Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1597: assimilation

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Silvermoon Island, the temple.

Bi Qingqing brought Fang Chen here, and then gave him some historical books that recorded the secret of Yinyue Island.

If it is someone else, it is definitely impossible to see.

However, Fang Chen is different.

"If you look at these, it may be helpful to you." Bi Qingqing said: "The attack methods of Silver Moon Dragon are similar to the ancestors of Silver Moon Island. Their attack is exactly the same as that of Yin Yue Tiangong, but it is stronger Only. "

Yinyue Tiangong is a masterpiece of Yinyue Island.

Complete Yinyue Tiangong is a powerful divine art.

However, the Yinyue Tiangong preserved in Yinyue Island has now become a ruined copy, at best it is a quasi-divine technique.

The attack of Yinyue Tiangong is to use the power of the law to condense the silver meniscus and carry out attacks on the level of the primordial spirit and the flesh.

Bi Qingqing gave Fang Chen a detailed explanation of Yinyue Tiangong, who kept nodding.

After a long time, Fang Chen sighed.

"Yinyue Tiangong is really wonderful."

The strong man who can create his own exercises is really too powerful.

Fang Chen could feel that the Yinyue Tiangong in its intact state was not lost to the Tianyu Divine Art.

"If it is Yinyue Tiangong, I have the confidence to resist. But Yinyue Dragon's display is obviously an enhanced version. Even if it is not dead, it cannot be burned." Fang Chen said secretly.

Afterwards, he began to read the history books.

A lot of things about Silver Moon Dragon Jiao are recorded in the history book.

However, most of them are talking about some of his youthful deeds.

After looking through the whole day, I almost finished reading these books.

Fang Chen collected some useful methods, stretched out, put the books back, and walked out of the temple.

"How is it?" Bi Qingqing asked quickly.

"The harvest is not small, I want to try again." Fang Chen said.

Bi Qingqing nodded and led Fang Chen to Yinyue Mountain once again.

"Boy, useless, you can't kill me at all." Seeing Fang Chen coming again, Yinyue Longteng sneered.

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

Fang Chen spread his hands, picked up the Xingyin sword, and launched an attack.

According to the records in the book, Yinyue Island's exercises are preemptive.

Therefore, Fang Chen chose to start first, not giving Yinyuelong the chance to make his move.

The space-time book is displayed, his figure is hidden in the void, and instantly disappears in front of Yinyue Dragon.

"Huh, I'll wait for you here, what can you do?"

Yinyue Longteng sneered and stood still, his whole body defense improved to the strongest.

In fact, he also has some fear of the ancestor's spiritual system.

Dare not act rashly, afraid of revealing flaws.

Huh ...

Fang Chen walked in the void, Tianyu Sword Art was displayed, and suddenly the void shot 36 sword lights.

A hundred-fold increase in power erupted in an instant, surrounded by immortal flames. With the increase in power, thirty-six swords of light burst out with the strongest power.

Thump ...

Unexpectedly, Yinyue Dragon's arm was stabbed, and blood was spilled across the sky.


Yinyue Longteng threw out a furious punch, pushing Fang Chen's figure back.

"Boy, you are looking for death." Yinyue Longteng's eyes were scarlet, and said coldly.

"Really?" Fang Chen grinned.

Yinyue Dragon's defense is very strong, but the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the moving distance is relatively short.

In this way, the lateral movement of the Silver Moon Dragon can be reduced as much as possible.

And Fang Chen is hidden in the void, and can attack at any time, and Silver Moon Dragon has no way.


The thunder of the thunder was carried out, and the deafening sound of thunder broke out over Yinyue Mountain.

Thunderstorms rushed into Yinyue Mountain and gathered above Fang Chen's head.

According to Fang Chen's guess, after being imprisoned for so many years, the Yinshen Dragon's Yuanshen must have weakened a lot.

Therefore, he exhibited the mystery of Soul Dao.

Five thunder lights, interacting with each other, enveloped Yinyue Dragon.


The earth was shaking, and Yinyue Dragon struggled to resist, and there was a silver halo around his body.

After the silver halo appeared, it forcibly resisted the attack of five thunder rays.

"Silver Dragon Armor?"

Bi Qingqing standing in the distance shouted silently.

"Boy, you forced me."

Yinyue Longteng glanced at the silver halo around him, and said coldly.

"The most treasured silver dragon armor of Yinyue Island is actually on you." Bi Qingqing asked in a deep voice.

"There is a silver dragon armor in the body, and every area of ​​life and death can't break my defense. You die this heart." Yinyue Dragon said.

Fang Chen turned to look at Bi Qingqing.

"Silver Dragon armor is the treasure of our Silver Moon Island. Although its rank is level nine, it is infinitely close to the **** level. Its defense is very strong and can withstand the full blow of the extreme power of life and death." Bi Qingqing said.

The silver dragon armor was originally the inherited creature of Yinyue Island.

But it was lost for no reason, and the people of Yinyue Island have been searching for it all these years.

Who would have thought that the Silver Dragon Armor is on the Silver Moon Dragon.

Huh ...

The silver dragon armor turned into a silver halo, surrounding the body of the silver moon dragon.

There was an unbridled smile on his face.

"Boy, your attack is too weak."

call out……

Fang Chen did not believe in evil, and slammed a sword.

The fierce Jianguang slashed fiercely on the silver dragon armor.


It just shook a little and broke up.

The silver dragon armor shows no traces.

Fang Chen's face changed greatly.

"Silver Dragon Armor has long been fused with my flesh and blood. Unless I die, you wouldn't want to take the Silver Dragon Armor from me." Yinyue Longteng grinned grimly.

What he meant was obvious, with the silver dragon armor in his body, it was impossible for Fang Chen to kill him.

For a time, Fang Chen fell into contemplation.

"With the silver dragon armor in our body, we can't break its defense at all." Bi Qingqing said helplessly.

"Is there no other way?" Fang Chen asked unwillingly.

Bi Qingqing shook his head, "You are too underestimated by the defense of the Silver Dragon's armor, even if it is the strongest in the life and death environment, it can't be broken."

Looking at the expressions of Fang Chen and Bi Qingqing, Yinyue Longteng laughed wildly.

However, at this moment, the little mouse got out.

He stretched lazily lazily, then said with a smile: "Boss, I have a way."

"Do you have a way?" Fang Chen's eyes widened.

The little mouse nodded and said, "I can bite away the silver dragon armor with my teeth."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. A garbage monster, also dared to make rants." Yinyue Dragon was very disdainful.

I didn't even look at the mouse at all.

"Silver Dragon armor is extraordinary, can you?" Fang Chen asked a little nervously.

"Boss, I have broken through to the point of life and death, and I have gained great ability. Rest assured, I will definitely be able to complete it." The little mouse grinned. "However, I need you to contain him."

Fang Chen nodded and decided to give it a try.

On the other hand, he would also like to see how strong the Sky Devouring Rat has stepped into life and death.

"Qingqing, you shot with me to contain him." Fang Chen said.

Bi Qingqing nodded, and Fang Chen shot abruptly.

The Time and Space Book is performed in conjunction with the Tianyu Swordsmanship, and Bi Qingqing also exhibited Yinyue Tiangong.

"Let you see the true Yinyue Tiangong."

Seeing Bi Qingqing's Yinyue Tiangong, Yinyue Longteng sneered.

Immediately, his hands continually passed through the seal of Fa.

The wild breath in the body emerged, and above the head, a round of silver meniscus condensed.

This round of silver meniscus is obviously much larger than Bi Qingqing's.


With the roar of Yinyue Dragon, the battle erupted instantly.

Fang Chen and Bi Qingqing joined forces to successfully contain Yinyue Dragon.

The little mouse jumped on Yinyue Dragon's head.

"Big guy, dare to look down on your Lord Rat?"

"court death."

Yinyue Longteng controlled the silver crescent moon with one hand, clenched into fists with one hand, and slammed into the little mouse.


In the mouth of the little mouse, these two words were issued.

Suddenly, his body, like a black hole, directly involved Yinyue Dragon's fist, which was involved in it.

Rumble ... [^ [半 (. *) / [浮 * (生] ~] .n 浮 sng.

The black hole spins quickly, blinking, and the power contained in the Silver Moon Dragon Fist has changed a lot.

call out……

The black hole spins in the opposite direction, and a vast force bursts out.

This is Yinyue Dragon's own strength.


The power of the Silver Moon Dragon, between the electric light and the flint, was assimilated into his own strength by the little mouse and turned to the Silver Moon Dragon.

With a loud noise, Yinyue Dragon's body hit the wall.

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