I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 15 Animal Companions

Catherine found that she was wrong, very wrong.

I thought that my mouth would be hard to match due to the influence of my mother over the years, but now it seems that the little boy in front of me has a venomous tongue that is no less powerful than hers.

The junior student who originally had a good impression of him because of his "diligence and genius" turned out to be a little bit pleasing to his eyes.

Maybe it's a twisted sense of "heroes cherish heroes" that's at work. Do venomous tongues attract each other?

Of course, the so-called goodwill is just the kind of goodwill that "supports the younger generation" and is not mixed with feelings between men and women.

Louis just doesn't know what the senior is thinking, otherwise he would definitely think that being the best in Dota in the next life is not just about the game level. Which Dota player do you see who is not a senior hermaphrodite?

"You are too weak now." There was no emotion or anger in the senior sister's voice. She said calmly: "Only when you can cast any spell without a wand will you be qualified to be my target."

Louis wanted to say something, but found that he was unable to refute it. In the end, he could only say: "It's a deal."

"Remember, it's a wandless spell--"



"When you come to the Room of Requirement every day, can you invite me to come with you?" Louis' face was a little red, and he was ashamed.

"Huh?" The senior sister raised her eyebrows: "Why?"

"Nothing, nothing, just walking together..."

"If you don't tell me why, I won't agree to this."

"I...I..." Louis made a lot of determination, and finally gritted his teeth and spoke out his biggest pain point: "I am a road idiot."

"It turns out that he is still a road-crazy little deer." The senior sister's eyes suddenly lit up with a playful light. She nodded and agreed: "Okay, but you also have to promise me something."

"What's up?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

With the guidance of his senior sister, the human-shaped map, Louis no longer needs to wander around like a headless fly with his eyes darkened. This way, he will save at least two hours of time.

Catherine: It was a wrong payment after all. I treat you as my apprentice, but you actually use me as a map!

Before going to bed, Louis checked the skill panel and found that the proficiency of the Iron Armor Curse had suddenly increased to 5850/10000.

This made him more determined to take advantage of his senior sister.

A night of silence.

The next morning, we gathered in the Hogwarts Great Hall on time.

The first class today was quite late, officially starting at 11:15, so Louis planned to take Harry and Ron to practice spells together.

At this time, Ron in front of him was holding chicken legs and firing his bow left and right, as if fighting furiously. Neville's momentum was not inferior to his, holding the rice bowl and cooking frantically, as if he had been hungry all night without eating.

As he was eating the croissant one bite at a time, a familiar voice came to his ears.

"Let me see who this is, oh, it turns out to be that crazy little deer." The senior sister's voice was extremely pleasant, but the content was also harsh to the extreme. It can be said to be the best embodiment of a collection of contradictions: "We are talking to each other. Are your animal friends eating? Let me take a look, the Weasley family’s red-haired squirrel, the Potter family’s four-eyed frog, and the Longbottom family’s snotty piglet. It seems... these are your little ones. A party among animals?”

Ron had long heard of the eldest daughter of the Woley family's reputation from several of his brothers. How could he dare to refute her? The same goes for Longbottom, let alone Harry. If he had this ability, he would have dealt with Dudley long ago.

Draco, who was sitting across from Louis, grinned like a lotus flower, gloating to himself and giggling incessantly.

Immediately afterwards, Catherine's next words broke his defense.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this big surprise - look, the stupid Malfoy ferret."

Ron couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing. Out of fear of Catherine, he hurriedly suppressed his laughter, even his freckles turned red.

Draco was ashamed, anxious and angry, and the look in his eyes almost ate up Ron, but out of fear of Catherine, he could only choose to hold it in, which looked extremely pitiful.

"Senior Viper is finally going to attack us little animals?" Louis pretended to be trembling and leaned towards Harry.

Harry was really scared, so he hugged Louis tightly with his backhand.

Catherine snorted coldly and sat down next to Louis.

The friends were in awe, looking at Louis with a gazing look, and felt a little embarrassed when they looked at him: "Eat...eat, it's almost time to eat, and I have to practice magic spells."

After dinner, Neville returned to the dormitory first, leaving only Harry and Ron. When he heard that they were going to accompany Louis to practice spells, Draco also came forward with an awkward look on his face.

But Louis quickly gave up this idea - the brothers were too bad, even Draco, and couldn't cast any formed spell... In order to quickly gather the wool of a few brothers , he began to teach them the three magic spells tirelessly.

For normal spells like the Alajo Cave and the Floating Curse, the three little ones grinned when they learned it... Louis soon realized that these three were not the same material, and he immediately changed the teaching method - things were just as he thought. Generally speaking, the three of them seemed to have psychic powers, and they could easily understand the three small evil spells, such as grinning, blazing, and tarantella dancing.

As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. If you ask a young wizard of this age to learn some serious spells, he will definitely be reluctant or reluctant; if you ask him to learn the kind of magic spell that can make people miserable, Little Magic Curse, that one is more passionate than anyone else.

Especially Harry, this kid, has begun to look at Draco up and down with malicious eyes. It seems that as long as Louis gives the order, he can give Draco a hard job immediately.

Louis couldn't help but use the Eye of Discrimination on the three friends.

*Harry Potter (with a silver dragon logo to the left of his name)

Level 1 Wizard

Talents: Charms (7), Potions (10), Transfiguration (7), Dark Arts (10), Defense Against the Dark Arts (10), Flying (15), Herbology (5), Divination (6) .

*Ronald Weasley

Level 1 Wizard

Talents: Charms (8), Potions (7), Transfiguration (6), Dark Arts (9), Defense Against the Dark Arts (9), Flying (7), Herbology (3), Divination (3) .

*Draco Malfoy

Level 1 Wizard

Talents: Charms (7), Potions (7), Transfiguration (7), Dark Arts (10), Defense Against the Dark Arts (7), Flying (8), Herbology (6), Divination (7) .

No wonder... Louis smacked his lips and thought, none of these three boys have low talents in black magic - in fact, Ron has quite high talents in all aspects, but this guy is obviously more interested in eating than learning magic.

After a morning of practice, the three friends contributed 100 points of proficiency to Louis' Iron Armor Curse.

After the practice, what surprised Louis was that each of the three of them had raised their little evil curse to level three. I really don't know how they did it.

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