Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1278: Unable to check

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The three of Huang Yilong are nothing more than an episode.

After the three escaped, Fang Chen continued on.

Soon, he entered the mysterious valley.

The task shows that the bloodthirsty clan is here.

Fang Chen displayed the true meaning of time and space, his body was hidden in the void, and he was carefully inspecting it.

"If you want to destroy the old nest, you must lead the bloodthirsty leader." Fang Chen said.

He had already thought about countermeasures.

Wow ...

The little mouse appeared and looked at Fang Chen with a smile.

"Boss, I am ready."

After all, the little mouse appeared in the mountains, and the purple breath surging around him.

His little paws slammed out, suddenly shaking in the valley.

Rumble ...

Rock debris fell everywhere on the walls around the valley.

The bloodthirsty in the valley felt the shock.

"What's the matter? Did someone attack?"

"The valley is shaking."

For a time, countless noisy sounds instantly sounded.

Suddenly, one bloodthirsty after another appeared in the valley.

When they saw the little mouse, their eyes were full of killing intent.

"Damn the mouse, look at me not killing you."

Several bloodthirsty people swelled all over their bodies, attacking the mice.


Without saying a word, the little mouse opened his mouth directly, biting at the neck of a bloodthirsty man.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty people died.

Immediately afterwards, the mouse killed all the other two bloodthirsty clan.


The mouse rattled and shook the valley.

Some members appeared again in the bloodthirsty nest.

However, the results are the same, beheaded by the mouse.

At this moment, in the bloodthirsty clan's nest, the leader is practicing.

Suddenly, a member reported.

"Boss, it's not good, there is a demon beast above the valley, very powerful, has already killed many of our disciples.

After hearing this, the bloodthirsty tribe frowned.

"Monster? Did the human race find us here?"

"I don't know, there are no human races found in the valley, only a rat demon."

"A bunch of waste, not even a rat demon."

After all, the leader appeared in person.

"Are you the leader of the bloodthirsty people?" The little mouse asked.

"Do you want to die?" Said the bloodthirsty leader coldly.

"Your bloodthirsty people, it's too easy to beat, can you let the powerful come out?" Said the little mouse arrogantly.

The bloodthirsty leader was furious and immediately shot.

Wow ...

The little mouse exhibited two talents and supernatural powers, forcing the leader of the bloodthirsty.

With a whimper, it disappeared into the sky.


The leader of the bloodthirsty clan noticed the extraordinaryness of the little mouse.

"Want to go?"

The leader of the bloodthirsty tribe swept away in the direction of the disappearance of the mouse.

In the void, Fang Chen saw this, showing a smile.

After waiting for a long time to make sure that the leader of the bloodthirsty had fled, he appeared.

At this time, bloodthirsty members have already entered the old nest.

"This bloodthirsty group is really cautious."

Fang Chen could not help sighing.

If ordinary people are here, it is impossible to find the bloodthirsty nest.

He also discovered it according to intelligence.

"Does the Devil Realm keep these bloodthirsty clan nests, just to train disciples?"

He shook his head, this time to do the task, it is useless to think so much.

The bloodthirsty tribe has a large formation beneath the valley.

However, this is not difficult for Fang Chen.

Sitting cross-legged, began to break through.

Fang Chen, a fourth-order array magician, has a thorough study of array formation.

Moreover, it once accepted the lineage inheritance.

"There are so many loopholes."

Soon, Fang Chen found a loophole in the formation.

Immediately began to break through.

Inside the bloodthirsty home.

An elder with six layers of stars, suddenly felt the formation shake.

"what happened?"

The elder's words just fell, and his formation was fragmented.

"Human invasion."

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Fang Chen waved his hand and arranged a serial formation method, trapping all the bloodthirsty people here.

"There are three hundred and ten people in total."

Three hundred of them are low-level martial arts in Star Realm, and eleven are mid-level martial arts in Star Realm.

"You go to kill them."

Fang Chen summoned the demon beetle and the night queen.

With the strength of both of them, it is enough to deal with the low-level martial arts in Star Realm.

Especially the Queen Mother of the Night is able to release a large number of Night Child bodies with great power.

And Fang Chen personally shot against the mid-level bloodthirsty in the Star Realm.

The innermost formation of the serial formation is an illusion formation.

This is the formation of Fang Chen combined with the magic sword, and the middle-level martial arts in the Star Realm fell into it.

Taking advantage of this time, Fang Chen found members of the bloodthirsty clan and began slaughtering.

The four-fold and five-fold bloodthirsty people directly hit their heads with one punch.

In a blink of an eye, eleven middle-level bloodthirsty, have been beheaded seven, leaving four.

At this time, the illusion array was broken.

The four bloodthirsty tribes come together.

"Damn man."

The bloodthirsty people roared in anger.

Xingyin sword appeared, Xuan Tianfeng magic show.

Rumble ...

The sword net appeared in the sky and enveloped four people.

Afterwards, the Mirage Sword was displayed.

A brilliant sword light stabs one of them at an unbelievable speed.

Thump ...

This bloodthirsty was too late to dodge and was killed.


The remaining three bloodthirsty tribes looked up to the sky and joined forces against Fangchen.

In an instant, Fang Chen was caught in a dogfight.

At the same time, under the attack of the dense night corpse, 300 bloodthirsty people have all been killed.

"Boss, the bloodthirsty leader has returned."

At this moment, the little mouse came back.

Suddenly, Fang Chen didn't have any love battle, and a sword forced three people to retreat, and then greeted the demon beetle and the night queen emperor, showing the true meaning of time and space, and fled from here.

Huh ...

After Fang Chen left for a few breaths, the bloodthirsty leader returned.

"what happened?"

The leader of the bloodthirsty cried, asking.

"Chief, after you leave, some people come here ..."

It is said that the leader of the bloodthirsty tribe was very angry and immediately chased away in the direction where Fang Chen disappeared.


Han Qiu and Wang Han went back and forth, but this time they came with the elders of Han family stationed on Fuhua Island.

"Elder, you must help me to kill the thief." Han Qiu said in a deep voice.

"Relax, Master Han." The elder nodded.

Fang Chen in the course of illness found Han Qiu.

Seeing the elders behind Han Qiu, the heart was cold, and the real intention of the air was urged to the extreme, leading the bloodthirsty leader chased by the rear to the place where Han Qiu was.

"Huh? Someone."

Old Han parents suddenly stopped and murmured.

At the next moment, a **** breath spread.

"No, it's bloodthirsty."

After that, the leader of the bloodthirsty clan appeared.

"Damn man, I'm going to kill you." The leader of the bloodthirsty clan thought that Han Qiu and others were Fang Chen's associates.

Without further ado, go straight.


Flashy city, inside a restaurant.

Fang Chen sat alone in the corner drinking.

In the restaurant, there is a discussion about everything.

Han Qiu's disciple Han Qiu died in the flashy mountains.

"Have you heard? Han Qiu of the Han family died in the flashy mountains."

"No one knows such a big event."

"Yeah, it is said that an elder of the Han family also died."

"Who is so bold, even the Han family dare to kill."

Many warriors whispered.

And Fang Chen in the corner sighed.

"I thought I could borrow the Han family to destroy the leader of the bloodthirsty people. It seems that the plan is going to be broken."


Huahua Island, the main palace.

Han parents are old and very angry.

"Master Huahua Island, you have to give me an explanation for this matter."

Opposite the old parents of Han, sit the owner of the flashy island.

At this moment, he also smiled bitterly.

Han Qiu died in the flashy mountains. He, the flashy island owner, could hardly blame him.

"Elder, this matter should be investigated clearly before making a decision, but I promise that Han Qiu will not die in vain." The owner of Huahua Island said.

In front of the Han family, he, the flashy island owner, did not have any coercion.

After a while, the owner of Fuhua Island summoned Huang Yilong.

After seeing Huang Yilong's broken arm, the owner of Fuhua Island was also a little surprised.

"Huang Yilong, it was you and Wang Hanyu who accompanied Han Qiu into the Huahua Mountains. Now, Han Qiu and Wang Hanyu are both dead. Only you know the truth and tell you what happened to you in the Huahua Mountains." Huahua Island The Lord asked.

"Islander, we met a warrior in the flashy mountains that day. He didn't know the three of us. We had a conflict and a war broke out. I didn't expect that the man was too strong. Even Qiu was not his opponent. Eventually I was cut off, and the three of us managed to escape. "

"However, Brother Qiu can't bear this anger. When he came back, he called Han parents to revenge. Who would expect ..."

The next thing, everyone already knows.

"You said, a young warrior, defeated the three of you?" The owner of Fuhua Island asked.

"Not bad."

"I don't know you, indicating that he is not a person of Huahua Island. This is easy to handle. I will investigate the records of the teleportation array to see who has come to Huahua Island recently, and I will know it when I check it." The main road of Huahua Island.

Immediately, he took out a crystal ball from his arms.

This crystal ball is used to record the transmission of messages.

Through the teleportation array, the warriors who came to Huahua Island are all recorded.

The primordial spirit of the owner of the flashy island got into the crystal ball.

Soon, the dignified color appeared on the face of the owner of the flashy island.

"How could this be?"

The owner of the flashy island was a little unbelievable and rechecked.

After checking the second time, the owner of the flashy island put away the crystal ball, and his face was embarrassed.

"Islander, did you find it?"

"Strange thing." The owner of the flashy island was shocked.

"what happened?"

"In the past month, three people came to Huahua Island, and two of them were my disciples of Huahua Island. They went out and returned to work." The main road of Huahua Island.

"Who is the remaining one? The murderer must be him." Han parents exuded the murderous intention, and said coldly.

"The blame is on this last person." The master of the Huahua Island forced his heart to shake and said slowly. "There is no record of this person's message in the crystal ball, and you can't even see it from where it came from."

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