Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9686: bad situation

As a result, Lin Feng and others transformed into little picking experts.

Every rare treasure from heaven and earth was picked by Lin Feng and others, sealed, and then put into the storage ring.

Even if some elixirs are not used, they can be exchanged for treasures of unimaginable value when taken outside.

No one would complain that there are too many treasures.

Lin Feng and the others are naturally the same.

Everyone has gained a lot, and the originally nervous mood seems to have become much better.

"Stop it." Suddenly, a roar of overwhelming anger came from deep inside.

Lin Feng and the others looked around and found that there were dozens more monks in the depths.

They are all female monks.

This tribe of demons and immortals in the water is said to be all female cultivators.

There are some such races in the world of practitioners, such as the mermaid race. They often have special methods to reproduce offspring, such as drinking some so-called holy water to get pregnant.

At this moment, the monks from the Fairy Clan in the Water looked at Lin Feng and others with cold eyes.

"Are you here to purchase goods?" The leading female cultivator said coldly.

Sure enough, those elixirs were cultivated by the water fairy demon tribe with a lot of energy, not wild ones. If they were really wild, they wouldn't need to be so angry. The cultivated elixirs were another matter. They themselves Before even enjoying it, Lin Feng and others picked so many of them away, so of course they would be quite angry.

Anyone else would be angry about this.

Poison Ancestor said, "Hey, it's quite humorous. Yes, we just came here to purchase goods, and now the harvest is quite good."

"The guy who doesn't care about life and death 1. The leading female cultivator gave Poison Ancestor a fierce look.

She then waved her hand.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...".

Then the monks from the water demon fairy clan quickly moved towards Lin Feng and others.

"Kill 1.

Lin Feng shouted coldly, he had already come to this point, there was no need to be polite, he just launched his killing move. Lin Feng and the members of the strongest heavenly group were fighting with the monks of the water demon fairy clan in an instant.

Although the monks of the Water Fairy Clan are quite strong, there is still a big gap between them if they want to fight against Lin Feng and the others.

Poof! Poof!

The sound of flesh being torn apart could be heard constantly.

A monk from the Water Demon Immortal Tribe was killed by Lin Feng and others.

Poison Ancestor laughed and said, "I thought the Demonic Immortal Clan in the water was very dangerous, but it was nothing."

But Lin Feng always felt that things were a little too simple.

"Look, their bodies have disappeared," someone said.

At this time, Lin Feng also discovered that the bodies of the dead water fairy monks had disappeared one after another. This was a bit strange.

At this time, many bubbles appeared in the void.

Those bubbles flew towards Lin Feng and others.

Everyone will be attacked by a large number of bubbles.

Lin Feng and others tried to disperse the bubbles, but the bubbles were very strange and there was no way to disperse them, because even if they were dispersed, the bubbles would appear immediately.


Screams came out.

Someone in the strongest heavenly group was robbed. His skin was contaminated by bubbles, and his skin began to fester.

Those bubbles seem to contain the most terrifying poison in the world, which can corrode the skin in an instant. Then it caused unimaginable damage to the monk's body.

"It's the poison of weak water! And it's not an ordinary poison of weak water. It's more than a hundred times more powerful than the poison in the river of weak water." Poison Ancestor exclaimed.

The river of weak water is a river in the heavenly realm, containing poison that corrodes everything.

Extraordinarily powerful.

The poison contained in bubbles can be regarded as a super evolved version.

Everyone was shocked and quickly protected their skin to prevent those bubbles from contaminating their skin.

The Poison Ancestor quickly rushed to the monk whose body began to decay.

That monk is the Heavenly Thunder King, a monk who has mastered the supreme thunder method. He has been a member of the strongest heavenly group for some years, and he broke through to the quasi-pioneer realm some time ago.

Extremely powerful.

However, they were unable to withstand the corrosive effects of the weak water poison on the body. After the Poison Ancestor passed, he quickly helped the Heavenly Thunder King suppress the poison, and the Heavenly Thunder King's body stopped rotting.

But the terrible things have just begun.

Because the defensive light shields constructed by everyone using defensive magical powers or defensive magic weapons are constantly being corroded by those bubbles.

Everyone also saw how weird those bubbles were.

Even quasi-pioneer-level monks can't resist the corrosion of those bubbles, once everyone's external defense system is completely destroyed.

You can imagine how terrible things will happen.

Many people are afraid that they will die from the poisonous corrosion.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "Poison Ancestor, is there any way to deal with the poison of those bubbles?".

The Poison Ancestor said, "No, the poison contained in those bubbles is too strong. The most we can do is suppress it, but it won't be able to completely solve it1.

The evil dragon said, "Sir, there's something wrong with these bubbles. I feel like they were formed by the female nuns who just disappeared."

In fact, Lin Feng also felt this way.

Although they killed the female cultivators of the Water Demon Immortal Clan, everything seemed to go too smoothly. The Water Demon Immortal Clan was rumored to be so weird, how could they be eliminated so easily by everyone.

And everything that happened now seemed to confirm Lin Feng's guess.

However, it was a bit troublesome to solve these bubbles. Lin Feng thought of Sky Fire. He used Sky Fire to burn these bubbles, but the strange thing was that the terrifying flames of Sky Fire could not destroy these bubbles. Lin Feng guessed that the entire island might be in flames. The island has something to do with it.

These monks from the water fairy tribe have always lived on the island.

I have long been accustomed to the pain caused by flames. If this is the case, it is really a headache.

"Chi chi chi chi chi chi...".

At this time, the corrosive power of those bubbles on our external defense system became even more powerful.

The defensive light shields outside many people are almost no longer able to hold up.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

For Lin Feng and the others, this has become extremely disadvantageous.

"Is there no way to solve these bubbles?" Lin Feng's face was gloomy.

Everyone was smiling bitterly. They had never encountered such a weird attack method before. They were really helpless now.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly had an extremely bad feeling.

He felt as if there was some extremely terrifying existence that was eyeing him, and had even lurked towards him, intending to strike him with a fatal blow.

"Oops…". Lin Feng's expression changed slightly and he hurriedly avoided, but it was already too late. (End of chapter)

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