Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1247: Geocentric rock berry

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The place where the geocentric rock berry is located is a cliff.

Under the cliff, there is a towering big tree, straight into the sky.

Eight Fang Chen, standing in front of the cliff, stared at the core rock berries on the towering tree.

"Sure enough."

Tie Yizun was overjoyed and very excited.

I really didn't expect that in this blood relic, there are treasures everywhere.

If you can get this core rock berry, the strength will be further.

Others laughed, especially Barbarian.

He is majoring in flesh itself, and the effect of Geocentric Rock Berry is focused on the flesh. Among the eight players on the scene, the effect on the wild dragon is the best.

"So many geophylla berries, rough estimate, at least dozens of them?" Manlong smiled.

"How to extract?" Murong Bing spoke for the first time.

Her voice was very delicate. Fang Chen was surprised when she heard her talk.

The little mouse didn't know when to appear on Fang Chen's shoulder. His old **** was saying, "Boss, the guardian demon beneath this is powerful."

"Oh? Can you sense it?" Fang Chen asked.

Buzz ...

At this moment, the devil beetle flew up from under the cliff and surrounded Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, Fang Chen got some information under the cliff.

"Magic Beetle? Brother Fang Chen, is this your spiritual favor?"

The barbarian dragon hurriedly asked when it saw the demon beetle.

Fang Chen nodded, Tie Yizun and others shook their hearts, but Fang Chen could not even recover the Devil Beetle.

In fact, things are not as terrible as they thought.

Fang Chen's chance to recover the Demon Beetle is also a coincidence.

If it was the Devil Beetle in its heyday, Fang Chen would probably avoid it.

"The devil beetle just went down and looked at it. There are eight earth-centered demon dragons below." Fang Chen looked around the seven people and said slightly.

"What? Earth-centered dragon?"

Tie Yizun, who is a natural arrogant, naturally knows the terrible terrestrial dragon.

Geocentric Dragon is a branch race of Jiaolong. It has a very large body, with three heads and 6 arms, and some skills of Jiaolong. It is almost invincible in the same realm.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the earth-centered dragon has a special attack power, which can make the warrior fall into a wooden state in a short time, which is very deadly.

"Is it the Geocentric Dragon that is guarding the Geocentric Rock Berry?" Asked the Barbarian Dragon.

"I'm afraid not. The target of the Devil Dragon should be the Devil Rock Berry." Murong Bing said again. "Geocentric rock berries are about to ripen, and once they are ripe, they should start."

Wen Yan, Fang Chen and others moved slightly.

This Murong Bing hardly likes to talk, but every time he says, it gives people a bright feeling.

"This is troublesome. The target of the Earth-centered Demon Dragon is the Earth-centered Rock Berry. Once we **** it, we will definitely fight with us." Tie Yizu frowned.

"Afraid of something, eight people, one per person, kill directly." The barbarians are violent, clenching their fists, ready to fight.

"This matter requires long-term consideration." Fang Chen whispered.

Geocentric dragons have a strong fighting power. If you want to get geocentric rock berries, you need to think long.

"Brother Fang Chen, what method do you have?" Several other people looked at Fang Chen and asked.

In Voldemort, regardless of your age, it only depends on who gets started first.

Fang Chen first broke through to the stars, so he was naturally a brother in front of the seven people.

Even the cold Murong Bing will be called Brother Senior.

"I have the real meaning of space, let me try it first." Fang Chen decided to try it with the real intention of time and space to see if he could deceive the Earth-Mind Dragon.

Man Long and others nodded and made way for Fang Chen.

Wow ...

Just so abruptly disappeared from everyone's eyes, Manlong and others were very surprised.

"What a subtle real meaning of space." Tie Yizun could not help sighing.

The barbarian dragon on the side is even more admirable than the other party Chen admires.

Only Murong Bing, looking at Fang Chen's vanity, was filled with complex colors.

Under the real meaning of time and space, Fang Chen quickly came over the cliff.

Later, he was hidden in the void, and gradually came to the core of the berry tree.


Under the cliff, under the berry tree of the core rock.

The eight Geocentric Dragons seemed to feel something, and looked up, the Geocentric Rock Berry Tree remained unchanged.

Afterwards, eight earth-mind dragons continued to lie on the ground and sleep.

Fang Chen saw it, secretly happy.

Immediately, taking advantage of the moment when the eight Geocentric Demon Dragons slept, they directly grabbed a Geocentric Rock Berry.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

Buzz ...

The moment he held the earth core rock berry, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and he seemed to touch something.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen found that he couldn't get Geocentric Rock Berry.


Fang Chen snorted, holding Dixinyan berry hard and wanted to pick it off.

However, there seems to be prohibition and protection around the core berries.

"not good."

The next moment, Fang Chen found himself exposed.

Beneath the Geocentric Rock berry tree, eight Geocentric Demon Dragons roared up in the sky, and wings appeared on their backs.

"Humans, leave quickly, this earth core rock berry tree belongs to our family of earth dragons."

"Damn man, dare to **** our stuff, you are looking for death."

Eight earth-centered demon dragons screamed in the sky, very angry.


One of the Earth-centered Demon Dragons shot to Fang Chen and forced Fang Chen back instantly.

Fang Chen was suspended in the sky and faced off with eight Earth-Heart Demon Dragons.

"You can't run out of so many core rock berries, how about I take eight?" Fang Chen asked.

Eight earth-mind demon dragons stood side by side in front of Fang Chen, glaring at Fang Chen, ready to shoot.

Wow ...

Seeing this, a seven-man Tie Yi came forward one after another and confronted the Earth-centered Dragon.

"You are eight, and we are eight. If there is a real battle, whoever wins or who loses may be." Fang Chendao said, "Furthermore, even if you win, you will definitely win."

Eight earth-mind dragons did not act rashly for a while.

They also noticed the breath of Fang Chen and others.

"Humans, retreat quickly, this geocentric rock berry is eight of us, ready to give to my king, if you angered my king, you are all dead." One of the leading geocentric dragons said.

Eight of Fang Chen heard the words and looked at each other, a little surprised in their eyes.

These eight earth-mind dragons actually have leaders.

"Since that is the case, then we will retreat."

Fang Chen heard the words and arched his hand.

Immediately with seven people, quickly left.

"Brother Fang Chen."

The barbarian dragon is a little dissatisfied, he wants to fight.

"Go away."

After leaving the cliff, Fang Chen secretly transmitted seven people to go quickly.

The eight people flew quickly, and away from the cliff in a while, came to a hidden place.


At this moment, they heard the roar of the sky rising from the rear, and it was abruptly sent by the eight earth-centered demon dragons.


Tie Yizun and others are a little puzzled.

Swish swish ...

At this moment, the little mouse and the devil beetle came out from under the ground.

"Boss, here you are."

Holding a lot of geocentric rock berries in her arms, the little mouse handed it to Fang Chen.

The seven people were shocked when they saw it, and they were ecstatic immediately.

"Brother Fang Chen, you just deliberately attracted eight Geocentric Dragons, just to let them steal the Geocentric Rock Berries?" Man Long asked.

Fang Chen nodded.

Everyone observed the little mouse carefully. Before, I just felt that the magic beetle was powerful. I didn't expect this little mouse to be so powerful.

"What are you looking at? I'm so good at you, Lord Mouse."

The little mouse said with his paws on his hips.

Seeing the wild dragon, he laughed.

Fang Chen evenly distributed the geocentric rock berries to everyone.

"Senior Fang Chen, it is your credit to get the geocentric rock berries, you can take a few more." Man Long said.

The others nodded.

Fang Chen smiled, "We are brothers from the same discipline, why do you say that?"

Fang Chen's words rejected everyone's kindness.

After getting Geocentric Rock Berry, everyone sat cross-legged on the spot and began to refine.

After half an hour, everyone's breath obviously improved a lot.

Although there was no breakthrough, it is also nearing a breakthrough.

"Hahaha, it's a rock berry. My physical strength has increased a lot." The barbarian jumped up first and said excitedly.

Tie Yizun and others also stood up one after another.

Their cultivation practices have also increased.

"Brother Fang Chen, thank you very much this time." Tie Yizun thanked.

A smile appeared on Murong Bing's pretty face.

This is the first time Fang Chen has seen Murong Bing smile.

"The remains of blood are extremely dangerous. The first thing we need to do is to improve our strength so that we can go out alive." Fang Chen said.

The eight of them didn't know at all that after they came in, the blood ruins had undergone aberrations, which triggered shocks from the outside world.

Seven people focus on the head.

No matter where they came from before, but now they have a common identity, that is, the disciples of the demon world.

As a disciple of Voldemort, it is necessary to help each other. This is the most important rule of Voldemort.

"Fat guys, how are you? Are you interested in mixing with Lord Mouse? Lord Rat, I promise to make you savoury and spicy." The little rat swish and jumped on the shoulder of the barbarian dragon.

"Just like your small body, let me eat spicy and spicy?" Man Long whispered.

The little mouse heard the words, widened her eyes, and said angrily: "Fat fat man, do you dare to underestimate Lord Mouse?"

"Okay, don't make trouble." Fang Chen stopped.

The little mouse glared at the barbarian dragon, then jumped on Fang Chen's shoulder, and looked directly at the barbarian dragon: "Fat, one day, you will cry and beg the lord rat to take you."

The little mouse is fighting with the barbarian dragon, and the tense atmosphere is slightly relaxed.

At this time, near the cliff, eight earth-mind dragons were looking for Fang Chen and others crazy.

"Damn man, it's too cunning."

"Find them, and then crush them to pieces."

"The number of berries of Dixinyan is limited and they have stolen so much. How can we explain to my king?"

The eight earth-centered demon dragons were very frightened when they thought of the power of the king.

So, at all costs, you should find the lost core rock berries.

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