Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1630: Eternal Realm

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The vast God Realm is not as calm as imagined.

There are often some beast tides, monster monsters of God Realm, but they stand at the very top of the whole Monster World, they are called God Beasts.

Even the most common gods and beasts are not comparable to those monsters in the lower realm.

The once undead bird was the ancient beast.

Moreover, among the beasts, they are not weak.

In the vast God Realm, in addition to the place where the gods live, the wilderness is basically occupied by gods and beasts.

Therefore, siege of beasts often occurs.

Just now, it was the beast siege.

However, this is the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace. The master of the miscellaneous house is extremely powerful. With his own strength, he suppressed the beast tide.

The beast tide outside did not affect Fang Chen's latent cultivation.

In the forbidden area of ​​the cemetery hall, except for the two lords of the cemetery, almost no one is qualified to enter here.

And usually, the host of the handyman will not come in.

So, here is exceptionally quiet.

Fang Chen used the golden heart to practice quickly.

Speaking of which, the golden heart has been very active since it came to God Realm.

Moreover, Fang Chen was shocked to find that the activity of the golden heart obviously accelerated his speed of absorbing the power of the law.

Without the help of a golden heart, it is difficult to break through.

The law of flame has been cultivated to six stars.

It is only one step away from Qixing.

This step may seem simple, but it is very difficult.

Only through this step in person will you discover the mystery.

The law of flame, cultivated to the Xeon Realm, can burn everything in the world.

Fang Chen's whole body was filled with hot immortal inflammation.

Undead Flame is rapidly absorbing the power of the Fire Law.

After coming to God Realm, Fang Chen felt even more, and his own understanding of the rules became more and more profound.

In fact, this has something to do with the environment.

With the retirement of time, the resources in the lower realm became more and more barren.

Unlike God Realm, various aspects are not comparable to the lower realm.

Here, the power of the law is extraordinarily rich, walking in the sky and earth, can absorb the power of the law all the time.

In Fang Chen's mind, he has been thinking about the mystery of the law of flame.

Finally, after continuing for half a year, Fang Chen's mind suddenly became bright.

Before that, he did an experiment.

He transformed the gray breath into the true meaning of time and space before, trying to integrate into the law of fire.

This test directly shocked Fang Chen.

After the gray breath is integrated into the law of flame, it directly devours the law of flame.

The next situation was out of Fang Chen's control.

There was some panic on his face.

He felt as if he was out of touch with the law of fire, unable to control the power of the law.

However, just as Fang Chen was horrified, the gray breath suddenly disappeared, and the law of flame reappeared.

It's just that the law of flame that reappears is obviously much stronger.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's heart moved, and all the flames were suspended in the palm of his hand. The air around him suddenly became extremely hot.

"So hot."

According to Fang Chen's guess, such a temperature is enough to burn the living emperor.


At this moment, the laws within the Qihai River flowed, rumbling and blinking, and then expanded to a very exaggerated point.


Fang Chen stared dumbfounded at his own law.

The long river of law has flooded the entire sea of ​​air, which is unheard of.

"General martial arts, one rule reaches its extreme. The long river of rules should occupy about eighty of the sea of ​​air?"

Fang Chen shook his heart and said slowly.

The long river of his own rules is obviously much wider than that of ordinary warriors.

Directly occupy the entire Qihai.

"Anyway, the law of flames is finally complete."

Fang Chen sighed.

The law of fire reaches the realm of seven stars, and he can control the power of the law at will, forming various attacks.

The law of flame itself is extremely powerful.

At least, on the offense, it can give Fang Chen the greatest help.

In terms of defense, the Law of Fire does not have to say that the immortal flame surrounds the whole body. Unless it is a warrior with too much strength than him, otherwise it is impossible to break his defense.


After the law of flame reached the seven-star realm, Fang Chen's cultivation practice was also a logical breakthrough.

Rumble ...

Within the Qihai, the law rolled over.

Fang Chen's breath around him is rapidly improving.

The life-death realm to the eternal realm is an essential transformation.

It is no exaggeration to say that only when you reach the eternal realm can you be eligible to survive in God Realm.

The Eternal Realm is just the beginning.

Seeing the changes in the sea, Fang Chen smiled.

Although he only reached the eternal realm, he was still very happy.

No one knows his situation better than himself.

Being able to reach the Eternal Realm in such a short time also benefits from the unique cultivation environment of God Realm.


After half an hour, Fang Chen exhaled a turbid breath, and then his body breath gradually converged.

"Eternal world."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, and a loud voice came from the surrounding air, deafening.

From now on, he can also be regarded as a real powerhouse of the ancient world.

After reaching Eternal Realm, Fang Chen's strength has also improved a lot.

It's just that for the Fang Chen, the Divine Art Heavenly Sword Art is obviously not enough.

"In the lower realm, Tianyu sword technique is the most powerful and unskilled. In the **** realm, it can only be regarded as the most common."

Fang Chen said slightly.

When you come to God Realm, you should also change your inherent thinking.

"Congratulations to the master, breaking through the ages."

The Dark Magic Wheel Spirit suddenly said. "With the master's current strength, he can 100% urge the power of the dark magic wheel."


Fang Chen smiled.

According to his speculation, after reaching the Eternal Realm, he could at least deal with the Dual Martial Artists of Eternal Realm.

If it is to urge the Dark Magic Wheel with all its strength, it should be able to kill the Dual Martial Artists of the Ancient Realm.

"If only the space-time album can be improved, it would be nice." Fang Chen had some regrets.

There are a total of 18 layers in the space-time book. If he practices to the extreme, he does not know what changes will happen, he still looks forward to it.

After counting the time, it is almost three years away.

Fang Chen stood up and moved his muscles.

"The Nanling Sword Palace is too fiercely competitive, and hates the ascending ones, and the Tiangu Palace created by the Guzu is a world enemy."

Fang Chen's deep eyes looked at the blue sky and said to himself.

I originally hoped to join the Nanling Sword Palace.

However, after listening to the words of Mo Sheng, Fang Chen changed his attention.

Rather than step by step in the Nanling Sword Palace, it is better to leave the Zuotang Hall and join some medium-sized forces.

When you have enough power, you will be able to go through the thorns and go to the Sky Bone Palace.

The vastness of God Realm, the distance between Nanling Sword Palace and Tiangu Palace is too far away.

If he relies on his current speed, I am afraid it will not be possible for decades.

"Someday, I will stand on top of God Realm." Fang Chen said secretly.

I originally thought that I would be able to get together with Xingyue when I stepped into God Realm.

Now I want to come, I was too naive.

The competition of God Realm is too cruel.

A little carelessness will perish.

Therefore, we must be cautious and step by step.

"Xingyue, wait for me." Fang Chen clenched his fists.

This is his promise to Xingyue, no matter how rough and difficult the road ahead, he will go to find Xingyue.

Thinking of Xingyue, the man named Zhou Lei appeared in Fang Chen's mind.

Fang Chen could never forget his arrogant face.

Unconsciously, Fang Chen clenched his fists, his nails snapped into the flesh, and a trace of blood ran out of his palm.

Just as Fang Chen thought, a sudden sigh came into Fang Chen's ear.


Fang Chen was shocked and looked around.

Nothing was found, which made Fang Chen even more puzzled.

In the cemetery banned area, no one except the two hosts is qualified to enter.

"Who is it?"

Fang Chen asked loudly.


In the cave in the forbidden area of ​​Houshan, a vicissitudes of vulgarity came out, and then a slight sword gas came to Fang Chen.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's heart shook, this tiny wisp of qi made his golden heart beating rapidly.

"What's in the cave?"

Fang Chen frowned, and after a moment he was ready to check into the cave.

However, he also had concerns in his mind.

Once discovered, the consequences are disastrous.

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