Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9581: The triple attack technique in the treasure house

The golden treasure house is guarded by powerful formation restrictions, but after the erosion of time, the power of the golden treasure house's formation restrictions has actually dropped a lot. It is not difficult for Lin Feng and the others to crack it.

Lin Feng and the others studied the formation restrictions of the Golden Treasure House. Soon, they formulated a plan and began to try to break the formation restrictions of the Golden Treasure House.

It took three hours to finally successfully break through the formation restrictions of the gold treasure house.

Then Lin Feng and the others entered the gold treasure house.

After entering, Lin Feng and the others discovered that, just as they had guessed, the gold treasure house did not look particularly big from the outside, but from the inside, it was a small world of its own, and the area was still extremely large.

What catches the eye is not the treasure.

Instead, there were densely packed corpses of monks.

"What is going on? Has there ever been a war here?" Poison Ancestor couldn't help but ask.

"Looking at the situation, it seems that some of the people who attacked here entered the gold treasure house, and then the gold treasure house was sealed, trapping them." Kuhua Taoist Aunt said her guess.

Everyone went up to check it out, and Lin Feng said, "It doesn't look like it has been erased by time. You see, although their corpses have decayed and turned into skeletons, the skeletons are all covered with blue-black color, and their facial skeletons, It is rather twisted, which shows that they must have been in extreme pain before death, and they were probably tortured 1. Lin Feng said.

"It's extremely poisonous...". Poison Ancestor said.

Many people nodded. It did seem to be extremely poisonous, but it was probably more than just extremely poisonous. There was probably also mental torture.

"Are they the terrifying existences that push the old era to its demise?". Nangong Qinghan couldn't help but say, his voice solemn.

Shi Long said, "I don't think so. At most, these people are just the group of people below who are performing the mission."

Many things in the new era are full of mysteries for Lin Feng and the others, not to mention things in the old era, which are even more mysterious.

There is no way to investigate what happened back then.

However, judging from the current situation, it can be speculated that when this ancient sect was destroyed in the past, these people opened the gold treasure house of this force and wanted to take away the treasures here.

But this gold treasure house is not simple.

There are extremely terrifying killing moves inside.

After they entered, the gold treasure house was quickly banned, and they all died tragically here. In the end, both parties died together.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The door to the gold treasure house that was originally opened actually began to close.

"No, we can't let the door close1.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone rushed towards the door of the gold treasure house quickly, trying to prevent the door of the gold treasure house from closing.

but. When Lin Feng and the others rushed to about one meter away from the gate of the golden treasure house, a powerful force shook out.

Directly knocking Lin Feng and others back more than ten meters.

This power is really terrifying.

After Lin Feng and the others were knocked out, the door to the gold treasure house closed automatically.

"Could it be that he wants to trap us?" Wuliang Taoist priest couldn't help shouting.

next moment.

Something strange happened.

What someone heard was a woman singing.

Their singing is so beautiful.

What some people heard were the woman's lingering words of love, which were so intoxicating.

Some also heard the voice of the person they most wanted to see, the person they thought about day and night, calling their name.

These sounds were so weird that they instantly made many people lose their minds.

Even Lin Feng, a being who is almost immune to 99.99% of soul attacks, almost lost his mind because he heard a voice, it was the voice of his uncle Lin Xiong, he was caring about Lin Feng Life, caring about Lin Feng's cultivation, he didn't seem to blame Lin Feng or regret it because he died to save Lin Feng, but instead continued to give Lin Feng warmth.

Family love is definitely the most touching emotion in the world, and it is also the emotion that is most likely to make people soft-hearted and touch people's inner world.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's methods were powerful and he restrained himself from entering the hallucination.

Lin Feng looked at the rest of the people and saw that they were somewhat in a trance, including a powerful being like Shi Long. The illusion itself attacked places where human nature is weak or where greed breeds. For example, you like it very much. Beautiful women, then the illusion can create beautiful women for you to capture you. If you have done some things that go against your conscience, and you often think of such things, and you feel very regretful every time, the illusion may write an article in this regard, Human beings are composed of seven emotions and six desires, so no matter whether they are strong or not, they may be found to have weaknesses by the illusion and then be controlled by the illusion. This is the case for Poison Ancestor, the same for Wuliang Taoist, and the same for Shilong.

Including Lin Feng.

In addition to the illusion, a green-black poisonous gas quickly spread out. This green-black poisonous gas contained extremely terrible poison. It seemed to be able to corrode everything and make people moved. The green-black poisonous gas quickly moved toward Crowds of people came.

Lin Feng thought of the green and black color attached to the bones of the dead monks. It seemed that this poisonous gas was left behind. This poisonous gas was absolutely terrifying.

The powerful illusion coupled with the terrifying poison gas naturally doubled the attack on everyone.

But what Lin Feng didn't expect was that they still seemed to underestimate the horror of this place, because in addition to illusions and poisonous gas, there were also chains condensed in the void. They were chains of laws, with unusual benefits. Wrapping towards everyone, that is to say, when the chains of law entangle these monks, even if some people wake up, there is no way to quickly struggle to open the blockade of the chains of law, and they will eventually die under the erosion of the poisonous gas. It's really The three links are intertwined, and the three methods work together to create an extremely terrifying end.

"Wake up 1." Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

His loud shout, like thunder from the sky, instantly woke everyone up. Then everyone saw the entangled law chains and the rapid influx of poison, and their expressions changed greatly. In fact, it was given to them. In some time, many people may be able to break out of the illusion by relying on their own abilities, but by that time, their bodies have been wrapped into rice dumplings by the chains of laws, and their bodies have been eroded by the poison.

But Lin Feng shouted loudly in advance, allowing them to wake up early, and they would have time to deal with those law chains.

Some law chains have even been wrapped around the bodies of the strongest members of the Heavenly Group. Fortunately, only a few law chains are wrapped around them, and they can still resist. If densely packed law chains are wrapped around them, they will be entangled into a rice dumpling. , it will become extremely difficult to resist. (End of chapter)

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