I’m The King

Chapter 1321: : Hanqi Tianxia (11) jealous

Lu Chao quietly watched the latest issue of Dahan Weekly. Sitting across from him was the smuggler Guo Yun. Of course, his identity is no longer a secret with Lu Chao now. For the spy of the National Security Bureau of the Han Dynasty, Lu Chao could tolerate him entering the room. In Gou Yi's view, this was indeed an incredible thing.

In this issue of the newspaper, a special report on the celebration of the Han Dynasty was published. "The cost of the celebration alone was 500,000 taels of silver. You are really very generous." Lu Chao was a bit sour and authentic.

"The general may not have noticed the contents of the previous issues of newspapers." Guo Yun smiled and pointed to the stack of newspapers he had just brought over. "In fact, this celebration did not cost the court a penny. In addition, the cost of selling naming rights and advertising space alone is not only sufficient to cover the cost of this time, but also a huge savings."


"Oh?" Lu Chao flipped through the following newspapers, glanced at it, and smiled: "Gaoyuan is really good at searching. Are these businessmen willing to spend this huge amount of money?"

Guo Yun rolled his eyes and said, "This is not a search. As long as you pay the full amount of taxes and fees as required by the regulations, no one dares to ask these merchants for blackmail. This is a sale, and you are willing."

"This is really strange, spending so much money to put up a card there?" Lu Chao said sarcastically, "If you put up this card, can his business take it to the next level?"

"That's the truth." Guo Yun nodded and said: "In our big man, free trade is encouraged. There are many competing company workshops in an industry. If you don't want to find ways to let people know your company and your workshop. , Who will buy your products? Even our domestic leader in the wine industry, Wu's wine industry, is now facing a lot of challenges, let alone other industries. This is very different from Daqin."

"What's the difference?" Lu Chao felt a little unhappy when he heard the pride in Guo Yun's words. "May I give an example?"

Guo Yun smiled: "General, let me take the military industry you are most familiar with, for example, an open-armed crossbow. Now Daqin can also produce it, although the quality is not as good as ours, but in Daqin, It is the official craftsmanship that produces crossbows. No matter what it is, no matter the cost, it is the industry of the court, right, but in our big men, these military tombs have been privatized, and the bosses have been thinking about it all day long. How to reduce costs under the premise of ensuring quality. Because the reason is very simple, you only need good quality, the military will want it, if all the people involved are of similar quality, then naturally it depends on whose price is lower. In the words of our king, there is competition to make progress. Therefore, in addition to maintaining quality and reducing costs in our military workshops, we must also try to come up with some new products to attract the attention of the military. Otherwise, you will wait. Go out of business!"

Lu Chao gritted his teeth and frowned. The reason is very simple, you can tell it all, but in Qin, there is no way to do it. Even in areas under their own control, it is impossible to open up ordnance to civilians for production. Isn't that the world is in chaos?

"The same amount is promoted. In Dahan, there are many people in every field who are doing this. Then whoever has new technology will naturally get rich, and whoever can reduce costs will naturally be able to occupy the market. If Everyone is the same, so it depends on whose products can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When people want to buy this kind of things, your products will naturally come to mind. Therefore, this advertisement is naturally indispensable." Guo Yun smiled and said: "Like Cangzhou Shipping Company, the inland states and counties were not very familiar with what they did before, but now he has spent a lot of money to buy the naming rights for the celebration, and the name immediately became famous throughout the country. Makes sense."

"This shipping company is very profitable?" Lu Chao asked.

"Naturally, overseas is full of gold. Once our fleet goes, it's not just picking it up!" Guo Yun replied smoothly. As soon as he spoke, he suddenly realized something and immediately closed his mouth tightly.

Lu Chao smiled, and did not continue to talk about this issue. Right now, he simply does not have the strength to think about the problem of the navy.

"I need gunpowder. I need the grenade you produced." Lu Chao threw away the newspaper in his hand and said to Guo Yun.

Guo Yun shook his head: "General Lu, I’m afraid I can’t solve your request. To be honest, smuggle these ordinary weapons to you. Our National Security Bureau has already endured a lot of pressure, especially the pressure from the military. Commander Xu of the People’s Republic of China has sent letters to the king many times, strongly requesting to stop this kind of tiger-raising action. Therefore, for the two types of weapons you are asking for, we simply cannot meet your requirements. Even if our National Security Bureau dares to do, You can't pass the military level either. You must be very clear that without the secret cooperation of the military's top management, we would not be able to transport even a crossbow arrow."

"I need them." Lu Chao insisted, "Although I have used some methods to pry over a few mature technicians from Maowei, but the amount of production is not enough, and if I want to win Xianyang City, I must need it. A large number of these weapons, otherwise my army will flow in blood under the city of Xianyang and make no progress. All I need is the amount needed to conquer a battle in Xianyang. I think you should have a way."

"This, I can only go back and report it to the head first. As for the result, I don't have 3617 hope, General Lu, with such a weapon, I advise you to plan early. It is better to ask for yourself. I don't think the upper side will agree to sell you such a weapon." Guo Yun said.

"The above may not be approved, but I believe you will have a way." Lu Chao winked, and Gou Yi on one side immediately walked over and placed a large-denomination deposit certificate of the Central People’s Bank of China on Guo. In front of the cloud.

"This is a bearer certificate of deposit. As long as anyone holds this certificate of deposit, he can withdraw money from any bank of your big man." Gouyi said: "Mr. Guo. This amount of money is enough for the rest of your life. Live a life that most people can't even think of."

Guo Yun smiled, and gently pushed the deposit slip back, "General Lu, your money is not for these things, you are here to buy my Guo Yun's head. My salary is very good, enough for me and My family leads a well-fed life. I will report your affairs to the top. As for how to do it, it’s not my choice."

"Whether it's done or not, this order is yours." Lu Chao smiled and said: "I am thanking you for transporting so much food and ordnance for me over the past two years."

"You don't need to thank me. In fact, you know very well that I am only following orders. In my heart, I wish that Da Qin would be finished soon." Guo Yun stood up, "General, in our big man, this is a good thing. It doesn't work. Goodbye."

Abandoning this sentence, Guo Yun walked away.

Gou Yi was extremely angry, and clenched the handle of the knife heavily. "This **** is really hateful. I really don't know what is good or bad."

Lu Chao took a deep breath, "Is this an official of the Han country? Gou Yi, don't you always wonder why I like to chat with him?"

"Yes, it's just a character after all." Gou Yi nodded.

"It's a small character, but from his mouth, from these most common things, I can derive the most real situation of the big man and the reasons for some things we can't imagine, such as the Han country. A celebration. From our point of view, this is the reason for Gao Yuan to search the wealth of the people at one time, but from this person, we get a completely different version."

"I'm so overjoyed, extravagant, and a sign of the country's subjugation!" Gou Yi said viciously.

Lu Chao couldn't help but laughed, "Han merchants are really rich. Tens of millions of dollars are taken out, and the eyes are still blinking. There is also a news in this weekly newspaper that Gao Yuan has used. A complete set of weapons sold for more than one million taels of silver was bought by the owner of this Cangzhou shipping company. It’s amazing, is shipping really so profitable?"

"General, what kind of shipping? These maritime merchants go out as robbery!" Gou Yi whispered: "I got some news from Cangzhou. After these shipping companies went to sea, they went to the lands of the Panyi barbarians and burned them. Killing, looting, doing everything you can, and then transporting the looted things back to the country, this is a robber, doing business without capital, naturally very rich."

"It can't be said that there is no business. Those sea ships still have to invest a lot of money in. Robbery is also risky, not to mention that it is so far away from your own country? Some time ago, the newspaper also published that the big man obtained overseas He established a territory called Fusang, and Gaoyuan divided it into four counties. Since it can become a county governor, the territory is not small." Lu Chao raised his head and closed his eyes, "The gap between us and Han is getting bigger and bigger. Up."

"General, you..." Gou Yi looked at Lu Chao.

"Do you think I'm a little scared, a little timid?" Lu Chao said.

"Yes!" Gou Yi nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Can you not be afraid? Han, my enemy is getting stronger and stronger. However, I am afraid that does not mean that I dare not do it. I think about what Gaoyuan had at the beginning. In more than ten years, he will be able to do what he is today. This person is me. Looking at the grown-up, do I know how many talents he has? What he can do, I can do it naturally, not to mention that my starting point now is much higher than he was at the beginning. What I need is just an opportunity. "

"Of course the general can do it."

"By the way, how did the thing I asked you to do?"

"General, the child we found is similar to the appearance of the prince, and the woman, who was indeed dismissed from the womb of the prince. I have already arranged everything, that woman. I also know what to do."

"Very well, I will go out next time, and this woman and child will also go with me."

"Is the general going to meet someone?"

"Of course, if you want to meet a very important person, you also follow me to meet." Lu Chao smiled. (To be continued...)

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