Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1634: Young boy

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The man in white in the big pit was covered with blood stains and his breath was weak.

Beside him, there are four warriors who have fallen.

Fang Chen saw clearly in the distance just after the war. Among the five, this white man is the strongest.

Fang Chen was hesitant to see that the white man raised his palm hard for help.

Save or remedy?

If this is the lower bound, Fang Chen has already rescued.

But here is God Realm, everything can't do whatever you want, you must be careful.

"There is no one else here to save."

After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Chen decided to rescue the white-clad warrior.

He quickly walked into the big pit and came to the white warrior.

The latter saw a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Fang Chen asked aloud.


The man in white opened his mouth but could not speak.

His injury was too serious, his vitality was passing by, and there was no hope of survival.

He took a rag out of his arms and handed it to Fang Chen.

"Bring this ... to the Black Dragon ... Zong."

After saying this intermittently, the white warrior died completely.

Fang Chen looked at the rag in his hand, his face full of doubts.

"Boss, will this rag be a treasure map?" The little mouse asked.

After a long time, Fang Chen shook his head and said: "I can't see anything yet."

"So what shall we do next?" The little mouse asked.

"Come on, leave this hundred thousand mountains first," Fang Chen said.

In his mind, he secretly wrote down the three words of Heilongzong.

If there is really a chance, he will send this rag to the Black Dragon Sect.

However, just after Fang Chen and the little mouse had just left, all of a sudden, there were countless broken sounds in the void.

Immediately afterwards, many warriors appeared before the big pit.

"There has been fierce fighting here."

"Look, it's Brother Xue."

The several martial arts led by him quickly came to the big pit, checked it, and found that Brother Xue and others had already fallen.

"Check his body."

A warrior with a face full of scum, headed, pointed to the white warrior not far away.

After several disciples checked, they shook their heads one after another.


The scumbag-faced warrior frowned and immediately said: "Someone has been here, he must not have gone far, chase me."

After all, many warriors quickly left this place.

Walking through the 100,000 mountains, Fang Chen did not know that someone was killing himself and the little mouse.

He walked with the mouse quickly, the deeper the 100,000 mountains, the more dangerous.

Not long ago, Fang Chen had encountered a high-level mythical beast in the ancient realm. Fortunately, the time and space escaped in time. Otherwise, his life must be explained here.

"I don't know when I can walk out of the 100,000 mountains." Fang Chen sighed.

As long as you leave the territory of the Nanling Sword Palace, you can go to the Sky Bone Palace with the help of teleportation array.

When you reach the Tiangu Palace, it is safe.


As Fang Chen walked with the little mouse, suddenly a roar of angry beast came and was deafening.

"Huh? Is there a beast in front?"

Fang Chen's face changed greatly, and the sound of the roar of the beast made him very dreadful.

"Boss, look quickly."

The mouse suddenly widened its eyes and stared straight ahead.

Fang Chen glanced down his eyes, and suddenly found that on a mountain in front of him, a figure was fighting a monster.

"That's ... Winged Serpent Beast?"

There is also a winged snake family in the lower realm, but it can't be compared with God Realm.

Right now this winged snake family beast has hundreds of heads alone, and its attack power is super strong.

"This winged snake family beast, the attack is too strong." Fang Chen sighed.

However, what shocked him even more was that the silhouette against the wing snake.

"Strange, the breath from this warrior is clearly not in the age-old realm, why can he deal with the winged snake?" The little mouse said to himself.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and stared at the mountain.

That figure is not as fast as Wing Snake, but whenever Wing Snake attacks him, he will be forced by some kind of breath on his body.

In a blink of an eye, Winged Snake escaped.

"Really boring."

The figure said, helplessly.

However, at this moment, he saw Fang Chen and the little mouse.

call out……

In an instant, his figure appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"This Daoist, we also passed by accidentally, and didn't mean to disturb you." Fang Chen said hurriedly.

This is a young man who looks younger than Fang Chen, with a hint of tenderness on his face.

However, Fang Chen did not dare to underestimate this person.

"Winged snake escaped, you come to play with me?"

This figure stared at Fang Chen, and he smiled.

Fang Chen shook his head and said: "Even the winged snake can't beat you. How can we deal with you in a warrior from the ages in our area?"

The young boy in front of him gave Fang Chen a terrible feeling.

Especially his eyes, when looking over, Fang Chen felt his scalp numb.

"In these 100,000 mountains, I haven't met human warriors for a long time, and I fight against the beast every day." The young boy said: "My father gave me the task of fighting 100,000 games in the 100,000 mountains go away."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook slightly.

Want to come, the father of this young boy should not be a mortal, otherwise, there will be no such requirements.

"Boy, let me play with you."

The mouse jumped to the ground and looked at the young boy.

"You ... haven't even reached the ancient realm, can you withstand my punch?" The young boy smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you want to play?"

Hearing the words of the young boy, the little mouse was a little angry and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, you want to play, I will accompany you."

After all, the young boy was filled with a rich red light, and then he clenched his fists, a simple punch, and suddenly the surrounding space was a little disordered.

"So hot."

Fang Chen stared at the young boy and noticed the breath of flame contained in him.


The young boy punched the purple halo defense of the mouse, and the latter's body flew out.

"Huh? Your defense is pretty good."

The young boy became curious about the little mouse and continued to attack.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The next battle was almost one-sided.

The mouse is not an opponent of the young boy at all.

After being attacked by the young boy for so long, he finally found it almost, and the little mouse displayed three talents at a stretch.

The first is to devour the magical power, and the terrifying power of swallowing spreads instantly.

Hiss ...

The engulfing force collided with the fiery red light around the young boy and burst into a dazzling light.

Click ...

The swallowing power eventually collapsed in the fiery red light.

Devouring supernatural powers fails.

Next is the second supernatural power, the extreme penetration.

The purple spear, carrying the power of terror, traveled through the void and came to the young boy.

However, it is shocking that the young boy actually grasped the purple spear.

"It's very penetrating." The young boy nodded.

Unsurprisingly, the third kind of natural talent was also resolved by the young boy.

Fang Chen was quite shocked in his heart. A guy in life and death is so powerful?

Is God Realm such a pervert?

According to Fang Chen's guess, this tenderness should be a certain powerful force, or the younger generation of a large family.

"Don't fight, you're so sick."

The little mouse finally confessed and stopped fighting.

The young boy was a little curious about the little mouse, and carefully observed, "It's strange, there is a strong man like you in the rat family."

Although young, they have some insights into the three great talents of little mice.

It's a pity that he didn't know the God Eater.

"Which race are you from?" The young boy asked.

"I followed my boss as soon as I was born. I don't know the specific race."

Of course, the little mouse won't say it. The Devouring Rat is unique in the universe.

If it is known to the outside world, it will surely cause death.

The young boy was a little curious, but his eyes fell on Fang Chen.

"You come to fight me."

Intuition told him that this person's strength should no longer be under this little mouse.

"I am not your opponent." Fang Chen said frankly.

There is a powerful killer on the young boy, who can retreat at most.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

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