I’m The King

Chapter 1405: :Hanqi Tianxia (Ninety-five) March

Mei Hua stared blankly at the staff officer from the military department in front of him. At this moment, the staff officer was covered with mud all over his body. He was a mud monkey alive. Of course, Mei Hua was no better there. The rainy season makes the march extremely difficult, especially for the heavily armed and heavily armed troops like the Youth Guards. At this moment, countless mules and horses are hindering their progress step by step in the mud.

The staff blushed, because this time the order was really a difficult task for him. The first half was an order that Mei Hua must arrive at the destination on time, but in the second half, it was Dasha Yang to Mei Hua. After swearing, Yang Dasha ordered the staff to pass it verbatim, otherwise he would be allowed to work as a partner.

This is of course unacceptable to the high-achieving students who graduated from the Staff Department of Jicheng Military University, so although he knows that the teacher Mei in front of him has an amazing background, |Pig|Pig|Island|The novel www.[zhu][zhu][] itself is also a great achievement , But he was still blushing, his eyes flickering, and he conveyed Dasha Yang's anger towards Mei Hua verbatim.

"That's it?" Mei Hua's stern expressionless face made the staff officer a little bit afraid.

"Just...that's all!" The staff stammered.

"Okay, you can go back now. Tell the army commander that our division will definitely arrive at the destination on time." Mei Hua said with a single word, watching the staff salute and turn around to leave, he suddenly shouted: "Stop."

The staff officer turned around, thinking that he might slap himself in the face next time. But to his surprise, Mei Hua actually showed a smile on his face: "You go back and tell the army commander that he wants to **** my mother, right? My mother is in Jicheng, and there are two aunts, he If there is a kind of person who is not afraid of being torn apart, I will despise him if he doesn’t go! Hahaha, tell the commander verbatim, otherwise I have the ability to let you become a partner. Haha, don’t think you are in the army staff. I can't do anything with you."

The staff officer stayed there, crying without tears. The two men were indeed mentors and apprentices, and they even threatened others in exactly the same way. Abandoning this sentence, Mei Hua ignored the staff, turned and strode away, walked to a carriage with ammunition, stretched out his hand, and carried a box of ammunition from the carriage. Roared: "All the staff of the division, follow Lao Tzu, carry ammunition supplies, and move forward."

In a blink of an eye, all the personnel of the division stationed here, including guards, staff officers, military doctors, and nurses. Even the chef picked up the things here at an extremely fast speed. The empty-handed people followed their teacher silently and walked to the carriage. One person carried something, stepped on the mud that hadn't passed the ankle, and marched forward.

After hearing the staff's return, Yang Dasha was startled for a while. Then he laughed loudly: "The son of a tortoise, now I have learned to talk back." After thinking about it, he said: "He is really right. I really don't dare to **** his old mother, he will I was torn to pieces. It’s really unreasonable to think about it, but I can’t provoke you, you can always clean up, look back and see how I clean up your grandson.”

I opened the map and stared at Mei Hua’s path forward. The joking mood gradually faded, but the weight came to my mind again. Mei Hua’s 3rd Division had to arrive at Wuguan within the specified time to cut off the Chu army’s retreat. He is an extremely experienced veteran who has many years of combat experience with the Han army. If you let him smell it, it would be troublesome.

This time, he joined forces with the Qin to wipe out the 200,000 troops, but this ally is extremely unreliable. Only by forcing them to fight can there be 3617 hope of success. After taking Wuguan, Qu had no way to retreat. Apart from fighting with the Qin army, there was no other way out. Of course, he would also desperately attack Wuguan, but hum, he was guarded by the Han army. Wuguan, how can you win it if you want it?

In order to get Meihua to Wuguan in time, the whole army assembled almost all the mules and horses and gave them to the 3rd Division, in order to make them speed up. They not only had to win Wuguan, but also guard Wuguan, waiting for the follow-up. The arrival of the troops is an arduous task. After understanding the combat mission, Yang Dasha thought of Mei Hua the first time. Regardless of the fact that this guy came from a rich family, now Mei is even a big man. Family, but Meihua is a good player in combat. Regardless of offense and defense, he is always the best player in the first army. And there is a kind of rebelliousness in this guy's bones. Thinking of the experience of this kid riding alone and killing people for revenge for his comrades in broad daylight, Yang Da's silly mouth couldn't help but smile.

There should be nothing wrong with the task given to this kid, even if it is difficult, this guy will definitely complete the task.

Long Bin, shirtless, carried a barrel of gunpowder wrapped in oilcloth and walked forward, letting the rain pour on him, and his clothes were also wrapped in the gunpowder barrel. It doesn’t matter if he gets wet. This If the tarp of the gunpowder barrel is not tightly wrapped, it will cause big trouble if rainwater seeps in. After walking for a while, he would stop and loudly cheer on the soldiers under his command. As Mei Hua's top military commander, the first regiment was the vanguard of the entire division. The front of the troops, the road under their feet is still complete, but after countless people stepped on the road, the road is no longer a way, the troops behind will be more difficult, Long Bin knows the importance of this battle, because the commander Mei just now Hua had already sent someone, not only to convey the commander's order, but also to convey the commander's curse, but this time the object of the scolding was changed to himself.

On rainy days, the gloomy weather made him somewhat unable to determine the exact time. The commander gave himself the order to arrive at Wuguan when it was dark and immediately launch an attack. Wuguan was the rear of the Qin Chu Army, and nearly 10,000 Chu troops stayed behind. , The equipment is not bad, there is everything there is to weapons and weapons, and Wuguan is also dangerous. The only thing he can hold is suddenness.

"This rain, for us, is a bad thing but also a good thing!" Long Bin murmured. This battle is definitely not easy to fight. The enemies of Wuguan know how powerful it is to lose Wuguan, but is it more powerful than the previous battle? He remembered that when the commander was only a battalion commander, at that time he was still a company commander, and his best partner Jixiang, Jixiang was defeated in that battle. That guy is clever and brave. If he can live to the present, he will at least be a leader.

In that battle, less than one-fifth of the battalion survived. It was the most tragic battle in my memory. Since then, it seems that the Han army has never encountered such a difficult battle again.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at a bullock cart that was being pushed by a dozen soldiers chanting. The bull's spine was thrusting forward and all four hoofs were straight, panting heavily, and the wheels of the cart were getting dirty. Climbing out of the mud with difficulty, the car was loaded with a siege weapon, artillery. Although it is not the kind of heavy artillery mounted on navy ships, each one weighs more than a thousand kilograms, and there are two doors on a carriage. Even if the weather is good, under such road conditions, I’m afraid It will also push the ground out of deep ruts, not to mention under such conditions.

Jixiang looked at his gun, and thought of the earth-shattering movement of the gun when it was just equipped, which really made himself amazed. With this thing, any city is no longer a difficulty for the siege, and the ancient precepts of five times besieging and ten times attacking have become nonsense. If it were the kind of heavy artillery equipped by the navy, it might be able to blast through the city wall with one shot.

The continuous march made the soldiers exhausted to the extreme. Long Bin saw with his own eyes some soldiers dozing off as they walked, and fell to the ground as they walked, lying in the mud, and fell asleep. . For him, it was more tired than the soldiers. The soldiers just hurried, and he had to take care of the whole regiment forward.

The combat troops of more than 3,000 people, together with the engineers and the auxiliary troops that carry the heavyweights, are almost 5,000 people. Any mistake in that link will become a big problem. Fortunately, the staff of the regiment department are all masters on their own, greatly reducing their pressure. What they have done is just focusing on the implementation of the various departments.

There was an allegro sound in his ears. Long Bin looked up and looked at a high ground on the side of the road. Several female soldiers were playing Allegro in the rain, talking and singing.

My bamboo board is heavy in my hand

Playing on the bamboo board, sweet in my heart

Let’s not show anything else today

Let's show our guards


Looking at the female members of the art troupe who performed hard, Long Bin only felt refreshed. To be honest, Long Bin used to disagree with this group. The establishment of the Cultural Works Troupe was founded in the battle against Donghu. It was initiated by the three queens, Ning Xin. I heard that the lyrics and music they sang and composed were all made by the king himself, but such beautiful female soldiers are all big masters. In our army, the chief officers of the army found it very troublesome. As the ministers were not enthusiastic or even resisted, the establishment of the Cultural and Industrial Corps gradually disappeared in other units, but in the Young Guards, it was It is still preserved because the Young Guards have been stationed around Jicheng for a long time, which is equivalent to under the king's eyelids. If this is openly taken, wouldn't it be too shameful for the three princesses. But today, Long Bin thinks this art troupe is simply wonderful. The clothes on these female soldiers are soaked in the rain at the moment, and the graceful bodies of women are revealed under the carefully tailored uniforms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as the soldiers passing by here are all refreshed, their eyes are like breathing fire, but they have aroused some fighting spirit among the exhausted soldiers. No male animal is willing to show his weakness in front of a woman, at least the dragon Bin saw that the soldiers who walked through the place where the art troupe performed, their spirits were a lot more prosperous.

It seems that it is still useful. After I go back, I will talk to the teacher and compile a little more words. This situation may happen in the future.

Thinking about these things, the journey doesn't seem so difficult.

When it was getting dark, the outpost sent by Long Bin came back in his incomparable expectation. They were less than ten miles away from Wuguan. Thankfully, this **** heavy rain made them difficult, but it also made Wuguan's people difficult. The enemy relaxed his vigilance, and even the scout did not send a single one.

You are dead! Long Binle blossomed.

"All troops, rest for half an hour." He issued an order, "No noise, no fireworks."

In fact, he didn't need to talk about the last two, because the order to rest for half an hour was just given, almost all the soldiers were sitting or lying down, ignoring the mud on the ground, and immediately snored like thunder. (To be continued.)

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