Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 812: Mysterious Blacksmith

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"Where have you been all these years?". Murong Xue asked.

Lin Feng Road, "Abandoned Land, Qingyun Sect".

"An ancient sect door."

Murongxue was surprised, and then said, "Even though the ancient Zongmen, can't let your strength increase so quickly?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I am indulging in magic, and cultivation is increasing fast, what's the fuss."


Murong Xue snorted softly and said with his hands on his waist, "You are fat, you are still breathing, it's not a shame."

Lin Feng said, "I am telling the truth."

The two of you flew toward me in the direction of the heavenly city.

"Can the mysterious blacksmith forge Taoist?". Lin Feng asked.

"It should be ok, but forging the Taoist requires countless precious materials. Do you want to forge the Taoist?".

Murong Xue looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I have a semi-finished Tao Qiqi Liuli tower here, but it is a defense treasure, and I want to forge it into Tao."

"I can take you to see the senior, but the senior has a strange temper and is willing to help you, I don't know." Murong Xue said.

"If it doesn't help, you can say a few words in it." Lin Feng Road.

Murongxue said, "It's useless. The reason why the forging master agreed to help me forge the magic weapon is because a few days ago, she got a piece of purple jade from my father and owed my father a favor. I, if not owe my father's favor, will not shoot at all, I don't know how many people want to find her to forge a magic weapon, they are rejected. "

There are many blacksmiths on the Tianwu Continent.

Because being a blacksmith does not seem to be so harsh as being a spiritualist and a refining master.

So many people will choose to become a blacksmith to make a living.

Of course, it is not an easy task to become a powerful blacksmith.

Among the forging masters, the most top forging masters are naturally forging masters who can create Taoist implements. These forging masters are very rare, and their identity is also high.

Lin Feng said, "First see this forge master, success or failure, and then talk after seeing."

Murong Xue nodded, she and Lin Feng came to Tiansheng City, and then went straight to the northwest corner of Tiansheng City, which is the slum of Tiansheng City.

Most people living here are ordinary people or poor people.

"The powerful forge you said is living here?".

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Murong Xue nodded and said, "That's right, the blacksmith lives here."

"There is no shortage of money for such a powerful blacksmith, and it is indeed weird enough to live in such a place."

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

He and Murong Xue entered a dilapidated alley, and they stopped in front of a courtyard in the deepest alley.

Murong Xue said respectfully outside, "Senior, I brought blue ore."

"come in".

There was a hoarse voice inside.

Lin Feng and Murong Xue entered the courtyard together.

The courtyard was run down and it seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time.

An old lady came out of the room.

The old woman's skin is dry and wrinkled, like old bark, and she doesn't know how old she is.

After seeing Lin Feng, the old lady was obviously very upset. She said, "Why bring outsiders?"

Murong Xue said, "He is not an outsider, it is mine ...".

"Well, I'm too lazy to know who he is you, leave things, and come back after three days to get it."

Said the old lady.

Murong Xue spit out Xiaoxiang. Tongue, she then took out the blue ore, and then took out 72 silver needles.

This is Murongxue's most powerful magic weapon.

"This is the ice needle made from the bones of the icefield violent bear. It is indeed a powerful magic weapon. Let's put it down."

The old lady glanced at the magic weapon put down by Murong Xue and knew what Murong Xue's magic weapon was made of.

At this time Lin Feng said, "Seniors and juniors also want to ask seniors to help forge a baby."

The old woman sneered and said, "Why do you help? If it were not for Murongxue's sake, if you dared to break into the old courtyard, you would have been thrown out long ago."

Lin Feng whispered in his heart that he was about to enter the earth, and he still had such a hot temper.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words in front of this old lady. If he could say that, he wouldn't be allowed to do anything about this strange old lady.

"If the senior can help the junior, no matter what the senior wants, the junior will try to find it."

Lin Feng said.

"The old body wants the bones of the golden giant, do you have them?". The old lady said lightly.

"Gold Giant? The lost race ...". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The gold giant is rumored to be a follower of God.

It is also called a servant of gods.

But now, the Tianwu Continental God has long ceased to exist.

The family of golden giants, as servants of the gods, perished long ago.

"I will try to find it." Lin Feng said.

"If you can find it, you will help you." The old lady gave Lin Feng a deep look.

"Farewell ...".

Lin Feng clenched his fists.

He left with Murong Xue.

"Perhaps you can go to the auction house to ask if there is a gold giant bone, the auction house can always collect all kinds of strange things."

Murong Xue said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Then go to the auction house to see, just I have two things to deposit in the auction house for auction."

"Oh? Do you have something to auction? What?" Murong Xue asked curiously.


Lin Feng said.

Murongxue's eyes widened and said, "Are you crazy? Daoqi still took out the auction?".

Lin Feng said, "This weapon is not mine, it was both defeated after other people's fighting. The Tao weapon was acquired by me. I naturally cannot use this weapon. If it is known by the forces behind those two parties, would you let me go? Spirit Stone ".

"Since it is the Lord's thing, it really cannot be used, so as not to cause a disaster."

Murong Xue nodded with deep agreement.

They came to the auction house.

"Hey, Xue'er, you have come to the auction house, is it something you want to buy?".

At this time, a voice of surprise came.

Five or six young boys came, and the one who spoke was a boy in purple clothes. This boy in purple clothes was handsome and handsome.

But the arrogance revealed between the eyebrows was quite unpleasant.

Murong Xue said lightly, "I'm here with my friends."

"Friend?" The man in purple clothes looked at Lin Feng, frowning slightly. He felt that Murong Xue seemed to have a very simple relationship with the person in front of him, which made him feel a little jealous.

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