Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1583: Starry sky island

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Starry sky island.

call out……

On the void ocean, a stream of light flashed away.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge star-shaped dragon boat that quickly came here.

"Starry Sky Island."

Standing above the Dragon Boat in the Star Field, Fang Chen gazed at the Starry Sky Island, clenched his fists, and was very excited.

"Hopefully I can find Longyue Mitianguo smoothly."

Fang Chen secretly said, immediately put away the Star Dragon Boat and set foot on the Starry Sky Island.

Just entering the Starry Sky Island, he appeared in the sight of the emperor Xuesha and the ruler of Qianyuan.

"Blood Sword Saint, how do I see you running this time?"

As soon as the voice of Emperor Xuesha fell, his body flashed, and he moved directly towards the place where Fang Chen was.

Standing on the starry sky island, Fang Chen frowned.

He vaguely felt some danger on the starry sky island.

"No matter, look for Longyue Mitianguo first." Fang Chen said.

Immediately, his consciousness spread and came to a dense forest.

Huh ...

Emperor Xuesha appeared, carrying a force of extreme strength and hitting Fang Chen with a punch.


Unexpectedly, Fang Chen's body was directly smashed into the ground by Emperor Xuesha.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen vomited blood, and his sword-shaped runes flashed.


The mouse swishes at once, and immediately uses its sharp claws to dig a hole under the ground.

"Boss, go away."

The little mouse is in front, Fang Chen is in the back, and walks quickly under the ground.

"Damn blood evil emperor, all this is his conspiracy." Fang Chen's heart burned with anger, but he was seriously injured, he did not dare to stay here.

"Blood Sword Saint, you can't escape."

Emperor Xuesha entered the ground and found that Fang Chen was missing.

"Blood Sword Saint has entered the starry sky island, kill him for me." Emperor Xuesha preached.

Suddenly, all the captives hiding on the starry sky island set off and searched Fang Chen.

Huh ...

The mouse is extremely fast, and takes Fang Chen to travel under the ground.

After half an hour, Fang Chen felt temporarily out of the tracing of the emperor Xuesha.

"Go out."

The little mouse led Fang Chen into the ground.

Wow ...

Fang Chenqiang endured his injuries, cast a divine space-time book, concealed in the void, and then hurriedly walked.

A moment later, the emperor Xuesha came.


The emperor Xuesha searched around and found no trace of Fang Chen, very furious.

"I don't believe it, you can escape."

At the same time, the voice of Qian Yuan was heard in the ear.

"Brother Xuesha, the formation has been arranged, and Blood Sword Saint cannot escape." Qian Yuan ruled.

"Brother Qian Yuan, search together." Emperor Xuesha said.


Starry sky island.

Fang Chen walked in the void. After three hours, he found a hidden place and began to heal.

"Boss, will they find it?" Little Mouse worried.

"Not for now."

Immediately, closed his eyes to heal the wound.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and a stream of clear water was drilling out of the heart, moistening Fang Chen's body.

After half an hour, Fang Chen's injury healed.

"Fortunately, after stepping into the realm of life and death, the perfect sword body was raised again. Otherwise, if you were hit by the emperor Xuesha, you would be seriously injured without dying." Fang Chen said secretly.

In his eyes, a killing intention appeared.

At this moment, there was a noise from a distance.

In an instant, Fang Chen discovered that the coming person was a quartet of martial arts emperors.

"Boss, what should I do?" The little mouse looked at Fang Chen.


As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, he held the Xingyin sword and rushed towards these people.

"Blood Sword Saint."

These people also found the Blood Sword Saint, but before they could speak, a sword flashed through, and the one in the forefront was immediately cut and killed.

Fang Chen's body exudes a terrifying killing intention.

The fighting power has been improved to the extreme, killing one with a sword.

The electro-optical flint, beheaded all these people.


Fang Chen took the mouse and escaped into the void, leaving the place.

After a while, Master Qianyuan and the Emperor Xuesha came, but they were one step late.

"Damn, this kid's concealment is too strong, so it's not a way to go on." Qianyuan ruled.

"He can't escape." The emperor Xuesha was confident.

If people in the outside world are known, the two top powerhouses in life and death will work together to calculate a heavy warrior in life and death, but they have not succeeded.

Moreover, he will also be caught in the life of a captive in life and death, and he will be shocked.

In fact, Fang Chen is so difficult.

At this moment, the space-time practice system has shown its strength.

Fang Chen was so angry that he was ready to play with the emperor Xuesha.

He walked in the void, and no one could catch his figure.

And he can see anyone, as long as there are orders or a small number of people, Fang Chen will thunder.

One sword kills one, and thousands of miles will not stay.

After the beheading is completed, do not stay any longer, and immediately escape into the void.

He knew that the emperor of Xuesha has been staring at him, and if he delays the time, he will surely be caught up by the emperor of Xuesha.

In just half a day, Fang Chen killed 15 emperors in life and death.

The heaven and earth burial sword tactics are even more powerful, with an 80-fold increase in power, and the quadruple life and death environment, and even the five-fold martial arts, have almost no blocking power.

"Since you want to play, then I will play with you."

Fang Chen sneered in the void.

He continued to search for the next goal.

Three days later.

The number of captives killed by Fang Chen reached thirty.

This is definitely a shocking record for a warrior who has just entered life and death.

However, Fang Chen disagreed.

He continued to search for the target.

In the depths of Xingkong Island, on a mountain peak, Fang Chen discovered a six-fold martial artist in life and death.

"Do you want to shoot?"

Fang Chen was struggling with his thoughts, but in the end he decided to shoot.

call out……

The space-time book was unfolding, and his figure suddenly came to the captive.

"Blood Sword Saint."

The six prisoners of Life and Death saw this and shouted in anger.

Immediately, the Thunder shot.

A strong flame law of force appeared on his body, his fists clenched tightly, and the flame fists slammed into Fang Chen.


Fang Chen punched him, and the body stepped back involuntarily.

"Blood Sword Saint, you are dead."

This person sneered sneerly and continued to carry out the thunder attack.

Fang Chenshi exhibited the tactics of burying swords in heaven and earth, surrounded by the power of Xingyin sword, surrounded by the rich law of flame.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sixfold emperor of life and death, with strong power, the gap between Fang Chen and him is too big.

Even an 80-fold increase in strength will not help.

"Fast speed."

Fang Chen also knew that he could not delay, otherwise, Emperor Xuesha would definitely come.

The five thunders were used, and countless horrifying thunders in the sky swooped down.

Seeing that he was about to bombard the Sixth Emperor of Life and Death, he suddenly moved away and evaded.

Thump ...

Fang Chen's Xingyin sword crossed the sky and stabbed him in the arm.


The man roared upward in the sky, his body suddenly burst into a terrifying power, and soon his body began to grow.

In a blink of an eye, it became a ten-foot giant.

The giant reached out with a big hand, thinking of Fang Chen.


Fang Chen's body was smashed into the soil.

Click ...

The soil cracked a crack, and then a terrifying and terrifying force suddenly emerged, sucking Fang Chen's body under the ground.

Immediately after, the crack disappeared and the ground returned to calm.


The sudden change shocked the ten-foot giant.

Huh ...

It was at this time that Qianyuan ruler came first.

"What about Blood Sword Saint?" Qian Yuan master asked.

"I fought against him, and a terrifying force appeared under the ground, sucking him in." Said the captive.

Master Qianyuan stared at the ground and fell into contemplation.

After the Emperor Xuesha came, he learned the situation and attacked the ground.

However, to his surprise, with his infinite power to close to the ancient realm, he could not blast the mountain.

"This mountain is strange." Emperor Xuesha said in a deep voice.

"Xuesha, do you think there will be some kind of strong inheritance here?" Qian Yuan asked.

"It is possible." Emperor Xuesha said: "You join forces with me to see if you can smash this mountain." 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

"it is good."

Master Qianyuan joined forces with Emperor Xuesha to launch a stormy attack.

But the mountain was still, and even the earth was no longer flying.

This made the face of the emperor Xuesha more gloomy.


The emperor of life and death, in a rage, can destroy an island or even an archipelago.

And now a mountain peak, he was stumped.

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