Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1627: Nanling Sword Palace

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On the fiery red altar, the sound of vibration grew louder.

At the same time, a fiery red light emerged from the altar.

Various signs indicate that the access door in the altar has been opened, and some people are in the access passage.

In this scene, the two guards shouted excitedly.

They have just complained that there will be no movement for ten years.

But now, there is such a movement.

The two guards were still in a mood to drink, and hurried to the altar, watching carefully.


The fiery red light quickly gathered together to form a powerful vortex.

Within the vortex, the temperature was extremely high.

Within the vortex, the access channel gradually emerged.

At this time, in the access channel, the whole body was wrapped in golden shiny Fang Chen, and the body was rising.

"So hot."

Fang Chen also felt the hot heat, and he wiped the sweat beads on his forehead.

At this moment, he saw a fiery red vortex above his head.

"Is it the exit?"

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, and a fierce attraction appeared in the fiery red vortex, directly sucking his body out.


Under the watch of the two guards, Fang Chen's body came out of the fiery red vortex and landed on the altar.

Hiss ...

The golden luster gradually disappeared throughout his body.

"Hahaha, it's really the person who soared in the lower realm."

The straw hat guard laughed, very excited.

However, the other guard stopped him, "Don't be too happy."

Hearing his words, the straw hat guard was a little puzzled, and immediately looked at Fang Chen.

From this perspective, it was discovered that Fang Chen was a martial artist in life and death.

Immediately, the faces of the two guards dimmed.

"How did it happen? After waiting for so long, a warrior in a life-and-death situation flew up?"

Martial artists in life and death are hardly able to survive in God Realm.

This warrior in the lower realm doesn't need to know that there is not much potential.

The two guards felt white and happy, and their faces were gloomy.

Fire red altar.

Fang Chen looked around, feeling the hot law of flame in the air, and moved his heart slightly.

"Is this God Realm?"

Fang Chen secretly said.

God Realm is indeed not comparable to the lower realm, the power of the law is everywhere.

Moreover, God Realm gives people a very vast feeling.

"The power in the access channel has sharpened my body, and my physical body is now stronger." Fang Chen smirked.

Fortunately, there is a golden heart, otherwise, whether they can survive the access channel or the two said.

But now, finally came to God Realm.

Fang Chen clenched his fists, very happy.

It's enough to be proud of the fact that it took less than a hundred years of cultivation and soared to God Realm.

Between Fang Chen thought, the two guards spoke.

"Boy, did you fly up from the lower realm?" Asked Shen Sheng, the straw hat guard.

Fang Chen nodded.

"We are the guards guarding the seventh access gate, you fly up from here, and we are in charge." Said another guard. "The seventh access gate is located in the territory of Nanling Sword Palace. You just flew up and you don't understand anything. It is best not to move around. Otherwise, the people who angered Nanling Sword Palace will definitely die. "

"Dare to ask the two, what is Nanling Sword Palace?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"Well, don't ask if you don't know." The straw hat guard said coldly.

Another guard said: "You take him to the junk hall first."

The straw hat guard nodded and left with Fang Chen.

Along the way, Fang Chen was full of doubts, but whenever he wanted to ask, he was scolded by the straw hat warrior.

There is no way, others are strong in the ancient world.

The heroes do not eat the loss in front of them. The priority is to settle down first, and then slowly inquire about the specific situation of God Realm.

The so-called, coming to Japan.

After a while, the straw hat guard took Fang Chen to a magnificent city.

Above the gate of the city, there are three large characters of the Zaozhuangtang.

"So majestic."

Fang Chen could not help sighing.

"Soil buns."

The straw hat guard aside sarcastically.

Although he looked down on Fang Chen, he still explained to Fang Chen the related affairs of Zaozuotang according to the rules.

"Boy, you soared up from the gate of Nanling Sword Palace, then from now on, you are the reserve warrior of Nanling Sword Palace." The straw hat guarded.

"What is a warrior?" Fang Chen asked.

The straw hat guard explained: "Nanling Sword Palace is one of the most powerful forces in God Realm, and there are countless people who want to join. You can be considered as shit, and you have to fly up from here to be eligible to enter. The juggernaut hall, otherwise, if you are a three-legged cat, you do n’t even have the qualification to enter the juggernaut hall. "

In fact, the seven major powers set this rule in order to protect the soaring people.

After all, just soaring up, the strength will certainly not be too strong.

It is obviously unlikely to compete for places from hundreds of millions of people.

Therefore, it is only those who are soaring can directly enter the cemetery hall.

"Of course, entering the Zuotang Hall does not mean that you can become a disciple of the Nanling Sword Palace. You can live in the Zuotang Hall for three years. After three years, if you fail to meet the assessment standards, you will be discharged." Guard the road.

"Once you are cleared by the Zuotang Hall, you will completely lose your qualification to join the Nanling Sword Palace. And you will also become a casual repair." The straw hat guard continued.

Fang Chen heard the words and nodded slightly.

It turns out that this so-called miscellaneous hall is actually a place to test the strength of martial artists.

"Three years? Enough."

Fang Chen thought to himself.

At the very least, in these three years, there is no danger in being in the gang hall.

First, you can practice hard, and second, you can search the information of God Realm.

After entering the city, the straw hat guard sent Fang Chen to a soldier with a strong breath.

"Sir, this warrior has just ascended from the seventh gate, and I sent it to you specially." The straw hat guard said very respectfully.


The warrior called an adult is obviously a little surprised.

However, when his eyes fell on Fang Chen, he shook his head slightly.

"Even the ancient world has not been reached, it is too weak." The great man said: "From today on, you will be responsible for the sparring of the disciples."

After hearing this, the straw hat warrior's face changed a bit, but in the end he still didn't speak.

After setting up Fang Chen, the straw hat guard left the corpse hall.

"In this booklet, there are the rules of the miscellaneous hall, you take a good look."

Fang Chen's residence is a separate courtyard.

This has to compliment the Nanling Sword Palace. Although the juggernaut has the lowest status in the Nanling Sword Palace, the treatment of the disciples is still very good.

Sitting on the stone bench, Fang Chen looked at the booklet.

"Nanling Sword Palace, vast territory ..."

Just a brief look at the introduction of Nanling Sword Palace, Fang Chen was very shocked.

The territory of the Nanling Sword Palace is comparable to the entire lower bound.

This is just a force. There are seven such forces as God Realm.

Fang Chen did not dare to imagine.

"Spirit world……"

Fang Chen's eyes are hot, this is what he pursues.

The Zuotang Hall, in simple terms, is responsible for all the household things in the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace, and is also responsible for evaluating the martial arts who want to join the Nanling Sword Palace.

Of course, for a fish of this level, Fang Chen is not eligible to participate in the Nanling Sword Palace.

"There is a host and a deputy host in the Zuotang Hall. The strength of both of them surpasses the ancient world. However, they are not as good as ordinary disciples in the Nanling Sword Palace." .

The more you look down, the more you feel shocked.

The power of the Nanling Sword Palace is too huge, right?

After being shocked, continue watching.

After a while, I read the booklet.

The rules of the juggernaut are very simple, that is, to obey orders absolutely.

As a sparring partner, what he has to do every day is to work as a stake and accompany the disciples in the juggernaut.

"Forget it, don't care anymore, the priority should be to step into the eternal realm." Fang Chen said secretly.

When I came to God Realm, I discovered that the Martial Artists of Life and Death Realm absorbed the power of the law very slowly.

Reaching the eternal realm is the only way to live in God Realm.

Moreover, the disciples of Zaoxitang are all martial artists of the ages. If they are trained as sparring partners, they will certainly not be able to carry them.

"The competition of God Realm is too cruel, this is just the beginning." Fang Chen's eyes were deep, Shen Sheng said.

I just stepped into God Realm and didn't understand anything. I was only able to adapt.

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