Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1503: Not give up

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Yuan Ming tried to kill Fang Chen three times and five times, for which he did not hesitate to deal with his apprentice.

This kind of hatred is not common.

He could not let Yuan Ming go.

"It is impossible for me to let Yuan Ming go." Fang Chen said with a tough attitude.

Zidao heard the words, his face changed slightly.

At a critical moment, he wants to help Yuan Ming.

"Blood Sword Saint, I'm going, you can't stop it."

Yuan Ming's face was grim, and he roared in anger.

He was very painful, but he was not strong enough to succeed.

He was very regretful in his heart. When he entered the inheritance ancestral land, he should first search for the whereabouts of Blood Sword Saint, and then beheaded.

"Damn ..."

Yuan Ming clenched his fists, cursing in his heart.

Fang Chen walked towards Yuan Ming step by step, exuding coldness all over his body.

"Don't dare to go to Lvzhu Island to find me, and then send a warrior to deal with the apprentices in the Gangs of that day. This kind of thing can only be done by you Yuanming."


Hearing the words, the Purple Sword is also somewhat surprised.

In their realm, even if they have hatred against their opponents, they will only fight head-on.

Against the apprentices of Tiangang Realm, this kind of thing, he really can't do it.

"If it were not for me to appear in time, my apprentice would have died in your Yuanming's hands. Who would I reason about this kind of thing?" Fang Chen asked: "If I lost in your Yuanming's hands today, you Will you let me go? "

The answer is obvious, certainly not.

Yuan Ming wants to kill him all the time. If he wins, how can he let go of such a good opportunity?

Yuan Ming's face was somber and silent.

He was thinking about the way to escape.

It is a bit unrealistic to face the Blood Sword Saint head-on.

"Blood Sword Saint, you can want it, if you dare to move me, you cannot afford the consequences." Yuan Ming threatened.

He wanted to use the Yuan clan to intimidate the Blood Swordmaster and force him to retreat.

Unfortunately, he used the wrong object.

Blood Juggernaut is not afraid of intimidation.

"Yuan tribe?"

Fang Chen grinned, his smile very strange.

call out……

The Red Glass Sword shot, and the tactics of burying the sword in the world suddenly appeared.

In the sky, a terrifying sword gas suddenly appeared.

Fang Chen's figure disappeared into the void.


Yuan Ming said nothing, and fled directly.


Purple Knife shot.

His master has a good relationship with Yuangu. Moreover, this quota was given by the Yuan tribe.

Although the Yuan tribe also got the benefits it deserves, they still have to help Yuan Ming.

"Yuan Ming walks quickly."

The Purple Sword blocked Fang Chen's deity, staring at Fang Chen: "Blood Sword Saint, with me, you can't kill him."

"He will die."

Between the speeches, Fang Chen's avatar roared out, shuttled through the void, bypassing the blockade of the purple knife.

Rumble ...

On the fourth floor of the Five Thundering Tribulation Act, the terrifying power of thunder, combined with the spirit of the soul road, was unable to cover the ears with Thunder, instantly hitting Yuan Ming's head.


The miserable cry came, Yuan Ming's body twitched, and then fell to the ground.

At the same time, Fang Chen's avatar released Undead Flame.

Hissing ...

The power of Undead Flame is too strong, even the Purple Sword dare not resist.

Undead Flame carries a powerful force, covering the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and the screams of sorrow continue to spread.

"Yuan Ming."

Zidao roared and wanted to rescue, but was blocked by Fang Chen's deity.

In a blink of an eye, Yuan Ming burned Yuan Ming to ashes without dying.

The Yuan tribe was proud of Yuan Ming on the first day and fell there.

Wow ...

A clear wind blew past, and the ashes on the ground fluttered with the wind instantly.

Immortal inflammation quickly returned to the sub-body.

Doppelganger and the deity stand side by side, staring at the purple sword.

"Are you going to avenge Yuan Ming?" Fang Chen asked.

Zi Dao shook his head. Although he had a good relationship with Yuan Ming, he hadn't reached that point yet.

"I have tried my best." Zidao said softly.

He looked at the Blood Sword Saint complexly, and then said: "It's you who killed Yuan Ming. Yuan Gu won't let you go."

"That will be the future. Next, we should understand the battle between the two of us." Fang Chen said.

Zidao nodded, trying to calm down his heart.

The two looked at each other, and the air was full of heavy breath.

Purple Sword holds a purple battle sword, "Blood Sword Saint, I have to say that your potential is even envied by me. Entering the ancestral homeland, you are progressing too fast. I rarely admire a person, you can use your own Working hard, to this step today, I admire the Purple Sword. "

"However, the strongest inheritance, only the last person can get it, I will go all out." Zidao said.

"There is no need for fighting between you and me." Fang Chen said.

Upon hearing this, Zi Dao's face changed, and a complex look appeared in his eyes.

"Are you going to admit defeat?" Zidao asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, and then his heart moved, the dark magic wheel appeared in the palm of his hand.

"If I urge the dark magic wheel, you have no chance of winning."

The dark magic wheel exudes a terrifying breath.

For the first time, Zidao felt dangerous.


Zi Dao's heart shook, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

"I won't know until I've stood."

Purple Knife shot.

The dark magic wheel puts a lot of pressure on him, and he fears that it will change later.

The purple sword, in its hands, turned into a purple sword, and screamed out.

Rumble ...

The red glass sword waved freely against the purple knife.

Afterwards, the Purple Sword went all out.

The earth-shattering voice came out instantly.

Daoguang is like a rainbow, and sword spirit is like a dragon.

This is a competition between kendo and kendo.

Purple knife's knife technique is very aggressive.

The Fang Chen's swordsmanship is wide open, giving people a very shocking feeling.

Heaven and earth burial sword tactics, but burial sword emperor's mastery.

Although it is only the best secret method, but its real power is comparable to magic.

Of course, there is still a certain gap from the real magic.

"Promise Holy Light Knife."

Zi Dao Shi exhibited the Prominent Promise Promise Holy Light Dao.

The ray of knife light, like rain, clustered together densely.

"go with."

The Purple Knife sipped low, and the Purple Long Knife thrust into Fang Chen with the dense light of the knife.

The latter released immortal inflammation, and this space instantly became a sea of ​​fire.

Wow ...

Anything that enters the flames of fire is instantly refined.

"Damn ..."

Zi Dao was not reconciled, he looked at the flames around Fang Chen with some fear.

"Not dying."

Zidao recognized the immortal inflammation, and he felt a strong breath of immortal birds.

The immortality is powerful, the purple knife is naturally clear, and it can't be tough.


During the speech, Zidao's figure flickered, and beside him, three puppets suddenly appeared.

These three puppets are all puppets of the Nine Heavy Cultivation Realm, and their fighting power is very strong.

The most important thing is that these three puppets have a set of combined attack circle, as long as they are trapped in it, even if they are purple knives, they cannot easily get out of it.

"go with."

The Purple Sword controls the three puppets, attacking the Blood Sword Master with all his strength.

The latter saw a sneer.

The sea of ​​flames permeated and directly swept across the earth. After the three puppets entered the sea of ​​flames, the pace became slow.


Fang Chen looked at the three puppets in surprise.

Undead Flame couldn't invade them.

"this is……"

Fang Chen shook his heart, this is the means of the Yangtian clan.

"The three puppets, where did you get it from?" Fang Chen Shen Sheng asked.

"Do you know them?" Zidao asked back.

"How can I not know the means of the Heavenly Clan?" Fang Chen said.

He once worked with Qinghou to practice the puppets of the puppet clan.

However, he later hesitated his recklessness, penetrated the boundary wall, rushed into the void ocean, and almost died.

Qinghou, however, completely inherited the inheritance of the Yangtian clan.

Became a puppet master.

The means of the Yaotians could not be more clear.

The puppet of the puppet clan is very powerful.

After recognizing the puppets of the puppet clan, Fang Chen gave up burning with undead.

Because Undead Flame is not effective for the puppet puppets.

"I didn't expect that you actually knew the puppet of the puppet clan. Now that you know it, it's too late to admit defeat." Zidao said confidently.

Fang Chen shook his head, holding a red glass sword, showing the true meaning of time and space, and his figure kept flashing.

Although trapped by the combination of three puppets, Fang Chen was not in a hurry.

As long as he was given a little time, he could find the puppet's weaknesses and then break them one by one.

"Blood Sword Saint, admit defeat."

In addition to the magic circle, the Purple Sword held the War Sword and exhibited the Promise Holy Light Sword.

The horrible knife-light constantly enters the combined attack circle.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Fang Chen observed the three puppets while resisting the sword light.

After a moment, Fang Chen smirked.

"The puppet of the puppet clan, there are no flaws, you are trapped in it and you can't break free."

Zidao is very confident in her killer skills.

His grandfather once said to him that the cooperation of these three puppets, even if they are the pinnacles of the realm of creation, cannot be broken.

However, as soon as his words fell, the red glass sword pierced a strange track.

Click ...

The red glass sword pierced the neck of one of the puppets.

"Useless, you can't break it."

Zidao sneered.


The smile on Zidao's face froze in an instant, replaced by fright.

With a bang, the puppet stabbed by Fang Chen exploded from the inside and shattered directly.

Immediately thereafter, Fang Chen defeated the other two puppets in the same way.

"How can it be?"

Zidao shouted silently, he kept shaking his head and couldn't believe everything in front of him.

The three puppets are the life-saving killer gifts given to him by the master.

The proud killer is so easily broken by Blood Sword Saint. 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

"Puppet puppet, I'm too familiar."

Seeing the purple knife falling into a frenzy, Fang Chen gently shook his head.

If it were other means, it might really cause trouble for him, but it was a puppet of the puppet clan.

Purple Sword is not reconciled, seeing that the strongest inheritance is about to be handed, but the Blood Sword Saint is kicked.

"For the strongest inheritance, I cannot give up."

Purple Sword tried to calm down his inner madness. He raised his head, and his scarlet eyes looked at the Blood Sword Saint.

"It's really hard to imagine that all this was done by a warrior with five ancestors." Zidao Shen said: "However, for the strongest inheritance, I will not give up."

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