Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1632: Ant eggs

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After the mouse entered the passage, there was no movement.

Fang Chen clenched his palm, ready to start.

He communicated with the mouse. Although he could not perceive the specific location of the mouse, he could detect that the mouse was not dead.

"I hope nothing will happen." Fang Chen said secretly.

Time is fleeting.

After about half an hour, the mouse suddenly heard a sound.

"Boss, we are making a fortune, hahaha." The mouse's voice was full of excitement.

"What did you find?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Boss, you will know after a while."

Immediately, the mouse stopped talking.

After a long wait, before the dark passage, the mouse probe appeared.


Fang Chen's eyes fell on the little mouse.

The latter's face was full of smiles, and there was a slap-sized egg in his palm.

"Boss, look at this." The little mouse smiled at the egg in his palm.

"What kind of egg is this?" Fang Chen asked doubtfully: "Is this thing only found in the passage?"

The little mouse nodded and said, "Boss, don't underestimate this egg. The whole juggernaut can't compare with it. If I guess well, this egg is what Nanling Sword Palace really values As for the miscellaneous hall, it ’s just a deceptive display. "

"so smart?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, and some could not believe it.

Being able to be valued by Nanling Sword Palace is enough to show that this egg is extraordinary.

But what kind of egg is this?

"What is this egg?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse played with the egg and said with a smile: "This is an ant egg."

"Ant egg?" Fang Chen froze and asked.

"Boss, ants also have many races, do you know what race this egg is?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, and the mouse continued: "An ant is divided into many races, one of which is the royal family among the ants. And its family name is the ant royal family, and the ants of the ant royal family automatically master the rules of heaven and earth as adults."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

Ant Royal? Actually named after the royal family, it seems that this ant royal family is really powerful.

"The ant royal family is very scarce, which is a bit similar to our occult gods. Every generation will have an ant emperor born, and the ant emperor can control all the ant races in God Realm." The little mouse continued.

All this was found in his inheritance memory.

It was also quite shocked, unexpectedly there was an ant egg hidden here.

"The competition of the ant royal family is fierce, because once it becomes an ant royal, it represents the ant family members who can command the entire **** realm. Therefore, every ant royal family member is working hard. They want to be the only one of the ant royal family. The way is to devour all the other ant royal families one by one. "Xiao Lao said:" When there is only one left in this generation of ant royal families, he is a new generation of ant royal families. "

"That is to say, each generation of ant royal family, in the end there will be only one ant royal?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse nodded. From a certain point of view, the competition of the ant royal family is more intense.

You don't kill others, but others want to kill you.

Therefore, the people of Ant Royal have always been enemies of life and death.

"Why are you so clear about the ant royal family?" Fang Chen asked suddenly.

The little mouse smiled and said quickly: "Because ... we eat the **** ant to feed the ant royal family."

Fang Chen shook and looked at the little mouse as if he were a monster.

After a long time, he tried to calm down his inner shock.

Carefully sorted out what the little mouse said, and finally thought of the little mouse's intention.

"You mean, let's hatch this ant egg, and then you eat the hatched ant royal family?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse shook his head and said, "Boss, the ant royal family is also very rare in God Realm. Even those top powers can't stand the temptation of the ant royal family. How can I be willing to eat it?"

"We hatched the ant eggs, and then let the ant royal family recognize the boss as the master. We cultivate the ant royal family together, and when it grows up, help him devour the clan. If one day, it can become a new ant emperor, it is great. To At the time of the order, all the ant groups all over God Realm were dispatched, even if it is the top seven forces, if you want to move the boss, you must also weigh it. "Said the little mouse.

What he said is not exaggerated, otherwise, Nanling Sword Palace will not secretly breed ant eggs here.

"But why did the Nanling Sword Palace put such an important ant egg here? Are you afraid of being stolen?" Fang Chen was still puzzled.

"It takes a special environment to breed ants and eggs. The entire Nanling Sword Palace is probably only suitable for nurturing in the passageway, so Nanling Sword Palace has built a miscellaneous hall here to hide people's eyes and ears." Little Mouse said.

"Then how do we conceive after we take it away?" Fang Chen asked.

"Boss, others may be helpless, but you are different." The little mouse smiled and said, "The golden heart in your body is very unique, that kind of breath is very suitable for breeding ant eggs, and the environment is a hundred times better than this channel."

"You try to put the ant egg in the golden heart to see if it can be conceived." The little mouse urged.

This is a major event. Whether they can succeed or not is related to their ability to lay a world in God Realm in the future.

"Let me try."

Fang Chen took the ant egg, and then moved her heart to collect it.


Fang Chen controlled the golden heart while controlling the ant egg.

When the golden heart just released the golden halo, the ant egg sensed it and happily swam towards the golden heart.

After a while, the ant egg came outside the golden heart.

Fang Chen tried to merge, and the golden heart seemed to know Fang Chen's intention.


The golden heart releases a lot of golden breath and directly wraps the ant eggs.

In an instant, the ant eggs disappeared.

Fang Chen hurriedly looked into the golden heart, and suddenly found that Ant Egg lay quietly in the golden heart, absorbing the golden breath.


Fang Chen was overjoyed and shouted excitedly.

"Hahaha, I succeeded."

The little mouse is also very excited, after all, it is the ant royal family, and it is very likely to become the existence of the ant emperor in the future.

"Boss, the ant royal family is very important, don't be known by others, otherwise, you will definitely die. Also, find an opportunity as soon as possible and leave Nanling Sword Palace."

In the Nanling Sword Palace, I always feel not safe.

"Relax, I know the size."

After collecting the ant eggs, Fang Chen took the mouse and quickly left the cave.

In the forbidden area, there was no one, no one found at all, Fang Chen had been here.

"How long does this ant egg need to conceive?" Fang Chen asked.

"Depending on the situation, some are fast and some are very slow," the little mouse said.

Preserving ant eggs requires patience.

Fang Chen nodded and sat cross-legged, calming his inner joy.


After a period of time, it was time to evaluate Fang Chen's group of warriors.

In an instant, it has been three years since I came to God Realm.

In these three years, Fang Chen's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has also harvested an ant egg.

This is the most important.

Today, it was the day of the assessment, and there were disciples from the Zaotang Hall to inform Fang Chen very early.

Xu Xun sneered in the Zuotang Hall Square, and finally waited until this day.

"Fang Chen, let you live three more years, you can be content." Xu Xun thought to himself.

After the assessment, he had a hundred ways to kill Fang Chen.

"After I kill you, I will go to Nanling Sword Palace to find Brother Zhuang Heng. Brother Zhuang Heng will surely be very happy by then." Xu Xun grinned humorously.

Not long after, the square was already overcrowded.

There are more than 100 people in this group of disciples.

When Fang Chen arrived, all other disciples were already in place. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

Fang Chen's hot eyes fell on himself. He turned his head to look, and suddenly found that Xu Xun stared at him with hatred in his eyes.

"Huh, I'm not the weak man who was bullied three years ago." Fang Chen sneered secretly.

In the past three years, Xu Xun's cultivation capacity has reached the second level of the ancient world.

Although he is one of the most important things in the world, he has no pressure on Xu Xun.

"Huh, I thought you would be safe if you stepped into the eternal realm? It's ridiculous, I will let you know how big the difference is between the double and the first." Seeing Fang Chen's casual face, Xu Xun's heart was full of Anger.

He can't wait to get Chen Chen to shoot.

I have even seen the picture of beheading Fang Chen.

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