Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9629: Heaven's tribe

At the center of the explosion, the void was completely shattered, but the person who launched the attack was extremely interested in controlling the energy. Although the power of the explosion was quite terrifying, the damage was limited to a small area, and Lin Feng was It had completely disappeared, and seemed to have been blown to pieces.

Even the pupils of those who secretly attacked Lin Feng shrank slightly. Even they felt horrified. The attack just now was enough to destroy everything. Anyone who was enveloped would only die.

"That kid should be dealt with, right?" A man in black said.

More than twenty figures appeared around them. These people were all extremely mysterious, but extremely terrifying. Each one of them had the power to reach the sky.

No matter which force they are placed in, the status of these people is extremely high.

But now, they formed a team.

This team is the rumored member of the most powerful elite team under the command of Lord Galaxy, the ‘Heavenly Tribe’.

The Heavenly Tribe is very similar to Lin Feng’s strongest Heavenly Group.

They have gathered a group of very powerful monks.

But to be honest, in terms of pure combat prowess, the strength of the Heavenly Tribes can surpass the strongest Heavenly Group by eight blocks.

This is because the tribe of Heaven are basically strong men who have crossed reincarnation, or even two reincarnations. They are all descendants of strong men from the old era.

All you receive is the best training.

The cultivation time is also long, so the realm is extremely advanced, and the magic weapons equipped with them are also extremely top-notch magic weapons.

It is said that the weakest member of the Heavenly Tribe has a cultivation level of more than fifty immortal palaces.

It is precisely because of this that the Heavenly Tribes have become the most capable assistants of the Lord of the Galaxy, and countless matters are handled by the Heavenly Tribes with the help of the Lord of the Galaxy.

And the members of the Heavenly Tribe are not just powerful.

An existence at the level of squad leader would be even more powerful.

A team consists of about twenty people.

The squad leader level is a universe boss level existence. In addition to the squad captain, there are also two deputy captain level characters to assist the squad leader. It is said that even the deputy captain level characters are universe boss level existences. .

Hence, an inconspicuous squad. There are actually three cosmic boss-level existences. Even if you look across the universe, you won't be able to find many of them with this kind of power.

Zhu Laodian cannot bring out such power.

Ye Xuan Alliance cannot produce such power.

Even within the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Divine Court, it is difficult to produce such top-notch power.

Of course, if you put it together, you can still get it, but we are talking about conventional strength, not a temporary piece of strength.

Only the inheritance from the old era can produce such conventional power.

Many people in the strongest heavenly group are still in the realm of the Creator. Although some people have successively broken through to the quasi-pioneer realm, the strength gap between the quasi-pioneer realm is too huge. Those who have broken through and the monks of the Heavenly Tribe In comparison, the gap is naturally extremely huge.

There are some powerful people with more than fifty immortal palaces in the strongest heavenly group, but their number is not large.

In recent years, Lin Feng has conquered some extremely ancient beings, such as evil dragons and other universe boss-level beings who have joined the strongest heavenly group.

But even so, it is still difficult to compete with such ancient forces as the Heavenly Tribes.

Of course, everything happens step by step.

It is impossible to become a big fat man in one bite.

"Ah 1.

Suddenly, a scream was heard, and the head of a monk from the Fifty-Two Immortal Palace was beheaded.

The monk had extremely tenacious vitality. His head was cut off, but he was not dead. He roared angrily, "This kid is not dead yet."

His head quickly fled away. As long as his head survived, he could reorganize his physical body.

But how could Lin Feng let him go?

When the monk's head escaped, Lin Feng had emerged from the void. He was holding a black dragon sword and pierced the head of the strong man from the Heaven Tribe with one sword.

His wrist jerked. A powerful force shook his head hard.

The monk's soul was immediately strangled.

"Damn 1.

When the others saw this scene, their eyes revealed a murderous intent. They quickly turned around and surrounded Lin Feng.

"Who are you?".

Lin Feng's face was gloomy. Just now, he escaped with the help of the Sky Mending Technique.

Lin Feng didn't know these people, but he could feel their strength.

At the very least, they are all strong men in the fifty Immortal Palaces, and many of them have even reached the critical point of breaking through to become the boss of the universe.

There are as many as three universe boss-level beings.

A group of twenty people, with such terrifying power, are enough to block gods and kill gods, and to kill Buddhas when they block Buddhas.

What was even more terrifying was that Lin Feng vaguely felt that there was an even more terrifying existence lurking in the darkness.

When faced with an attack from such a terrifying force, it stands to reason that one should flee directly, but Lin Feng did not choose to flee directly.

This is because he feels that another existence in the secret has locked onto him. If he wants to escape, the existence in the secret will definitely choose to attack him.

These people will also attack when the time comes.

At that time, it was the real great danger.

But now, Lin Feng is stalling for time.

The leader's voice was extremely hoarse and cold, "Boy! Have you forgotten what you did some time ago?".

"Some time ago?".

Lin Feng frowned, he had done too many things.


Lin Feng thought of a person, the Lord of the Galaxy, who indirectly almost killed the people in Meng Xiaolou and destroyed the Xiantian Sect. Of course, he was also a complete villain. He was narrow-minded and would retaliate. At that time, the space insect demon group was restrained and kept under surveillance. Looking at Meng Xiaolou's sleeping place, his plan was ruined by himself. Meng Xiaolou got out of trouble and fell into the endless darkness to make the final push.

Before the leader of the Space Insect Demon was destroyed, he also mentioned that it would transmit information to the Lord of the Galaxy.

Although Lin Feng has many enemies, there are really too few people who can dispatch such level of combat power. Let Zhu Laodian and other forces take action, it is basically impossible for them to dispatch so many terrifying strong men at once. , there is only one explanation, that is, these people are the people of the Galaxy God Lord.

The ancient forces of the old era did have this capital.

Lin Feng said, "It seems! You are the people of the Lord of the Galaxy! I feel that the relationship between the Lord of the Galaxy and I has not been completely at odds with each other to the point of death. That's all right. You can help me contact the Lord of the Galaxy. I want to contact the Lord of the Galaxy." Shenjun has a one-on-one conversation 1.

"Huh? You want to talk to our Lord? What? Do you want to surrender to our Lord?". The leader of the team said.

Lin Feng said calmly, "It's not impossible. 1.

"Okay, I'll contact Chief 1. The squad leader said.

Lin Feng nodded and pretended to be extremely happy, but secretly contacted Beibei and asked Beibei how the void channel was constructed.

It turned out that Lin Feng was delaying time just to let Beibei secretly construct a void passage. Lin Feng believed that with Beibei's ability, as long as he successfully constructed a void passage, even if the opponent was surrounded by a bunch of strong men, it would be difficult to retain them.

But just when Lin Feng was contacting Beibei, a silent figure appeared behind Lin Feng.

It was a woman holding a cold sword and stabbing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was delaying time through dialogue, but it turned out that the strong man on the other side was also distracting Lin Feng's attention through dialogue.

At the same time, the existence in the dark is constantly looking for the best time to take action.

It can be said that both parties are human beings. They both know that the other party is not a simple person. Everything they do on the surface is, in the final analysis, to confuse the opponent and calculate the other party.

Apparently, the strong man hiding in the dark felt that he had found an opportunity to strike, so he launched a fatal blow against Lin Feng. (End of chapter)

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