Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1607: Law cylinder

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The fierce array method cracked, and seeing this scene, the four giants were very excited.

A crack in the formation means they can go out.

"Continue to attack."

Yuan Gu shouted and joined forces with the other three to launch the final attack.

At the same time, all the void creatures attacked the cylinder of three laws of madness.

"Protection law cylinder."

The saint lord of the human race also issued a command.

The cylinder of law is their last chance. If it is destroyed, the human race will be in danger.


Because the void creatures took the lead in action, they did not wait for the human race to react, and the first round of terrorist attacks screamed.

The law of water was cylindrical and was hit at once.


The ruled cylinder that was hit made a clicking sound, and a crack spread from the highest point.

"Do not."

Emperor Zisu yelled and wanted to stop, but there was no way.

He is using Fang Chen's fire law to condense the fourth law cylinder.

Once interrupted, it will cause great damage to the other party.


Hei Tianzun rushed over first, resisting the next wave of attack from the void creatures, and then Tie Lieyuan and others rushed in succession.

As for Longyang and others, they came to protect by other law columns.

While protecting the law cylinder, attack the void creature.

"Attack together."

On the side of the void creatures, someone took the lead, and all the void creatures attacked one of the law cylinders at the same time.

Human warriors are scattered and limited in strength, and they can't resist the suppression of void creatures.


The law of water has more and more cracks on the cylinder.

"Desperate to resist." Tie Lieyuan roared back to the sky, holding two Ninth Order Divine Soldiers with both hands, killing red eyes.

On the side, Emperor Zisu was extremely anxious.

"Hurry, hurry up."

Seeing that the flame law cylinder was about to condense, the Purple Beard Emperor was very anxious.

The law of water is about to break up. Once completely broken up and rearranged, it takes too much power, and they cannot afford it.


With the joint efforts of Fang Chen and Emperor Zisu, the column of flame law finally condensed successfully.

"You are here." Emperor Zisu almost rushed to the side of the first law cylinder while talking.

Immediately, he closed his eyes, his hands tied with a complicated seal, and began to repair the cylinder of water.


After repairing for a while, Emperor Zisu was relieved, but fortunately there was no damage inside. Otherwise, the trouble will be great.

After repairing the first law cylinder, the Emperor Zisu let Tie Lieyuan and Black and White Tianzun stay here together.


At this moment, the fierce array method burst into pieces.

Four strong men bathed in flames all over the body appeared in everyone's eyes.

A shocking scene appeared, and the body of the four people showed a rich and extreme breath of death.


The flames around Yuan Gu disappeared, and he roared angrily, and began to destroy the void creatures.

However, it was stopped by the holy Lord of the human race.

"You protect the cylinder of law."

The four of Yuan Gu looked at each other, then jumped forward and came before the cylinder of law.

The second law is cylindrical, guarded by Longyang three people, foolproof.

The third rule is cylindrical, and the Black Blade Emperor guards himself.

Emperor Zisu is arranging the fifth law cylinder.

This ruled cylinder is based on the rule of a top ten strong man in the universe.

The power of the rich law emerged, and the cylinder of the fifth law soon emerged.

"I come to guard." Yuan Gu said in a deep voice.

With a big wave of his hand, a terrible breath enveloped the cylinder of law, and then jumped forward and jumped over the cylinder of law.

The sixth law is cylindrical, and the Lord of the Spirit Clan comes to guard.

The seventh rule is cylindrical, and the Lord of the Luo tribe is guarded.

After the seven law cylinders were formed, Shimo's face finally became completely gloomy.


Shi Mo shouted, and the void creatures who were fighting immediately retreated.

After a while, he retreated to the ugly array.

Shi Mo's body was strong, he stared at the seven law cylinders, and quickly pondered the coping method in his mind.

"Human races have an advantage in terms of numbers. If they continue to fight in this way, they will absolutely not be able to resist their arrangement of the Nine-Nine-Nine Normal Array."

His eyes fell on the Purple Beard Emperor.

The source of everything lies in the body of the Emperor Zisu. If the Emperor Zishou can be killed, there will be no threat to the human race.

However, the holy lord of the human race seems to know Shi Mo's thoughts, deliberately blocked in front of the emperor Zisu.

Many strong human races have been protected around the cylinder of law.

The seven ruled columns were arranged in a row, and the Purple Beard Emperor was a little tired.

Under the protection of the holy Lord of the human race, he sat cross-legged and was recovering his strength.

The human race and the void creatures briefly stopped fighting.

The two sides are facing each other in the Pterosaur Jedi, and war will break out at any time.

"Master Shimo, what should we do?" One of his men asked lowly.

"The number of strong human races far surpasses us. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable to us."

"Yeah, we need to find a way to destroy the cylinder of law as soon as possible, otherwise, we have only one way to go."

Void creatures also seem to realize that the situation is wrong, and are trying to find a way.

In an instant, Shimo had thought of a way.

He stepped out, suspended in the void, and stared at the holy Lord of the human race.

"Your human race, there is no opportunity to arrange a nine-nine-one normal circle." Shi Mo Shen said.

"Huh, that's not the situation right now. You Void creatures can't resist our human race's attack." Human Race Saint Lord sneered.

He guessed Shi Mo's thoughts, and he kept guarding.

"Since you refuse to surrender, then wait for destruction."

Shimo's voice just fell, and suddenly a wild, **** breath emerged from his palm.

"In my blood, call ..."

Shimo is calling for the strong creatures of the void creature to come, and the human race will not sit idly by.

"Interrupt him."

Many strong men led by the holy saints of the human race attacked Shimo.

Seeing his actions attracted a large number of human warriors, Shi Mo's eyes showed a dark smile.


Shimo used his tremendous strength to deal with many powerful human races.

At the same time, the powerful creature of the void creature attacked a certain cylinder with all its strength.


Terrorist attacks roared.

The head of Tielie was the hardest hit and suffered a strong impact.

He is mainly based on refiners, although his strength is much stronger than the general life and death situation, but it is far from the five giants.

Therefore, the Void Creature aimed at Tie Lieyuan and started.


Tie Lieyuan's body was directly blasted away.

Fortunately, there are two ninth-order **** guards, otherwise, they will die.


Without Tie Lieyuan's protection, this ruled cylinder was violently attacked by a wave of void creatures.

"Stop them."

The holy saint of the human race roared, and the warriors in front of other laws came to support.

However, it is too late.


Void creatures have been planning for a long time, and the attack fire is too fierce.

The deafening sound reminded me that the cylinder of law collapsed instantly, and the power of the majestic law diffused.

"Is it broken?"

Below, many emperors of life and death, their faces pale instantly.

In their hearts, there was a look of despair.

The cylinder of law is their last hope, and now it is actually shattered by the void creature.

"Protect the cylinder of other laws."

The roar of the holy lord of the human race pulled everyone back from the despair.

Suddenly, everyone awakened, and immediately returned to other laws of cylindrical fat, struggling to resist. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

Sneak into a successful void creature without any battle, and quickly retreat.

At the same time, Shimo also exploded into a vast force, forcing everyone back, leap forward, and retreat to the old nest.


Under the control of Shi Mo, the original broken and fierce array method spread again.

All the void creatures got into the grim array, and Shimo floated in the sky, staring at the human race with cold eyes.

"The rule is broken, what kind of ability do you human race have?" Shi Mo sneered.

"Don't be impulsive. The most important thing at the moment is to protect the Purple Beard Emperor and let it condense the law again."

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