Immemorial Sword Venerable

: 1516 Bipolar Iceberg

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Birds and flowers, towering in the woods.

Introducing the eye is the charming beauty.

Fang Chen stood quietly, and the air was filled with strong pressure.

The perfect sword body runs automatically, and the sword-shaped runes blink endlessly.

"Where is this? Why did the Holy Lord come here?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

Logically speaking, inheriting the ancestral land should be the heritage of the human race.

But what is this place that popped up suddenly?

Fang Chen took out the summoning Yu Pei and sent a message to the Lord.

The other party did not respond, which made Fang Chen more puzzled.

"The landlord cannot deceive me."

Fang Chen secretly said.

When you first visit a strange place, the first thing to do is to check the surrounding environment.

After confirming that there is no danger, explore.

You can't walk blindly, otherwise it will bring death.

The spread of consciousness, Fang Chen found that behind this forest, there is an iceberg.

"Huh? So familiar."

Fang Chen vibrated in his heart, and immediately jumped forward, his body merged into the void and moved forward quickly.

After a while, he walked through the forest and came to the iceberg.

Seeing this iceberg, Fang Chen was too shocked.

Above the iceberg, filled with the breath of extreme ice, towering into the clouds, can not see the end.

"It's exactly like the iceberg in the ruins of the stars."

Fang Chen was horrified, what the **** is going on?

Where is this place and why is there an iceberg exactly like in the ruins of the stars.

He clearly remembered that the iceberg in the ruins of the stars was extremely dangerous.

Qinglei Emperor, Jiu Xiaofeng Lord, Hunyuan Demon Lord.

The three emperors of life and death, stepping into the iceberg, have no room for survival, and their avatars are completely destroyed.

Moreover, they died under the ice.


Fang Chen was close to the iceberg and wanted to see what happened.

At this moment, he saw an amazing scene.

On the mountainside of the iceberg, a figure emerged.

"Holy Lord."

Fang Chen shouted silently.

On the mountainside, the holy Lord of the Terran who was climbing the mountain heard the cry and turned his head to look at it, stunned.

"Blood Sword Saint?"

The holy lord of the human race stopped and talked with Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, why are you here?"

"Holy Lord, this is a long story. Are you going to climb to the top of the iceberg?" Fang Chen asked.

The holy Lord of the human race nodded.

"I once saw a similar iceberg in a certain ruin. Above the iceberg, it is extremely dangerous. The emperor of life and death stepping into it will surely die. You must be careful, Holy Master," Fang Chen reminded.

"The ruins you mentioned, but the ruins of the stars?" Asked the human saint.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, then nodded.

The saint lord of the human race took a deep breath, and his back flickered, and immediately walked down from the iceberg.

"Have you been to the ruins of the stars?"

"Have been."

The Sacred Lord of the Human Race nodded, and then hurriedly asked: "Do you have any tokens to enter the ruins of the stars here?"

Fang Chen did not understand the meaning of the holy Lord of the human race.

The latter explained: "Blood Sword Saint is about the survival of the human race."

"Holy Lord, are the two icebergs connected?" Fang Chen asked.

"This iceberg is called a bipolar iceberg. There should have been two icebergs here, but the owner of the ruins of the stars forcibly took one and put them into the ruins of the stars." The human holy master explained: Together, it can form a huge aura. It is said that as long as it climbs to the top of the iceberg, it can realize the extreme state of the law and thus break through to the ancient world. "

"And, above the iceberg, there are treasures that make the ancient world jealous."

After hearing this, Fang Chen was shocked.

"I do have a way to enter the ruins of the stars, but can you tell me, Lord, where is this place?"

So far, Fang Chen did not know where he entered.

"This is the place where Bingzu once practiced." Sacred Lord of the Human Race said slowly, "Bingzu does not belong to this cosmic era. He is a strong man who survived the last cosmic era. In the era of Bingzu, Guzu still He was never born. At that time, the ice ancestor, who claimed to be the strongest in the lower realm, reached the extreme of the ancient world. He devoted his life to condensing two icebergs, known as the two polar icebergs. "

"After Bingzu entered the God Realm, there were rumors that if someone could step on the bipolar iceberg, they would be able to break through the eternal realm. But so far, no one has been able to climb to the top of the mountain." Sacred Human Race said: "Many years ago, I have been here once, but failed. "

The cost of failure is high, so the Lord is not willing to come here often.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen suddenly realized that the two polar icebergs were created by the powerful people of the last era.

Secretly remembered the name Bingzu.

"No wonder the lord said I can help the holy lord of the human race, it turned out to be the case."

Seeing Fang Chen's doubts, the Holy Master continued to explain: "It is difficult to climb the icebergs of both poles. The emperor of the life and death realm is bound to die, and no doubt, only an emperor who has developed to the extreme can only persevere. After the iceberg, put it in the ruins. After its own refining, the difficulty of the iceberg is greatly reduced, which also gives people hope. "

"Want to come, Emperor Qinglei, Lord of Nine Xiaofeng, Lord of Hunyuan Demon, is to climb the iceberg?" Fang Chen thought to himself.

The holy lord of the human race stared at Fang Chen.

"The Emperor Xuesha is very likely to take the last step. I must break through to the ancient realm before him, otherwise, the human race will be in crisis."

"Holy Lord, I will take you into the ruins of the stars." Fang Chen said.

The holy saint of the human race nodded, and his face was overjoyed.

Immediately, Fang Chen took out the star token and then activated it.

Suddenly, their figures disappeared.

The next moment, the two appeared in the ruins of the stars.

"This is the ruins of the stars?" The holy Lord of the Human Race exulted.


Fang Chen took the holy lord of the human race and soon came under the iceberg.

In the ice under the iceberg, three corpses sat quietly cross-legged, even if they died for endless years, they never bowed their heads.

"this is……"

Some memory appeared in the mind of the holy saint of the human race.

"Emperor Qinglei, Lord Jiu Xiaofeng, and Lord Hunyuan. The three of them actually fell here?"

Exclaimed the holy saint of the human race.

At that time, Qing Lei emperor three of them, fascinating the universe.

The three teamed up, and the strength is close to the strong in the ancient world.

Soon after they came to the lower realm, they disappeared without a trace.

The disappearance of the three people has always been an unsolved mystery of the lower realm.

Unexpectedly, the three fell under the ice.

After a long time, the holy Lord of Human Race sighed and shook his head.

Such a strong man finally died here silently.

What is the use of glory in life, no one remembers after death.

For a time, the saint lord of the human race felt a lot of emotion.

"The three of them, in pursuit of the pinnacle of martial arts and knowing the danger, resolutely set foot on the iceberg. Although there is no regret."

The saint lord of the human race admires the three.

How much courage is required to make such a decision.

"Holy Lord." Fang Chen shouted.

The Lord shook his head and put away his thoughts.

"Holy Lord, could you please bring the bodies of the three of them out." Fang Chen said.

He had promised to take the bodies of the three out of the body if he had a chance.

"it is good."

The holy master of the human race shot, and his figure flashed, and Fang Chen could not capture his figure.

In a blink of an eye, the holy Lord of the human race returns.

Back to Fang Chen, beside him, three corpses sat quietly.

"The three are all heroes. They deserve respect. Let's bury them."

Later, Fang Chen and the holy lord of the human race personally buried three people.

The three of them were unswerving in their decisions to death.

Fang Chen buried the three people under the iceberg so that they could see the iceberg all the time.


After doing all this, Fang Chen felt that Yuanshen was sublimated.

"Blood Sword Saint, you are here, I will try it."

As soon as the voice of the holy saint of the human race fell, he went straight to the iceberg.

At the same time, Iron Armor and others all sensed the arrival of Fang Chen.

"Boy, I haven't seen you in a few days. Your strength has improved a lot." Iron Armor said with a laugh. 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

The old man who guarded the source of soul power, and the breath of soul road that Fang Chen had escaped from his body was even more exclaimed.

"Did you actually break the curse of the Five Thunders?"

Fang Chen smiled, his eyes fell on the iceberg.

The top of the iceberg is shrouded in clouds.

A blood eye, with complex patterns on it, and the rotation of each pattern can spur the power of heaven and earth.

Around the blood eyes, there is a terrifying breath.

Blood Eye noticed someone climbing and looked down.

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