Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1466: break through

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The anti-binding control is successful, and Fang Chen's control of the Star Dragon Boat is easier.

Even the Dark Demon Wheel Spirit was shocked.

"Genius, evildoer."

Qi Ling once followed the Devil Cave Lord and met countless geniuses.

However, Fang Chen's talent for evildoers was deeply convinced by it.

I thought it would take at least a few years to be able to comprehend success. Who can expect that in such a short time, you can control it with ease.

"I have a hunch that the master's future achievements may surpass the old master." Qi Ling muttered secretly.

He was glad that he had chosen the right owner.

If his master stepped on the top in the future, he could also reappear in the eyes of the world. And the world is ruled by a strong attitude.

After a little preparation, Fang Chen began to control the Star Dragon Boat.

"Anti-binding control."

Fang Chen entered the console and began to control the anti-binding brake.

Wow ...

Under the control of Fang Chen, the anti-binding control system was fully operational.

Suddenly, outside the dragon boat in the star field, a large amount of black breath appeared.

These black breaths gathered together in a blink of an eye, turning into a sharp blade.

This sharp blade is inserted at the forefront of the Dragon Boat in Star Field.

Rumble ...

The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The Dragon Boat of the Star Field began to move slowly, and the sharp blade at the front was continuously inserted into the ban.

Click ...

There were cracks in the ban, and they were cracking.

"what happened?"

The horned alien has widened his eyes and looks at the Doubi leader.

"Xingyu Dragon Boat is about to break through the ban and join forces to stop it."

The multi-armed leader roared, and the three strong men teamed up to attack the Star Dragon Boat.

However, the current Starland Dragon Boat is unstoppable.

Under the control of Fang Chen, the anti-binding control operates rapidly, and the heart-pounding power continuously flows into the black sharp blade in front.

Click ...

As the blade deepened, the seemingly unbreakable ban became fragmented.

"Hahaha, broke through."

In the Dragon Boat in the Star Field, Tie Yizun laughed three people.

Trapped here for so long, finally broke through the ban and can leave.


When the ban was completely shattered, the Starland Dragon Boat blinked at an incredible speed and disappeared into the ruins.


The multi-armed leader is cracking his teeth and yelling in anger.

His speed reached the extreme, and he wanted to catch up with the Dragon Boat in the Star Field.

Finally, the technique of forbidden closure was cast, which trapped the dragon boat in the star field.

Now, however, he is so easy to escape, he is not reconciled.

"My Dobby is not so bully."

The Doubi clan leader was furious, and the other two alien strongmen were also chasing.

The three powerful men attacked at the same time, but they couldn't keep up with the Dragon Boat.

Huh ...

After breaking through the barrier, the dragon boat in the star field appeared in the void ocean.

"Come out." The barbarian laughed.

At this time, Jian Wuhong took out the summoning Yu Pei, and quickly transmitted the sound to the Guhua leader.

The latter arrived at the fastest speed after learning the news.

The leader of Guhua, sitting in the Guhua Archipelago, although its cultivation is only the pinnacle of the realm of creation, even if it is some ordinary life and death emperor, it must be given face.

To put it bluntly because he is the master of the Guhua Islands.

"Energy consumption is great."

Withdrawing the idea, Xingyu Dragon Boat returned to normal.

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, just for a short time, the energy consumed is more than the sum of all before.

"Master, the anti-binding control itself is extremely difficult to control, which has been consumed very little." Qi Ling explained.

Fortunately, the ban is not too strong, otherwise, even the Starland Dragon Boat, it may not be able to break through.

Hula ...

In a blink of an eye, the Starland Dragon Boat rushed out of the void ocean and brought a burst of waves.

The Starland Dragon Boat stays above the void ocean, waiting for the leader of Guhua.

Because, they have got the news that the Guhua leader is rushing all the way and will be there soon.

The means of the Lord of the Islands are incredible.

Within the archipelago, their abilities are skyrocketing.

This is why there are a lot of strong people in the fortunes of the alien race, but they dare not confront the masters of the archipelago.

Fang Chen and others just stopped, and they felt that the three strong men of the alien race were chasing them.


The three powerful aliens directly launched the killing of the Dragon Boat.

Rumble ...

Wild attacks, constantly bombarded on the starry dragon boat.

However, it is impossible to break through its defense.

This made Fang Chen a few people relieved.

"Guhua's leader will be here soon, we are holding them here." Fang Chen whispered.

Outside, the horned alien has a gloomy face.

"Many, this is not the way to go. We appear on the void ocean. I am afraid that the human race has already known it. It will not take long for the human race to come." The horned alien said.

"Yeah, old man, give up." Said another alien.

The leader of the Dobby tribe shook his head, and there was only one thought in his mind, that was to kill Fang Chen.

"The human warrior destroys our clan branch to summon the ancestral altar. What this means is clearer than me." The Doubi clan leader said coldly: "Even if I die, I will avenge my clan branch."

After hearing this, the faces of the two aliens changed dramatically.

The human race in the Dragon Boat in the Star Field actually destroyed the altar of summoning ancestors of the Dobby.

No wonder, Mr. Dao is so angry.

Thinking of this, the two aliens laughed bitterly, and then said: "Many, I'm sorry we can't help you. Let's take a step."

Having said that, the two quickly disappeared.

When the strong human figures arrive, they can't get away if they want to go.

So leaving now is the wisest choice.

"Even if you die, you have to pull a cushion."

The leader of the multi-armed tribe is ready for desperation.

The ancestral altar call failed, and their branch will be permanently cursed.

It's better to work harder than that.

The leader of the multi-armed tribe has put life and death away.

"I don't believe it, I can't break the defense."

The multi-armed leader launched a powerful attack and continued to bombard the Starfield Dragon Boat.

After about an hour, a strong breath approached.


A roar sounded, and the Guhua leader appeared.


The ancient Chinese leader gazed at the Doubi tribe leader and said coldly.

With a wave of his hand, a powerful light shot out, blocking the attack of the Dobby leader.

"You leave first." The Guhua leader said to Fang Chen and others.

Wow ...

The star-shaped dragon boat turned into a streamer and disappeared into the void ocean.

Here, only the leader of the ancient Chinese ally and the leader of the Doubi tribe.

"I haven't dealt with a strong human race for a long time. I hope you won't let me down."

"Relax, I will never be soft-hearted."

Next, an earth-shattering battle was launched.

Even across a very far distance, Fang Chen in the Dragon Boat of Star Field can feel the powerful sound of vibration.

"The battle for the pinnacle of creation."

Fang Chen's heart is boiling with blood, and one day he will reach this level.

Not long after, the crowd arrived at Tiexia Island.


When they came out of the Dragon Boat in Xingyu, everyone was relieved.

"It's dangerous," said the barbarian fearfully.

Tie Yizun clenched his fist in front of Fang Chen and said, "Brother Fang, thank you very much."

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "What are you doing?"

Tie Yizun nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Fang, let's say goodbye to this, I want to find a perfect body for Murong."

"Tie Yizun, we must find a good body for Murong." The barbarian hippie said with a smile.

They joined together in the Demon Realm, worked hard together, and had deep feelings.

During this period, Murong Bing fell in love with Tie Yizun, and the Manlong was also happy for them.

Now Murong Bing is dead and resurrected, they all have a different taste in their hearts.

"Relax, I will definitely."

Tie Yizun left Murong Bing's Yuanshen.

He walked very chic, and the unforgettable obsession in his heart had drifted away with the wind.

Next, he will devote himself to Murong Bing and the pursuit of kendo peak.

Fang Chen did not expect that after a few years, the iron sword became famous all over the world, and people talked about it.

Of course, this is something.

Tie Yizun left, and the Barbarian Dragon was also very interesting.

"Brother Fang, since the matter has been resolved, then I will go back first." Man Long said, and turned to leave.

Fang Chen knew that the barbarian dragon was going back to the demon world, but because the sword dance was red, he couldn't say it directly.

In the end, only Fang Chen and Jian Wuhong were left in the wasteland.

Jian Wuhong lowered his head, his hair blocked the pretty face, and could not see the expression on his face.

Fang Chen did not speak, and there was silence around him.

Jian Wu's red and white little hands held the skirt tightly, and he stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Jian Wuhong finally had enough courage and whispered, "Thank you."

Fang Chen was worried about how to speak. Hearing Jian Wuhong's words, he grinned and said, "It's just a matter of raising hands."

Jian Wuhong's face was covered with blush, and her beautiful eyes dared not look at Fang Chen.

"Wuhong, where are you going next?" Fang Chen asked.

Jian Wuhong froze for a moment, then shook his head.

She didn't know where she was going?

In the past, there was only one goal in her mind, and that was to pursue the peak of Kendo.

But now, she has a different taste in her heart.

In particular, some people broke into her heart.

Suddenly, Jian Wuhong opened her hair, raised her head, and the blush on Qiao's face gradually disappeared.

Her beautiful eyes blinked and looked at Fang Chen.

A smile appeared on his face, and said softly, "I want to be with you."

Fang Chen was a little dazed, but immediately shook his head and sighed.

"Why? Don't want to?" Jian Wuhong asked with a grunt.

Fang Chen took a few steps, turned around, and looked at the endless blue sky.

"Dancing red, I will delay you."

Fang Chen's meaning is very gentle, but Jian Wuhong doesn't listen at all.

"I like you, it's my freedom, you have no right to interfere." Jian Wuhong suddenly changed his attitude, boldly said.

When she said this, her eyes were staring straight at Fang Chen's back.

The latter heard that his body shook obviously.

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