Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9656: call in dream

Lin Feng said, "I know there must be some other people contacting you, and some people's conditions may even be better than mine. It's normal for you to think carefully, weigh the pros and cons before making a choice, but for me But there is a characteristic that no one else has! Do you know what it is?".

"A sapling of the Tree of Construction? As far as I know, you should be the only person in the major universes who has cultivated a sapling of the Tree of Construction1. The origin of the Western Universe said.

Lin Feng said, "No, although the saplings of the Tree of Construction are magical, they are still far behind the main tree of the past. Even if the saplings of the Tree of Construction are cultivated, it doesn't mean anything."

The origin of the Western Universe is also an extremely smart person. When Lin Feng said this, he instantly thought of another situation.

"Where is your origin in the world of Kyushu?" said the origin of the Western Universe.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yes! My origin in the Great World of Jiuzhou has destined me to be different. As the starting point of all the worlds in the world, there is no need for me to say how special the Great World of Kyushu is. You must be your own It is also very clear that no matter how powerful the monks from other forces are and how noble their status is, they do not have the background of the Jiuzhou world, so they are destined to have some bad luck.

"Okay, you have convinced me. I can sign a soul contract with you in advance. As long as you complete the requirements, the contract will automatically take effect. It is impossible for me to go back on signing a contract with others." The origin of the Western universe said.

Lin Feng said, "You will be very happy to have made such a choice in the future."

"I hope so." The source of the Western universe replied.


Lin Feng signed a soul contract with the origin of the Western Universe in advance.

After doing all this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Half of the origin of the Western Universe had boarded his warship, but if he wanted to completely let the Western Universe board this warship, the following tasks were also extremely important. Yes, after all, I learned from the Ning siblings that the current situation in the Western Universe is not ideal. Many ancient forces have expanded their power to the Western Universe. On the contrary, their forces that originally existed in the Western Universe have been squeezed out. Even a devastating blow.

If you want to clear out so many powerful forces, you need to plan carefully. Otherwise, you may suffer extremely heavy losses and fail to achieve your goal.

That would be tragic.

The origin of the Western Universe said, "Although we have signed an agreement in advance, the ugly words are ahead. When you come to the Western Universe and deal with various things, I will not help you."

Lin Feng said, 'Of course, if I still need your help with these things, it would be really below the standard.

The Origin of the Western Universe nodded, and then his body gradually dissipated.

After the origin of the Western Universe left, Lin Feng smiled.

At least in Lin Feng's opinion, this is a good start.

It is also the beginning of success.

It was his first step towards becoming the Lord of the Kyushu Universe.


The light flickered, and Lin Feng disappeared from the creation space and returned to the real world.

Lin Feng continued to retreat in time and space for a while.

When Lin Feng became tired, Lin Feng stopped the retreat. He planned to take a good rest. After resting, it was almost time to leave the retreat.

Lin Feng slept for a long time.

While sleeping, Lin Feng suddenly heard someone calling him, "Master, I'm so scared, Master, I'm so scared, am I going to die? I really want to see you one last time...".

It was a woman's voice.

"Who are you?".

Lin Feng asked. He looked forward. The world ahead was filled with fog.

Can't see clearly what the other person looks like.

But Lin Feng always felt that the woman calling him should be someone he knew. Otherwise, she would not have established contact with him, which surprised Lin Feng.

But the woman did not answer Lin Feng's question.

She was still calling Lin Feng, wanting Lin Feng to rescue her.

"Where are you?". Lin Feng continued to ask. But the other party still didn’t answer.

She seemed unable to hear Lin Feng's words and could only unconsciously cry out for help.

This made Lin Feng's brows knit together tightly.

"With the eye of truth, I want to see through all illusions1.

Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself that he wanted to open his eyes of reality to see what was going on and who was calling him.

But for a moment.

All images disappeared.

Lin Feng suddenly woke up and found that it was actually a dream.

A strange dream.

But the voice in the dream was so familiar.

"Is it Liu Ruyan's voice?". Lin Feng thought of a confidante who had disappeared for a long time.

Liu Ruyan is a very charming and charming woman with a very gentle personality. She is the kind of woman who can give men a gentle harbor.

previous years.

Shi Weizhu's ancestors sent a message to Shi Weizhu, asking Shi Weizhu to go to the ancestral land. Liu Ruyan and Bai Ying went with Shi Weizhu. Later, when they encountered danger, Bai Ying was separated from them.

After Lin Feng met Bai Ying, he learned about this and sent someone to find the whereabouts of Shi Weizhu and Liu Ruyan.

But so many years have passed.

Lin Feng has never received any news about Shi Weizhu and Liu Ruyan.

Lin Feng even thought that something unexpected had happened to Shi Weizhu and Liu Ruyan.

This incident has made Lin Feng sad for a while. After all, Shi Weizhu and Liu Ruyan were both beauties of Lin Feng's childhood, and Lin Feng still liked them better.

Who would have thought.

Many years later, Lin Feng actually heard Liu Ruyan's cry for help in his dream, but Lin Feng did not understand where Liu Ruyan was.

Lin Feng tried to calm down.

At this time, you need to stay calm. Only in this way can you judge the correct situation.

"She must be somewhere not too far away from me. Otherwise, it would be difficult to interact with me in dreams. Then, she is probably in the devil's abyss! Maybe I can try to deduce it, and maybe I can Find some clues 1. Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly used methods such as Jiugong Arithmetic and Innate Bagua. At the same time, he used the magic weapon of the heart disk to cooperate and the magical power of the Great Destiny Technique to assist.

In order to find clues related to Liu Ruyan.

Lin Feng has finally exhausted his means.

Once, twice, three times...

Lin Feng has tried many times, but without any success.

Even though he knew that these methods could not be used continuously and would have a very negative causal impact on the user, in order to find Liu Ruyan.

Lin Feng still didn't give up.

Until the seventy-ninth deduction.

Lin Feng deduced an extremely important clue. (End of chapter)

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