgrade into my spirit. In addition to the fish-man BOSS soul beast, I also controlled eight giant python soul beasts."

"It's enough to cover everyone!"

Li Zhen said in surprise: "Can it really isolate the poison in the water?"

"No problem." Song Chaoyu nodded: "We can try it later."

Cai Shen suddenly said: "Well...Brother Cheng, since we can rely on Song Chaoyu's soul beast to cross the river, we can sneak to a place where there are no orcs, and then find a way to return to the entrance of Secret Realm."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of all eight people present changed.

Li Jiao was a little surprised, Li Zhen was considering this proposal.

Cai Shen and Song Chaoyu were all surprised and obviously agreed with this method.

As for Song Chaoyu, his eyes were still so calm, but he was also thinking.


Bai Jingqi gritted his teeth and said: "Jing Sheng's body is still on the shore. Even if I leave, I will take back Jing Sheng's body!"

"This..." Cai Shen said hesitantly: "Those on the shore are orcs. I heard they eat people..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Jingqi's expression changed and he glared at Cai Shen.

"I was joking, I was joking, I'm sorry..."

Cai Shen quickly raised his wings to apologize.

Zheng Cheng took a step forward, stood in front of Cai Shen and said: "Respect the flag, calm down."

"Huhu...I know."

Bai Jingqi gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, I have to go up and have a look."

Qin Zheng suddenly said: "I want to go too."

"That damn orc gave me an axe, and I want to return this axe!"

Zheng Cheng frowned slightly. Although these aristocratic families were stubborn and had high vision.

But his character is indeed good.

If they really chose Cai Shen's suggestion and left secretly because of the threat from the orcs, he would look down upon them.

Even if they leave Secret Realm, the experience here will be a nightmare that they don't want to mention for the rest of their lives.

but now……

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "I also agree with Jing Qi and Qin Zheng's proposal, but it's not for revenge."

Looking at the confused eyes of several people, Li Zhen said: "The location we are in should be the place where the black-bearded dwarves in the Moria mines use to cool down their weapons."

"There are only a few passages. Even if we leave here quietly, it will be difficult to find a suitable road."

"While supporting the flag-respecting mission, I discovered that the place where the orcs appeared was a huge passage with a large number of minecarts."

"They should have come here through the minecart passage, which should connect all important places in the Moria mines."

"Including the entrance to the Secret Realm!"

"That is to say, if we want to leave the Moria mine, we must pass through the mine car passage."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult..."

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "Brother Li Zhen's analysis is good, so my idea is... kill those orcs!"

Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng's eyes lit up and they subconsciously looked at Zheng Cheng.

They originally thought that Zheng Cheng would support Cai Shen's idea.

did not expect……

Li Jiao is even more beautiful, her big eyes almost watering.

"Brother Cheng, don't get excited..." Cai Shen said anxiously: "There are at least hundreds of orcs, and there are also two bosses and an orc priest..."

Bai Jingqi also hesitated and said: "Zheng Cheng, the half-orcs with orc sacrifices and the half-orcs without sacrifices are completely two different types of combat power."

"Of course we are not afraid of ordinary orcs, but once there is an orc sacrifice, it can completely add agility aura, stone skin aura, violent aura, calm aura, durability aura, etc. to the orcs."

"With the blessing of these halos, the strength of ordinary orcs will increase at least two or three times..."

Qin Zheng also smiled bitterly and said: "When we escaped from the shore, the orc priest also released a slow halo on us, which reduced our speed by half!"

"This is at least an evil aura that can only be mastered by priests at level 30 or above. If she can master several other evil auras, such as a paralysis aura and a power-draining war song... we will definitely die!"

Li Zhen also answered: "My family elders told me that the enemy we face in Liangjie Mountain, one of the Blue Star alien battlefields, is the Orc Empire!"

"Every time we fight, the priests of the Orc Empire make us suffer a lot."

"If we hadn't used the terrain and suppressed it with a large number of missiles and nuclear bombs, both mountains would have been breached long ago!"

Li Zhen's tone was also trembling.

"The elders have warned us not to fight with orc warriors on the plains, especially if there are orc sacrifices!"

"Orc priest..." Zheng Cheng thought for a moment and said, "In other words, as long as we find a way to kill this orc priest, the remaining orcs won't be a concern?"


Li Zhen nodded and said, "But it's not that easy to kill the orc priest."

"Each orc priest is someone whom the orcs protect. They are surrounded by their own followers. Even if they are sleeping, they will sleep around them."

"And once you become an orc priest, you will learn the Spirit Communication war song and can recruit a magical beast as a familiar."

"It is very difficult to kill an orc priest on the battlefield, unless he is alone..."

As he spoke, Li Zhen's tone also changed.

He subconsciously looked at the soul beast next to Song Chaoyu and Zheng Cheng's eyes and said, "Zheng Cheng, are you trying to use the soul beast for a sneak attack?"

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "You can try it. The underground river is dark and lightless. Ordinary people can't find us at all when we are wrapped by the spirit beast."

"As long as you approach quietly, wait for the priest to approach, or use something to attract her... you will kill with one hit!"

Li Jiao suddenly said: "Heart of the Earth!"

"The orcs captured the mines of Moria for the Heart of the Earth! We can definitely use the Heart of the Earth as bait..."

"Well...the Heart of the Earth is now Brother Zheng Cheng's trophy. He has the final say whether to use it or not..."

"Brother Zheng Cheng?"

Li Zhen glanced at his sister strangely. When did she get a big brother?

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "It's just a gem. I agree with this plan."

"what about you?"


"I agree!"

"Brother Cheng, I listen to you~"

"Okay!" Bai Jingqi said immediately: "Let's take action now..."

"What a waste of action~!"

Zheng Cheng interrupted the impulsive people with one sentence: "We have been fighting one after another since entering the Secret Realm. It has been almost thirty hours. Aren't you sleepy?"

"Now, everyone rest!"

"Rest for at least eight hours before executing the plan."

"And we need to improve this plan a little more."


Then several people rested separately. They said they were separated, but the distance was not very far.

Li Zhen also specially took out the wood that had been prepared from the space ring, piled it together and lit it.

It brought some heat to the humid river cave.

Zheng Cheng also asked Song Chaoyu to place the spirit beasts at the bottom of the river to prevent the orcs from sneak attacks.

After making arrangements, he found Li Zhen, Qin Zheng and others.

"Before entering the Secret Realm, Captain Yunxiao once said that he would take the corpses in the Secret Realm out. He said that special elixirs and potions could be refined. Do you know anything about this?"

"You are talking about the elixir that permanently increases the four-dimensional attributes."

Li Zhen said directly: "Of course I know, I just have it on hand."

After saying that, he turned over his hand, took out a transparent test tube from the space ring, and threw it to Zheng Cheng.

"This bottle of potion was refined by the alchemist trained by our family. The quantity is very small, but I can no longer use it."

Zheng Cheng looked down and found that the transparent test tube contained most of the frost-white medicine.

There was a slight sway, and there was an inexplicable flicker of light.

[Special Potion: Essence Potion of Snow Spirit]

[Quality: one star]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase mental power by 2 points, and there is also a chance of permanently increasing mental power by 1 point. It is limited to five doses, and it is restricted to professionals below LV10. ]

[Explanation: The potion made from the blood of the snow spirit is very unstable due to the addition of materials with different properties. Please take it carefully. In addition, taking medicines with the same properties multiple times may lead to drug resistance. ]

"Essence Potion of Snow Spirit?"

Zheng Cheng was stroking this bottle of potion. In terms of efficacy and restrictions, it was much weaker than his one-star special ingredient.

"This bottle of potion is specially provided by our Li family. It has a price but no market. One bottle is at least three thousand gold coins!"

Li Zhen said strangely: "But if you need it, I can give you five bottles!"

"No need."

Zheng Cheng said immediately: "For our next mission, I would like to ask you to take a look at this thing."

As he spoke, Zheng Cheng flipped his hands and took out a prop from the space ring.

The size of a marble, the whole color is off-white.

If you look closely, there seems to be rippling water in it.

"What is this?" Li Zhen took it strangely.

"Do you still remember that I asked you for the corpses of all the black squid fishmen on the shore? This thing was found from them."

"Found on a monster? Is it a special ingredient?"

Li Zhen's eyes lit up and he looked around quickly. He stood up subconsciously almost instantly.

"Damn it! Three-star ingredients!"

"Add 2 points to your agility, add 1 point to your spirit, and have two special attributes: poison resistance and underwater breathing!"

"Such expensive ingredients? Are there any more?"

The child will go to elementary school the day after tomorrow, and we have to move today and tomorrow. We don’t have much time for coding, so I’m asking for a day off for everyone.

There will only be two updates on the 24th and 25th, and three updates will be resumed on the 25th. I hope you guys can continue to support me. Thank you.

(End of chapter)

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