Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1524: Three thousand in Luoshui

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Strictly speaking, Fang Chen is also a half Luo people.

Moreover, the blood in his body also contains the Luo blood.

When he was in the holy land of the human race, the Lord of the Luo people discovered it. At that time, he also invited Fang Chen to come to the Luo people for a time.

Only now, he is retreating.

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Luo Liuli hesitated.

After all, ancestral teachings cannot be violated.

However, the person in front of him is his own son.

She was struggling and struggled with her thoughts.

However, after a while, Luo Liuli made a decision.

"Chen'er, I can show you this magic technique, but you have to remember, don't tell the outside world." Luo Liuli said.

In fact, Luo Liuli only gave Fang Chen a long insight.

After all, every magic technique has its own matching mentality.

If you don't have the mental method, if you want to cultivate it, it is almost impossible.

The mind of the Luo people's divine art is in the hands of the Lord of the Luo people.

Wow ...

Luo Liuli's jade waved his hand, and suddenly a strong ban appeared around the Liuli Temple.

Prohibition of Yuanshen exploration, to prevent someone from peeping.

After doing all this, Luo Liuli took out a yellowed book from his arms, with four large characters on it, 'Luo Shui San Qian'.

The ancestors of the Luo people were called Luoshen.

The Luoshen at that time, but it can be comparable to the spirit of the gods.

During the Luoshen period, the Luos strongly suppressed the Yuan and Ling.

Even the ancestors of the Yuan and Ling clan had to withdraw three points in the face of Luoshen.

At that time, Luoshen was extremely powerful.

The divine art he left behind was ‘Luoshui Sanqian’, which shocked the world.

However, since the Luoshen, the Luos have no one cultivated this magic.

The other two tribes are developing rapidly, while the Luo tribe has been going downhill.

After Luoshen entered the Divine Realm, the strength of Luos was even more disastrous.

Became the end of the three major protoss.

Up to now, the Luo tribe can only barely rank among the three major protoss, and are completely suspended by the other two protoss.

As for ‘Luo Shui San Qian’, it was even buried.

Stimulated by the sacred Lord of the human race to break through the ages, the Lord of the Luo tribe retreats to realize the ‘Luo Shui San Qian’.

"This is the only magical skill of our Luo nationality." Luo Liuli said.

Fang Chen took the yellowish book and opened it slowly.

Fang Chen carefully watched the specific content of Luoshui 3,000.

Three thousand in Luoshui is a water divine art, supplemented by the law of water, which is amazingly powerful.

If Luoshui can be repaired into three thousand, the law of water will reach its extreme.

The magic is very mysterious, but for Fang Chen, it is quite easy to understand.

After becoming a time and space practitioner, Fang Chen's perception of the space and time practice system became more and more profound.

And the cultivation of the space-time book is also steadily improving.

The Book of Time and Space is the divine art left by the ancestor.

Even the Book of Time and Space can be cultivated, and naturally understand the obscure Luoshui 3000.

Seeing Fang Chen frown from time to time, Luo Liuli nodded gently, which was what he expected.

After all, Fang Chen is a warrior in the chemical realm. Even if he is stronger, he can't have the kind of perception of the emperor of life and death.

It is almost impossible to understand advanced magic.

After a long time, Fang Chen closed the book.

"Chen'er, the magic technique is esoteric and profound. With your current state, it's normal to not understand it. You will understand it when you step into life and death." Luo Liuli comforted.

She was afraid that her son would be hit.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, and immediately relieved.

The mother did not know about the practice of the time-space book, and it is normal for her to say so.

"Mother and son are dull, but they can understand some of them." Fang Chenqian said modestly, "After my observation, I found that Luoshui Sanqian is a water divine art. When practicing, you need to supplement the law of water.

After talking, Fang Chen paused.

"Yes, that's exactly what happened."

Luo Liuli's white face had a look of surprise.

His own son can actually understand the magic.

"This is just a routine method of cultivation. Have you ever thought of your mother, use other methods?" Fang Chen asked.

Luo Liuli shook his head, the magic technique was left by Luo Shen, and the method was verified by a thousand hammers. This is the shortest cultivation method and the only cultivation method.

"Mother, in fact, magic is not as difficult as you think." Fang Chen said slowly.

He had just tried to keep Luo Shui's three thousand words in his mind, and then transmitted it into the golden heart.

It was a shocking discovery that after the golden heart was filtered, Luo Shui's 3,000 words changed dramatically.

After comparison, it is found that the Luoshui's Luoshui 3000 is actually a ruined copy.

No wonder, after Luoshen, no one can successfully practice.

Of course, Fang Chen can't say this directly. The Luo people have already impressed Luoshui three thousand deeply into their minds, and it is impossible to change for a while.

"I found that Luoshui Sanqian should practice like this."

Fang Chen gave her mother a clever explanation of the remnants she saw from the golden heart.

For half a hour, Fang Chen has been explaining.

At first, Luo Liuli didn't take it seriously.

However, in the later period, every sentence of Fang Chen can resonate with her.


After Fang Chen finished speaking, Luo Liuli's face was full of shock.

"Chen'er, these ... these are your own feelings?"

"Mother, I once had a chance to see a magic art. So I still have some feelings about the magic art." Fang Chen explained with a smile.

Fang Chen said easily, but in Luo Liuli's eyes, he was shocked.

Genius is simply peerless.

After reading Luoshui 3000, you can have such a deep feeling.

"Mother, you try according to my cultivation." Fang Chen interrupted his mother's words and said directly.

Luo Liuli happened to feel something, nodded gently, and began to practice immediately.

Fang Chen grinned at the breath of his mother's body.


The outside world, the elders and others, are puzzled.

What is the Blood Sword Saint talking with the Saint Girl? It's been several hours. Why can't I come out?

"Great Elder, Blood Sword Saint has unknown intentions. He hasn't come out in the Liuli Hall for several hours. We should go in and see. If the Saint is in trouble, you and I cannot afford it."

"With the strength of the Holy Girl, even if the Blood Sword Saint conspires, he will only hit the stone with eggs." Great Elder said.

"Then tell me why there hasn't been any movement for such a long time?" Said the elder.

"Wait." The elder shook his head.

Blood Sword Saint passed the level, defeated the three elders, got permission to enter the Liuli Palace.

They are also not easy to intervene in this matter.

Although I was very puzzled, I still needed to wait.

On the square, the younger generation of Luo people are discussing with each other.

Luo Fenger and Luo Chen are fighting, Luo Qinghan aside is pointing.

"Feng'er, when you shot, be more aggressive."

"Xiaochen, how soft is your palm, didn't you eat?"

Luo Qinghan is the strongest among the younger generation of the Luo nationality, and he is extremely talented.

Usually he was instructing Luo Feng'er and others.


Under the guidance of Luo Qinghan, Luo Feng'er and Luo Chen made good progress.

After the fists collided, their respective bodies retreated.

In the process of retreating, Luo Chen toes a little, with the help of the anti-shock force, continued to attack.

However, at this moment, he felt the throbbing of the blood.

"what happened?"

Luo Chen's body landed on the ground and stopped fighting.

At the same time, Luo Feng'er, Luo Qinghan and others also felt blood palpitations.

"A strong force, is anyone breaking through?" Luo Xia said in a deep voice.

"This force of suppression seems to come from the direction of Liuli Temple." Luo Feng'er frowned.

"Aunt Liuli."

Luo Chen heard that, very anxious, one stepped out and went to the Liuli Hall.

Around the Liuli Temple, there was a breath of terror.

In the breath of terror, there is a strong blood power.

At the same time, all the tribes in the whole Luo people's holy land felt the suppression of blood.

The elder elders and the second elders also changed their complexions.

"what happened?"

"The saint is breaking through, or is she facing a crisis?"

Bloodline suppression, has not appeared for a long time. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

The whole Luo people's holy place was in chaos, and everyone's eyes were all concentrated on the Liuli Temple.

Their faces were pale, and their blood vessels were too strong.

The lower the blood, the stronger the suppression.

The higher the blood vein concentration, the lower the suppression.

After a while, in front of the Liuli Hall, a large number of tribes gathered.

"what happened?"

"It seems that the Blood Sword Saint is in the Liuli Hall."

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