The two of them were very happy.

"You came out just for the bounty? Do you want to be one of those trash pirates?"

Garp, who clenched his fists, was surrounded by red and black lightning, and the momentum fluctuations generated by his strength made the cloak of justice behind him flutter.

"Pirates are trash?"

"You're right, pirates are indeed trash floating on the sea."

"As a hero of the navy, carrying the name of justice, I hope you can make a clear distinction between you and us trash and live up to this cloak."

Gero seemed to have something to say, which made Garp a little scared.

But he immediately thought that the kid in front of him couldn't know the agreement between him and Roger.

After all, when Roger proposed to entrust his offspring to him, only the two of them were present.

After thinking it through, he had the confidence to take action again.

"You little brat, since you have chosen to take that path, there is nothing to say!"

"Fist bone impact!!"

Garp jumped up, his fist wrapped in black and red domineering, bursting out with dazzling light, and the huge lightning halo was full of oppression.

The accompanying navy saw such a big commotion and immediately burst into cheers.

"Our navy hero has taken action!"

"Vice Admiral Garp used this fist to chase the Pirate King Roger around the world!!"

"Even Vice Admiral Garp's famous battle, he used this fist to defeat the big pirate!!"

As followers of Vice Admiral Garp, they knew all of Garp's "glorious achievements".

Seeing Garp's posture, Jello knew that if he didn't take this move, he might not be able to leave here.

With the recovery and defense of the black dragon + ghost king physique, it is of course no problem to take this move without fainting, but it will be seriously injured.

And Zero can cover his right arm with the "Desperate Magic Armor" with extremely strong defense, so there is no need to take risks.

Then, Zero put the back of his left hand holding "Kinpira" and clenched his right hand covered with magic armor, and took a punching posture without dodging or avoiding.

"Is that guy crazy? Does he want to fight Vice Admiral Garp?"

"Vice Admiral Garp even knocked the tip of the pirate Green Pepper, who had a bounty of 500 million berries, off the edge a few years ago!"

The navy was extremely surprised by Zero's behavior, and they expected Vice Admiral Garp to be able to solve the enemy with one punch.

Who knew what happened in the next second, which made them stunned.

The unknown guy raised his right fist wrapped in black energy and collided with Vice Admiral Garp's iron fist wrapped in black and red lightning, and it seemed that there was no sign of decline.

"It just so happens that Garp is a fist-wielder. Fist-to-fist can concentrate the opponent's power on the hardest magic armor on my arm!"

Seeing the opponent's iron fist attack gradually being resolved by the Despair Magic Armor, Jello breathed a sigh of relief. Although his right arm was a little numb from the shock, it was not a big deal.

"How is it possible?"

"The kid in front of me has such a hard fist, but I can't feel any power. The opponent's Armament Haki is not strong."

"It's really hell, my punch seems to hit the shield of the barrier devil fruit ability user!"

"But... the opponent's fist is obviously floating with black energy, and I touched flesh!"

After this punch, Garp doubted his life and suspected that he had become weaker.

"Although you are very strong, you didn't hurt me."

"Draw up a good bounty for me, remember to write it in a domineering way, this is really exciting!"

As Garp's mentality changed, the power of "Fist Bone Impact" gradually weakened. After taking a breath, Zero smiled at the navy and turned into a dragon and ran away quickly.

At the same time, after fighting with Garp, Zero could use "Ultra-mimetic Enzyme" to perfectly disguise himself as the other party. Garp's punch just penetrated the magic armor, but the damage to Zero's body was greatly reduced.

"That guy ran away, shoot him down!"

The navy reacted from the shock, took out the guns on their waists and shot at Zero's distant direction.


Zero, who turned into a black dragon, certainly didn't tolerate them. Several fireball-shaped dragon heat breaths fell from the sky and blasted at those navy who didn't know whether to live or die.

"Vice-Admiral Garp!!"

"After that guy took the knife away, I couldn't handle the fireball above my head. Stop being dazed!"

After being knocked to the ground by Zero, Gion got up and shouted in the direction of Garp.

"Huh? Don't worry, I'm here!!"

Garp came to his senses and shouted,

The navy calmed down as if they had taken reassurance.

Fist-bone meteor swarm! !

Garp kept picking up cannonballs from the ground and defusing the huge fireballs scattered in the sky one by one.

The navy burst into cheers.

"It seems that I have not become weaker. It is indeed that boy's defense that is too weird!"

After discovering that the opponent's attack was even more ineffective, Lieutenant General Garp stood on the bow of the ship and sighed with regret.

Gion, who had his beloved sword taken away and suffered a lot of grievances, came to Lieutenant General Garp with a worried look on his face.

"Is that guy... very strong? Even you couldn't defeat him."

The expression on Gion's face was very ugly. If the other party was really strong, the kick he received today would be in vain, and he would have no way to avenge him.

"That brat's overall strength is probably similar to that of the Green Pepper from the Flower Country that he dealt with before, and he's a threat to a pirate with a bounty of 500 million beli."

"I couldn't take him down just because the black energy was too evil. At least the entire right arm's defense is amazing!"

"It looks like the ability of a special phantom beast devil fruit. You can actually deal with him with the Sea Tower Stone, but I didn't think of this when we were fighting."

Garp said with a headache.

"Does that mean you can deal with him by locking the Sea Tower Stone Chain on him?"

Gion got the key information from Garp's mouth, and a very bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Hahahaha, that's right. The reckless kid actually wanted the bounty before he left!"

"That brat destroyed so many of our warships and openly attacked the warship that was escorting the target of the Demon-Slaying Order. After comprehensive consideration, we will report it to Marshal Kong at that time and set a bounty of 100 million beli."

After knowing that his strength had not declined, Garp laughed loudly, and the gloom in his heart was swept away.

"It's the first time a bounty has been placed on his head. It's quite reasonable to set a bounty of 100 million. However, even if his appearance was recorded by the ship's video phone bug, we still don't know the guy's name."

Gion realized this problem and reminded Garp.

Hearing this, Garp slapped his forehead sharply. "Indeed! We actually don't know the name of that nasty kid."

"Why don't we call him Dark Dragon? Let's give him a codename first."

Gion said tentatively.

"Dark Dragon?"

"A pirate actually has such a title, forget it, just think of it as an advantage for a brat like him!"

Although Garp was dissatisfied with this, he could not think of a more suitable name to refute for a while.

"That's it."

"Lieutenant General Garp, after we escort Barrett to Impel Down City, are you ready to return to the East China Sea?"

Gion asked him.

"No...I want to go to the South China Sea first, and then return to the East China Sea!"

After hesitating for a moment, Garp chose to reveal the truth.

"Huh? Lieutenant General Garp is really conscientious of his duties!"

"I just finished working on Barrett, and now I have to investigate whether Roger, the Pirate King, has any descendants."

"He is indeed our naval hero!"

Gion, who didn't understand the truth, praised him from the bottom of his heart.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing Gion's compliment, Garp's smiling face was uglier than his crying face.

"By the way, the search for so long has yielded no results. It seems that the Pirate King Roger has indeed failed to leave any descendants."

"To compare with others, I, Gion, will never be able to devote myself to being a pirate in this life!"

Gion's expression was unusually firm when he said this last sentence.


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