Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1527: Shock of Lord Luo

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Moreover, it also helps Saints to get started.

If this kind of thing is known to the outside world, it will definitely stir up the entire lower bound.

Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Skills is very difficult to practice, the Lord of the Luo tribe knows best.

"What is a genius? This is a genius." The Lord of the Luo tribe secretly said to himself.

Immediately, he looked at Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, no, I should call you Fang Chen." The Lord of the Luo tribe said: "You are the son of Liuli, and I am also a member of the Luo tribe. I don't know if you are willing to practice the Luoshui three thousand divine art?

The Lord of the Luo tribe can no longer care about that much.

Based on Fang Chen's understanding of Luoshui's three thousand, it might be easier to cultivate?

Once the cultivation is successful, the strength of the Luo people will be greatly improved.

He did not worry about Fang Chen swallowing Luoshui three thousand divine art alone, because there was Luo Liuli.

"Patriarch, Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Skills is profound and requires specialization. Right now I have a Divine Skill, I am afraid it is difficult to specialize." Fang Chen refused euphemistically.

It is said that the Lord of the Luo tribe is even more shocked.

A fortune-telling warrior actually possesses a magic technique.

"Do you have a magic art?"

He really couldn't understand where Fang Chen's magic came from.

Now that he had confessed to this man, Fang Chen said directly.

"Patriarch, I received the ancestral inheritance in the main hall of the ancestral land, and one of them was a magic technique." Fang Chen simply said.


The Lord of the Luo tribe stood up from the throne at once, and in the dark eyes, emitted two substantive rays, looking at Fang Chen.

"Guzu inheritance, you actually got the inheritance of the Gu family?"

The Lord of the Luo tribe set off a turbulent wave.

What kind of figure is Guzu, he naturally knows best.

I am afraid that no one on the list of cosmic powers knows it.

All strong men take Guzu as their goal, and hope that one day they will achieve their achievements.

Guzu is the strongest human race in this cosmic era.

He created his own cultivation system, which was unique and shocked the heavens.

Now, his heritage is right in front of his eyes.

"Aren't I dreaming?" The Lord of the Luo family couldn't believe it.

Not only the Lord of the Luo tribe, even Luo Liuli stared at his son.

Her face was full of happy smiles.

His son has grown up, and has achieved such success, he is proud of him.

"Patriarch, the inheritance of the ancestors is very important. So far, no one knows you but my mother," Fang Chen reminded.

The Lord of the Luo tribe nodded, and he naturally knew the importance of the inheritance of the Guzu.

"Fang Chen, from now on, let me enter and leave the Luo people's holy land. All the resources of the Luo people will be inclined to you. What do you need, although tell your mother, as long as the Luo people can Yes, I will try my best to train you. "Lord Shen of the Luo tribe said.

He had already made a decision among the electric light and flint.

That is to fully cultivate Fang Chen.

His instinct told him that this decision may change the entire Luo nationality.

A demon warrior who has inherited the ancestors of the ancestors and has the talent to turn against the sky. Future achievements are destined to be brilliant.

It is precisely this person who has a relationship with their Luo nationality that must seize this opportunity.

"Thank you Patriarch." Luo Liuli thanked Fang Chen instead.

The Lord of the Luo Nationality waved his hand and said, "Fang Chen is also counted as a Luo nationality member. All this was earned by his own efforts, no need to thank me."

The Lord of the Luo people seems to see that the future Luo people will rise again under the leadership of Luo Liuli and Fang Chen.

Reproduce the glory of the Luoshen era.

Fang Chen did not expect to be so happy with the Lord of the Luo people.

I want to come because of my anti-natural potential, otherwise, the Lord of the Luo tribe will not take care of myself.

In the world of the strongest, everything depends on strength.

"During this time, if you are fine, stay in the Luo people's holy land. Instruct your mother to practice the Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Art, and by the way, promote yourself to cultivate." The main road of the Luo people.


It was a great conversation with the Lord of the Luo people.

Finally, Fang Chen and Luo Liuli returned to Liuli Hall.

The Lord of the Luo people was very happy, with a smile on his face.

"I really look forward to the rise of their mother and son." The Lord of the Luo tribe secretly said.

At night, Fang Chen went back.

Found the Lord of the Luo tribe.

"Patriarch." Fang Chen said.

In the study room, the head of the Luo nationality was not raised, and he was devoted to reading.

"It is possible to enter my study room quietly without being discovered by me. I think it is the reason for the inheritance of the Guzu?"

In fact, the Lord of the Luo ethnic group is still very shocked.

The moment Fang Chen appeared, he even had a sense of shock.

But the thought of the inheritance of the Guzu was relieved.

"The patriarch Gao Ming." Fang Chen flattered.

"Speak, come to me late at night, is there anything?" The patriarch asked.

Fang Chen organized the language long ago and said, "Patriarch, I want to ask you something."

"Oh? What's the matter?" The Lord of the Luo tribe closed his hand and looked at Fang Chen with interest.

"Can the patriarch know where the rootless grass and the flame dragon must be?" Fang Chen asked.

The rootless grass and the flame dragon beard are the medicine needed by mothers for cultivation.

Fang Chen wanted to do something for her mother, so she came to inquire late at night.

"What are you asking about this?"

The rootless grass and the flame dragon whiskers are extremely rare and almost invisible in the entire universe.

Moreover, it is extremely precious.

In general, even the emperor of life and death is not always available.

"It is true that my mother practiced the Luoshui Three Thousand Divine Art, which reached the bottleneck. You need these two kinds of treasures as medicines to be able to improve." Fang Chen said.

It is said that the Lord of the Luo tribe is interested.

"The rootless grass and Yanlong must be used as medicine?"

"This is what my mother told me." Fang Chen said.

The Lord of the Luo tribe nodded and pondered.

After a long time, he said: "I know there is a place with or without root grass. But I don't know the Yanlong beard."


In any case, one can get one.

"The place where the rootless grass is located is a Jedi. A territory before the defeat of the alien race. However, because of the defeat of the alien race, the territory was destroyed, causing the blood to flow there, the creatures were painted, and the environment was very bad." The main line of the Luo tribe Some of the emperors of life and death have fled into this Jedi to die. The holy Lord of the Human Race will block this Jedi for the human warrior to grind. "

"However, not all warriors are eligible to enter them. There are many strong aliens in life and death, so the weaker warriors cannot enter them at all."

It turned out to be a banned place for detaining aliens.

"Is there any root grass there?" Fang Chen asked.

The Lord of the Luo tribe nodded.

"A long time ago, I heard the Black Blade Emperor said. He went in and brought out a rootless grass." The main line of the Luo tribe said: "As for whether there is now, I don't know."

The aliens were defeated, and most emperors of life and death hid in the Jedi.

These aliens can't afford any waves, and they are simply banned and used as the whetstones of human warriors.

Every strong man comes from life and death.

Calm practice is destined not to go to the top.

Every warrior who enters the Jedi will have this consciousness.

But so far, few warriors have entered.

It is very dangerous inside, and the warriors of the human race will sometimes enter it.

Fang Chen was excited, if there is really no root grass here, I don't mind going in and see.

It happens that his strength has reached a bottleneck, and he is invincible in life and death.

Even the low-level martial arts in the life and death realm can retreat with the help of the void practice system.

Here is the perfect place to sharpen yourself.

"Patriarch, can you please help?" Fang Chen said.

"Do you want to enter the Jedi?" Lord Luo asked. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

Fang Chen nodded, "I want to help my mother, even if there is a hint of hope, I will not give up."

After pondering for a long time, the Lord of Luo said: "Fang Chen, you have to think about it. The ban is very strong, even if you are in danger, I can't save you in time. You are dead.

"I've made a good decision. How can there be no peace and quiet in the way of martial arts, and only in the battle of life and death can I quickly improve." Fang Chen said.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of the Luo tribe nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll take you to Pterosaur Jedi tomorrow."

"Thank you Patriarch." Fang Chen rejoiced and thanked in a hurry.

"The road was chosen by yourself, all I did was to do my best."

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