Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1602: Purple Beard

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The green bamboo array reformed by the Purple Beard Emperor is infinitely powerful.

Moreover, there is also the effect of converging the aura of heaven and earth, which is much larger than the previous effect.

It is definitely a holy place for cultivation in the minds of warriors.

This is nothing to Emperor Zisu, but it is very important to Lvzhu Island.

Fang Chen only took a rough look, and was shocked by the green bamboo array method at this stage.

"Too strong." Fang Chen sighed.

While talking to Fang Chen, Emperor Zisu noticed Nile and Qiu Xin.


Emperor Zisu made a soft voice and immediately walked to the two of them.

At the moment, Nile and Qiu Xin are in epiphany, and their whole body has a special formation atmosphere.

"Brother Fang, these two little guys have good potential." Emperor Zisu said with a laugh.

The praise of Nile and Qiu Xin in the discourse is obvious.

Fang Chen heard the words, his heart slightly moved, a thought flashed in his mind.

Immediately, he walked to the side of Emperor Zisu.

"Brother Zisu, these two are the formation priests that I focus on training on Green Bamboo Island. Their talents are indeed not weak, and they will definitely become great weapons in the future." Fang Chen said: "How? Brother Zisu has any The thought of the apprentice? "

To be honest, in the past years, Emperor Zisu has seen countless martial arts talents with outstanding formation skills.

However, almost nothing really touched him.

This is also the reason why he hasn't accepted students in these years.

Looking at the lower realm, countless formation practitioners want to worship him as a teacher.

Even the five giants of the human race personally lobbied for horses, wanting to let the emperor Zisu take the disciples.

However, they were rejected.

Emperor Zisu is a man of temperament, and besides his talents, his apprentice also sees fate.

Right now, he really moved the mind of the apprentice.

Because, he feels that Nile and Qiu Xin have a special understanding of the battle, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"The two of them are the younger brothers of your Green Bamboo Island after all. If I take the disciples, isn't it good?" Emperor Zisu said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen hurriedly said: "Brother Zisu, you are so polite with me? If you really want to accept the disciples, I have no opinion."


Emperor Zisu accepts his disciples, what can he say?

Anyway, Nile and Qiu Xin are the people of his Green Bamboo Island. Their worship under the monarch Zisu will only increase the strength of Green Bamboo Island.

"Okay, then wait for them to wake up and talk." Emperor Zisu said.

Strange to say, the two entered epiphany and thought they would wake up in a day or two.

Who would have thought that it lasted for seven days.

During these seven days, the green bamboo array gradually stabilized.

The emperor Zisu directly sat in the green bamboo formation, waiting for Nile and Qiu Xin to wake up.

In seven days, Fang Chen has completely settled the Green Bamboo Island.

I also briefly talked to the deputy island master Yinfang about the improved green bamboo formation method, which made the green bamboo island very excited.

At some point seven days later, Nile woke up first.


His whole body was filled with breath of formation.

A bright smile appeared on his face, stuck in the five-star bottleneck for so long, and finally broke through.

Seeing the Emperor Zisu sitting cross-legged in front of him, Nero hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, Senior Zisu."

"Woke up?"

Emperor Zisu opened his eyes and asked Nile, who smiled with a gentle smile.

At this time, Qiu Xin also woke up.

However, he is still in the six-star realm and has never broken through.

Seeing Nero's breakthrough beside him, he was slightly disappointed.

At this moment, he heard the words of Emperor Zisu.

"Your name is Nile?" Asked Emperor Zisu.

"Yes." Nile nodded.

"Are you willing to be a disciple of an old man?" Emperor Zisu continued to ask.

Hearing this, Nile was dumbfounded and his head was blank.

Qiu Xin on the side was somewhat helpless and envied at the same time.

"Are you willing?" Emperor Zisu repeated with a smile.

Only then did Nile wake up from the shock and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

"Yes, of course." Nile said excitedly: "Disciple Nile, see Master."

At this moment, Nile set off a huge wave in his heart.

Emperor Zisu actually accepted him as an apprentice, which was something he didn't even dream of.

Emperor Zisu nodded, then looked at Qiu Xin.

Being watched by Emperor Zisu, Qiu Xin's face also had a look of anticipation.

Sure enough, Emperor Zisu spoke.

"How about you, will you be my disciple?"

"This ... willing."

"Disciple Qiu Xin, see Master."

Qiu Xin thought that after Emperor Zisu had collected Nile, he would not have collected himself.

Seeing the two disciples so excited, the Emperor Zisu supported the white beard and was very happy.

After so many years of confiscating the apprentices, there are only two of them.

"From now on, you two will be my disciples of Emperor Zisu." Emperor Zisu said. "As for brother, you two decide for yourself."

Nile and Qiu Xin were very excited, and the two discussed with each other.

Originally Qiu Xin wanted to make Nile his brother, because Emperor Zisu first received Nile.

However, Nile directly refused.

In the end there is no way but to count according to age.

Qiu Xin is bigger than Nile, so he is a brother.

"See your brother."

"See your brother."

The brothers laughed and hugged each other.

"Let's go."

Emperor Zisu took the two little guys, left the Green Bamboo Formation, and returned to the island's main palace.

He said that after the transformation of the Green Bamboo Formation, he should live in the Green Bamboo Island and give instructions.

Now, he has more reasons to stay and instruct the two disciples.

"Congratulations to Emperor Zisu, who has received two distinguished disciples." Fang Chen came out to greet the congratulations just after coming to the island's main palace.

"Hahaha." Emperor Zisu was very happy.


The news that Emperor Zisu accepted the disciples, only Fang Chen knew, did not spread.

On the other hand, Emperor Zisu didn't want to be public.

In this way, Emperor Zisu temporarily resided in Lvzhu Island.

One night, Emperor Zisu was instructing Nile to join Qiu Xin in formation.

Fang Chen is here, looking for Emperor Zisu to communicate.

However, while the two were communicating, suddenly Fang Chen's face was startled.

"Someone broke into the Green Bamboo Island." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Not afraid."

Emperor Zisu smiled, and disappeared into the darkness side by side with Fang Chen.

Over the green bamboo island, Fang Chen stood side by side with Emperor Zisu.

Looking down, you can clearly see that five or six life and death emperors are sneaking towards the island's main palace.

Their dress is exactly the same as the last assassination of Fang Chen.

"Stubbornness does not work," Fang Chenhan said.

When he just wanted to shoot, he was preempted by the Purple Beard Emperor.


Purple Beard Emperor's palm waved, and suddenly a terrifying attack formation immediately fell around these people.


Trapped in the formation, these people panicked.

Rumble ...

In the air, Fang Chen looked at this formation in shock.

This is a ninth-order attack formation, and the attack power is very strong.

Between the electric light and the flint, the killing forces in the array will kill five or six captives who have infiltrated the Green Bamboo Island, and all will be killed.

During this period, they actually did not make any screams.

Fang Chen admired the Purple Beard Emperor even more. These methods were too arrogant.

"Brother Fang, do you know who these are?" Emperor Zisu asked.

"They and the void creature should be together." Fang Chen said.

"It turned out to be so." Emperor Zisu nodded and said: "Relax, there is the Green Bamboo Formation, as long as they dive into the Green Bamboo Island, they will be sensed by you. With your current strength, unless it is the strong of the five giants Otherwise, there is really no threat to you. "

"Moreover, I have been on Lvzhu Island during this time. If they dare to come, let them come and go. See if they have many people, or my formation is cruel." Emperor Zisu said.

"Brother Zisu is here, and I'm relieved." Fang Chen said.


Pterosaur Jedi.

In a dark environment, terror formations are gradually taking shape.

The surrounding of this formation is extremely unpretentious, and the inside is filled with a rich and extreme killing atmosphere.

In the middle of the formation, Shimo sat cross-legged, his breath around him, and the breath of killing in the formation, each other.


Suddenly, Shimo opened his eyes.

"What is it?" Shi Mo said in a deep voice.

"Chief Shimo, according to the course of the human race, they are about to find us." A voice came.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, my plan is about to be completed. If they find it, they must let them come and go."

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