Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9638: The evil ancient cauldron

This magic weapon that actively flies out is not another magic weapon, it is the high imitation Kyushu lantern. Although it is a high imitation, the materials and so on are actually the same. It is just that the forging is not as perfect as the Kyushu lantern, but its power is extraordinary. , comparable to the most top-notch magic weapon.

Of course, the greatest thing about Kyushu Lantern is not its power, but that Kyushu Lantern has some incredible abilities, such as protecting the world of Kyushu.


The ability to dispel darkness.

Kyushu lamps can dispel all darkness and allow people to find light in the darkness.

Now, the high imitation Kyushu lantern appeared and was suspended in the pool. Lin Feng felt that light seemed to appear in the endless darkness.

Although the light that appeared was not strong, it was like a life-saving straw. Lin Feng tried his best to reach out and grab the light.


The water waves rolled, and Lin Feng emerged from the water pool. There were no undead creatures around. There were only him and Jiuzhou Lantern. Everything he had experienced before seemed to be an illusion. This made Lin Feng feel incredible. After all, Lin Feng was close to He is immune to 99.99% of all soul arts, and illusions generally affect the souls of monks. Logically speaking, the probability of Lin Feng falling prey to this method is too low, but Lin Feng still Being tricked shows that the strength of the person who created this illusion has exceeded Lin Feng's imagination. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the other party to have such a serious impact on Lin Feng.

Fortunately, it didn't sink to the bottom of the pool, otherwise, it might really break here.

At this time, the Queen of Chaos had already fallen to the bottom of the pool. Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and quickly swam towards the pool. He caught up with the falling Queen of Chaos in time, clamped the Queen of Chaos with his right hand, and then quickly swam towards the top. But at this time, waves of fluctuations came from below the pool. Lin Feng looked down and was shocked. Below, more than a dozen undead creatures swam out quickly, trying to catch Lin Feng and the Queen of Chaos, and then They dragged them down.

Lin Feng knew that this time it was definitely not a hallucination, because now the high-imitation Jiuzhou lantern was working, and everything he saw was real.

It seems that there are really some terrifying existences hidden at the bottom of this pool.

Lin Feng sped up.

Lin Feng swam out of the water in time before the undead creatures at the bottom of the pool chased him.

First, he lifted the Queen of Chaos onto the boat, and then he quickly climbed onto the boat.

The heads of those undead creatures also surfaced, looking at Lin Feng with cold eyes.

Lin Feng wanted to use high imitation Kyushu lamps to drive away these undead creatures.

But these undead creatures have no intention of leaving.

Still getting closer to the boat.

Lin Feng summoned the Book of the Dead again. The Book of the Dead failed to swallow undead creatures before because those things happened in illusions.

Now the illusion is gone.

Everything I saw was real.

Using the Book of the Dead to devour these undead creatures may have a surprising effect. When the Book of the Dead flies out and tries to devour these undead creatures.

These undead creatures seemed to feel a huge threat and let out a low roar. Then, they quickly dived into the pool and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. These undead creatures were really special enough.

It seems that it cannot swallow them at all.

However, if you can't devour it, you can't devour it. Being able to scare away these undead creatures is a pretty good result.

Lin Feng quickly looked at the Queen of Chaos.

He checked the situation of the Queen of Chaos, and Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He felt that the Queen of Chaos was probably pretending to be fainted. She did this probably because she wanted to see how she would treat her when she "fainted". For example, would she be right? She has malicious intentions or something. Lin Fengxin said that this woman really has a suspicious character.

Lin Feng naturally would not have any evil thoughts towards the Queen of Chaos. ​​He just pretends he doesn’t know anything.

Lin Feng shook the Queen of Chaos' body and shouted, "Are you okay? Wake up, wake up...".

The Queen of Chaos slowly opened her eyes and asked, "What's wrong with me?".

Lin Feng sneered in his heart, "You can just pretend."

But on the surface, naturally he wouldn't say such mindless things.

He said, "We were attacked just now, but fortunately I still have some means to successfully resolve the crisis. 1.

The Queen of Chaos said, "Oh, I really have to thank you, little brother Lin, otherwise sister and I might have died here."

Lin Feng said, "This is what I should do! This pool is weird and it's not advisable to stay there for a long time. It's better to get ashore quickly."

"Yes," the Queen of Chaos nodded.

The small boat carried the two of them and continued to drift towards the opposite side. After the threats posed by the undead creatures were resolved, there was no longer any danger above the pool.

Lin Feng and the others successfully arrived on the other side in the boat.

On the other side is a floating island that is not too big.

Lin Feng and the Queen of Chaos landed on the floating island. After landing on the island, they walked towards the depths of the floating island.

Soon after, Lin Feng and the others arrived at the middle area of ​​the floating island.

From a distance, Lin Feng saw that there was an ancient tree in the middle of the floating island, and under the ancient tree was a stone cultivator sitting cross-legged.

That Shi Xiu should be the Lord of Nine Deaths that the Queen of Chaos mentioned before. Now the Lord of Nine Deaths is completely dead.

It seems that after his soul was wiped out, no new soul was born. This is obviously a good thing for the wild demon.

After all, if a new soul is born, even if Lin Feng helps Huang Mo obliterate the newly born soul, Huang Mo's soul may enter the stone body, and it may have an extremely strong repulsive effect.

But now, the situation is completely different.

There have been no new souls born for a long time. The soul of the wild demon can easily adapt to this body, and this body should be happy to accept the soul of the wild demon.

In addition to the stone body of the Lord of Nine Deaths, there is an ancient cauldron placed not far away.

The ancient cauldron has a lid.

The lid of the cauldron covers the ancient cauldron, so we don’t know what is inside.

Obviously, the value of what can be placed here is unimaginable and absolutely shocking.

Lin Feng walked towards the stone body of the Lord of Nine Deaths, intending to collect the stone body and use it as the body of the Desolate Demon.

The Queen of Chaos could not wait to walk towards the ancient tripod.

Lin Feng successfully collected the stone body of the Lord of Nine Deaths.

But the Queen of Chaos screamed in agony at this time.

Lin Feng was shocked. He turned around and saw that the Queen of Chaos pushed open the lid of the ancient cauldron. Endless blood poured out from it, covering the body of the Queen of Chaos. She was so powerful that the Queen of Chaos could not Against the **** light, her body began to crack.

The Queen of Chaos seemed to feel the power of death, which was devouring her life. She struggled hard, but could not break away from the blood light. She could only wait for death to come completely. (End of chapter)

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