Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 821: Special constitution

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The arrogant battle is about to start.

This incident caused an uproar, and countless people moved it.

"Go, go and see ..."

Everyone in the Tiansheng Restaurant rushed out together and flew to the Tiansheng Square, where there is a huge life and death platform.

"Turn on the life and death platform."

The sound shook the sky and the life and death platform opened.

The huge life-and-death platform was suspended in mid-air, exuding amazing fluctuations.

On the life and death platform, the sword marks the sword holes, the blood stains, it seems to tell the pinnacle of the war that occurred here in the past.

I don't know how many people were bloodied.

Now Duguxuan and Lin Feng have landed on the life and death platform.

This battle can be said to shock the entire Holy City, countless people came to watch the battle, and even the ancestors of the five major family retreats were alarmed.

"Duguxuan is rumored to have a unique physique, so it was mainly cultivated by the archaic forces of Shangshenzong. How powerful is Duguxuan? No one knows what his opponent is? How dare he fight Duguxuan? Do n’t you die? "

A monk among the crowd said that this battle was obviously not optimistic about Lin Feng.

"Brother, are you ignorant? The young monk on the other side cut Du Guxuan's avatar in the rain capital, and his strength is also terrifying. Who is the winner in this battle? It's hard to say."

"It's not that I'm ignorant, but you take it too far for granted. I know that Duguxuan's avatar is very strong, but there is still a big gap compared with the deity. Duguxuan's deity, Duguxuan is a descendant cultivated by the Taikoo forces. It is harder to assassinate him, not to mention that he is a special physique owner, so that the young monk was killed by Duguxuan is a high probability event .

"Listening to what you said, I also think it makes sense."

The monks' talks around did not affect Lin Feng, landing on the ring, Lin Feng walked towards Du Gu Xuan step by step.

His fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger.

The fighting spirit is like a charge of thousands of troops.



"You actually know how to unite the fighting intentions", Du Guxuan looked indifferent.


He shouted and walked towards Lin Feng step by step.

An invisible force surged in the void.

This is "killing".

It is the same as Lin Feng's "Xingtian war intention" and "battle momentum".

"Heroic" is also a kind of "potential".


Battle intentions and murderous energy collide in the void.

This is a collision of two "potentials".

I saw a vanishing power spread out in the void.

Click and click.

The ban on the life-and-death platform began to shatter.

"Is this too strong? Have you ever destroyed the ban on the life and death platform before you have actually played?".

Many people exclaimed.

A monk said, "No, they have already dealt with each other. These two people are against the sky. They have realized the" potential ", just two kinds of" potential "collided together.

"Ah?" Possibility "? Didn't the cultivators of the realm of realm understand the" potential "as rare? How could they understand the" potential "?

The monk said doubtfully.

"There are always some geniuses in the world who have abilities that others can't, but obviously, these two people are such geniuses in front of us."

An old monk said so.


At this time, Du Guxuan shot towards Lin Feng with a punch.

In the void, a huge fist came out.

Suddenly, all the spectators discovered that everything in this world disappeared.

In their eyes, only Du Guxuan's punch.


This turned out to be the mood of boxing.

"Spirit" can only be transformed into "artistic conception" again.

This transformation is naturally very difficult.

But once the "spirit" is transformed into "ideal."

The power will be greatly improved.

Like the boxing power displayed by Du Gu Xuan now, the power is indeed terrible.

Lin Feng was also full of shock in his heart.

This is his first time with a monk warrior with a "special bloodline".

This Du Gu Xuan is really powerful.

Lin Feng grasped the "potential".

Du Gu Xuan also mastered the "potential".

Lin Feng mastered the power of "ideal."

Du Gu Xuan also mastered the power of "ideal."

The heirs cultivated by the Taikoo forces are indeed capable.

"Crack the sky".

Lin Feng whispered, suddenly broke out.

In the void, a thunder knife was condensed and killed Xiang Duguxuan.


The attacks from both sides were bombarded again.

The line of life and death is broken.

The ring was shaking violently.

"God, this battle is too terrible, and the life and death platform will be unbearable."

Many shouted in shock.


Lin Feng and Du Gu Xuan Chong suddenly stepped on the stage of life and death, they rose into the sky.

The life and death platform could not bear the two terrible forces, and it shattered directly, and the gravel fell.

"How many life-and-death platforms have you experienced? It was so destroyed."

Someone murmured, and the heart was full of shock. The battle between Lin Feng and Du Gu Xuan was not like the battle between two young monks.

It was like two gods and demons fighting.

"But I underestimated you, do you know what my bloodline is?". Du Guxuan's voice grew colder.

Lin Feng frowned, "What kind of blood?"

"My bloodline is called Slash Dao."

Du Gu Xuan came step by step, the power of blood in the body was recovering.

Du Guxuan obviously also knew that Lin Feng was not easy to deal with. He wanted to restore his blood to deal with Lin Feng.

Endless blood is shining into the sky, and Duguxuan seems to have a huge **** in Honghuang to recover.

"The power of the bloodline, Duguxuan is about to urge the power of his bloodline. He is the owner of a special physique, and his bloodline contains unimaginable terror fighting power."

A monk shouted in shock.

The special bloodline owner is so powerful.

It is because of the inheritance of blood.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, although he was the owner of the undead **** body.

However, his undead body has not recovered.

Although his undead body is known as one of the top ten taboo physiques of Taikoo, the undead body without recovery will naturally fail to exert its effect.

The bloodline of Duguxuan is the bloodline that has been recovered. He resurrected his bloodline and quickly rushed towards Lin Feng, raising his hand and bombarded Lin Feng.

"Crack the sky"!


Swords merge!

Lin Feng shrank, and two kinds of "artistic moods" came out to deal with Du Guxuan.

But something terrible happened.

"Slash Road".

Duguxuan snorted coldly, and the palm of his hand fell.

Lin Feng's split sky and Jian Yi shattered instantly.

He was chopped by Du Guxuan as if he was hit hard by an ancient God Mountain.

The body was directly knocked out.

"too weak".

Du Gu Xuan walked step by step, the black hair danced violently, looking down like Lin Feng as a god.

"What a fight against me with such a weak power? I can suppress you millions of times with one hand."


When the words fell, another blow came.

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