Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1208: Fallen Island

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In fact, only the gatekeeper knows.

This so-called meteorite valley is the genius created by the power of the will of the island.

If you can't get through, you will die.

If you break into the past, you will be fascinated by the entire Leijian Island, and you will certainly be able to set foot on the peak of martial arts in the future.

Fang Chen was forced into the Meteorite Valley, and by chance, came to this place.

Fang Chen did not even know the gatekeeper.

He sat cross-legged in a yellow circle, enlightening Xuantianfeng magic.

So far, the Celestial Celestial Art has been cultivated to the extreme, and the Celestial Sword Art has been cultivated to the realm.

Only Xuan Tianfeng magic, there is room for improvement.

"If you can practice the magic of Xuan Tianfeng to the third level, or the second layer of the Five Thunder Tribulation Method, you should be able to match the third phantom." Fang Chen said secretly.

The following time, he has been enlightening Xuantianfeng magic.

These years, after the baptism of the golden heart.

Fang Chen's talent for swordsmanship has become invincible.

It is naturally a lot easier to practice the secret method of kendo.

However, Xuan Tianfeng magic is not a general secret method.

After a full month of cultivation, I barely cultivated into the third layer.

The third layer of Xuan Tianfeng magic practice was successful, Fang Chen's strength skyrocketed.

"My current strength, even the warrior who first entered the Star Realm, can kill it." Fang Chen said secretly.

He looked up at the Void Ancient Battlefield, and then walked out of the yellow circle.

Wow ...

The third phantom appeared.

His attack is still so thunderous.

Fang Chen exhibited the third layer of Xuan Tianfeng Magic as soon as he came up.

call out……

The sword light in the sky is more dense.

Above the sword net, there was a horrible breath.

Under the real intention of time and space, he controlled the sword net and launched a fierce battle with the third phantom.

A quarter of an hour later, the third phantom was defeated.

Fang Chen took a deep breath, and before returning to the fourth phantom, he retreated into the yellow circle.

The fourth phantom is definitely stronger than the third phantom.

Sitting cross-legged in a yellow circle.

Fang Chen is also thinking, what exactly do these nine phantoms represent?

Is this really the invincible Tiangang Realm?

In other words, Tian Gang is invincible, and can be stronger.

Fang Chen is enlightening the Tao.

At this stage, Xuan Tianfeng Magic has been unable to improve for the time being.

Only able to realize the Tao.

The sword spirit of the emperor permeated Fang Chen's body, and in his mind, he recalled the battle with Void.

Time passed bit by bit.

Fang Chen sat in the yellow circle for three days.

Three days later, Fang Chen began to refine himself and polish every corner of his body.

Each bone must be re-hardened and then polished.

"Only the more perfect you polish yourself, the stronger your strength will be." Fang Chen said.

Fang Chen did not know that everything he had done had already attracted the attention of the gatekeeper.

Outside, the gatekeeper sitting on the bluestone stood up abruptly.

The face is full of unbelievable looks.

"This ... this boy's perception is too wicked?"

After a long time, the gatekeeper shook his head and then sighed.

It seems that he still underestimated this.

Only after defeating the three phantoms, I learned to hone myself.

Really a martial art genius.

"Maybe, he can really break the extreme." The gatekeeper secretly said.


In the ancient battlefield of the void, as Fang Chen honed his body, a message came from the golden heart.

This information made Fang Chen ecstatic.

"There are 3,980 meridians in the body?"

After reading the content from the golden heart, Fang Chen shook his heart.

He has never studied the body.

Unexpectedly, there are so many meridians in the body.

According to the Golden Heart, there is a genius in the world called genius who breaks the extreme.

What is breaking the extreme?

Take the Tiangang environment as an example.

If you want to break the extreme realm, you need to temper the 3,980 meridians in your body. Each meridian must be tempered to the most perfect level.

Of course, not only that.

After refining the meridians, the bones must be polished.

Inside the warrior, there are 785 bones, called black bones.

It is necessary to polish all these black bones into gold bones to complete the second step.

The third step is to burn the soul.

The most important thing for the warrior is the soul. If the flesh is broken, and the soul is immortal, it can still rely on some anti-natural means to reshape the flesh.

However, if the soul is destroyed, it will completely disappear in the long river of history, and the body will die.

Therefore, the soul is extremely important.

The message from the golden heart mentioned that if you want to break the extreme, you need to burn your soul.

After burning, the soul is reborn, this is the key premise for breaking the extreme.

"It's really perverted."

Fang Chen couldn't help saying.

Burning the soul is very dangerous, and it will be scattered when you are careless.

After the soul burns, it will be born again.

The new soul is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, there is a final step.

It is also a step that makes Fang Chen dare not think about it.

Shattering the nine Dao Yuan in Qi Hai, let the broken Gang Yuan melt into the Qi Hai.

After watching it, Fang Chen took a deep breath, his face dignified.

Is this really a way to break the extreme? Why does it feel like suicide?

Fang Chen slowed down slowly and came back to God.

At this moment, his heart turned upside down and set off a storm.

Extreme, this is the first time he heard the word.

Never thought about it before.

According to the Golden Heart, there are very few geniuses who can rely on great perseverance to break the extreme.

Breaking the extremes of a realm is relatively easy.

The difficulty is to break the extreme of every state.

According to the record of the golden heart, the Tiangang realm breaks the extreme realm genius, and the pure physical strength can easily kill the low-level martial arts stars.

This is not to mention other secret methods of attack.

It feels terrible to think about.

"Isn't there a warrior who broke the extreme on the island of Leijian?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

If it is not forced into the Meteorite Valley and exposed to the extreme, I do not know how many years later it is.

Fang Chen was thinking, he didn't want to make a hasty decision.

After all, the process of breaking the extreme is very dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will die.

However, he has a golden heart and is extremely resilient, perhaps a chance.

Thought for three days.

Fang Chen finally made a decision, he was ready to try to go this way.

If you can break the extreme, your future is bright.

If you can't break the extreme, stop when you feel dangerous.

First, the meridian is tempered.

Three thousand nine hundred and eighty meridians were all printed in Fang Chen's mind.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and there was a trace of clear current flowing to Fang Chen's foot.

"Should I first refine the meridian under my feet?"

Fang Chen stunned slightly, immediately.


Leaving the island.

During this time, the battle between Tianjianzong and the Ou family continued, with heavy casualties.

The entire Leijian Island has fallen into a land of charcoal.

Tianzongzong's reinforcements are still missing, which makes the Tianzhenzong everyone anxious.

"Islander, how about reinforcements?" The snake said with a somber face.

Tianzhen Sect Master's complexion changed, he said with a deep voice: "My senior Tianzongzong is rushing back from the Guhua Archipelago, but because we leave the mark on the edge of the Guhua Islands, the distance is too far away.

Nothing was said behind Sect Master Tianhen, but the viper already understood.

The distance between the Guhua Islands and Liujian Island is too far, and even the strongest characters in the chemical environment will take a few years to make their way.

In the past few years, they must insist on themselves.

"Recently, the attacks of the Ou Family and the Demon Blood Clan have been strengthened. I suspect that they have any conspiracy." Yaogui Shenwei said slightly.

"Fight to the end." The master of Liuhen Island said coldly.

As he spoke, some men hurried in to report.

"The island owner, the Ou family launched a large-scale offensive, which is about to break our western defense."

"Full support."

The voice of the island's main character just left, and his figure flickered and disappeared directly.

"The medicine returns to the master, poisonous snake, you go to support other areas."

Swish swish ...

Half an hour later, the owner of the scar marks came to the west border.

The Ou's offensive was too strong, and their line of defense had already failed.

"Damn ..."

The island owner left a mark with a curse, and immediately reached out with a big hand, which immediately blocked the advance of the European army.


The big hands of the island owner left behind to suppress it and instantly killed a large number of Ou disciples.

"Leave the island owner, don't come unharmed." The head of the Ou family appeared out of thin air, grinning grimly.

"You old man, betray the human race and take it for granted."

Seeing the head of the European family, the island owner left traces of rage.

He shot directly and attacked the head of the European family.

However, in the face of the attack of the owner of the island, the European family did not move at all.

Suddenly the island master's attack, about to contact him, suddenly his body moved out of thin air.


Leaving the island where the landlord had just been, the void was torn directly.

A strong man in the peak of the Star Realm appeared in the Demon Blood Clan.

"Leave the island owner, today is your death."

Between the speeches, there were three top stars in the stars realm one after another.

Together with the previous head of the European family and another person, a total of five people.


At this time, even the stupid island owner, even if he was stupid, knew that this was the trick of the Ou family.

"Leave the island owner, as long as you obediently hand over the island owner token, I can spare you not to die." The Ou family chief sneered.


The island master cursed cursed.

"court death."

Next, the top five strongest stars in the realm of celestial beings besieged the island lords of scar marks, fighting terrifyingly, and crying and howling.

Not long after, a shocking news came.

The owner of Leijian Island was seriously hit by the head of the European family. Eventually, the owner of Leizhen Island dragged his tired body and fled the battlefield. His whereabouts were unknown.

This news came out, which deeply attacked the fighting morale of Tianjianzong.

For a time, the forces of Tianjian Sect retreated.

The poisonous snake and the medicine returned to the master, and they disappeared one after another.

Leaving the island behind, it fell completely.

However, due to the lack of the island master token, the altar cannot be activated and cannot be recognized by the power of will.

In a short period of time, the head of the European family could not assume the role of the owner of the Leijian Island.

"People who surrender to my Ou family can live without death, and the offenders can kill without amnesty."

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