Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1660: Cold Dragon Spirit King escapes

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Gui Zhi suspected that Fang Chen was related to the ghost fire and the death of Gui Ba.

"According to this miner's experience, he should be in the cold sky mine unless he dies."


Guizhi increasingly thought that this matter was a bit strange.

"Look carefully."

Ghostly circumvented the mining miners and shuttled through the veins.

After a while, Guizhi discovered the cold pond deep in the vein.

"Huh? This is ..."

Gui Zhi came to Hantan, his face exclaimed.

The water in the cold lake is extremely cold.

"This is the cold water, the original ancestral stone must be inside."

Ghosts were excited, and the knowledge spread immediately, and they began to search for the original ancestral stones.

However, after some searching, his face gradually dignified.

"No ancestor stone?"

Ghost Zhi said to himself, "Is it the first person to get ahead?"


Gui Zhi searched above, and Fang Chen understood the formation from below.

After stepping into the extraordinary realm, Fang Chen quickly discovered the mystery of this formation with the help of spatial regular wrinkle.

With targeted training, within three days, Fang Chen gradually mastered all the formations of this formation.

"There are 365 formations in total."

Fang Chen secretly said.

Although there are many formations, Fang Chen was shocked that these formations were completely integrated into the void.

It is impossible for ordinary people to find it, which also means that it is difficult for someone to break through this formation.

"Space rules are really mysterious."

Although it is only a regular wrinkle type, it is also enough to help Fang Chen understand the formation.

Two months after coming to the Hantian mine, Fang Chen finally realized the formation.

"Heaven and earth, they are all oneself."

At a certain moment, Fang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

In his formation, brilliant brilliance broke out.

At the same time, the regular wrinkle pattern in his body appeared in an instant and merged into the formation.

In his mind, the trajectory of the formation method is reflected.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen's face was full of excited smiles.

This formation is too mysterious.

After being arranged, it is isolated from the outside world, as if it were oneself.

It's no exaggeration to say that if the internal space of this array is too small, it is comparable to the space of one side.

"Self-contained space, in this formation, the person who forms the formation is the absolute master." Fang Chen smiled.

The array of laws and methods complement each other, forming a space.

In this space, there are no other rules, only space rules.

Unless the strength is too strong and forced to break open, otherwise, it really can not be cracked.

Because, this formation seems to be illusory.

You can't even find the formation base and the formation control center. How to break the formation?

After a few minutes, Fang Chen gradually absorbed the information about this formation in his mind.

Then, he waved his hand, a regular wrinkle appeared, and suddenly the array method converged.

The Pentagram star burst out of the dazzling light, and finally left the ground, and fell into Fang Chen's body.

The circle wrapped around the pentagonal star burst into pieces instantly, and then dissipated.

"Hahaha, my cold dragon spirit king finally sees the sun again."

In an instant, the Hanlong Lingwang Yang Tian Chang Xiao.

He clenched his fists, exhausted all his strength, and jerked.

Suddenly, the star steel chain clashed.

Then, he was dragged out of the wall.

The formation was removed, and the Hanlong Spirit King was completely out of trouble.

His whole body showed great power.

"Is that divine power?"

Fang Chen's eyes looked at Hanlong Lingwang.

On him, there is a terrifying power that emerges.

This power made Fang Chen's heart shake.

If he guesses well, this is true divine power.

Only a true man of God can possess divine power.


The powerful star steel chain was also directly shattered by Hanlong Lingwang at this moment.

The cold dragon spirit king, who has suppressed countless years, completely exploded.

A magnificent breath emerged from his body.

The breath around him is rapidly improving, and he seems to be breaking through.

"So strong."

Fang Chen quickly backed away, feeling that Yuanshen was shaking.

Stressed by the endless years, once released, the state of mind of the Hanlong Spirit King has also undergone great transformation.

Now, he is breaking through.


The Hanlong Spirit King roared, his hands waved, and the indestructible star steel chain was broken by it.

From this point, we can see how powerful the Hanlong Spirit King is.

"What state is this?"

In a blink of an eye, Han Long Ling Wang broke through, and his breath suddenly rose to its peak.

The breath that escaped from the body alone was enough to tremble Fang Chen.

Even on the Zhou family head, he has never felt such a terrible atmosphere.

"Too strong." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

Divine power surged into the body of the Hanlong Spirit King.

His breath has changed a lot, and the cocoon is reborn.

The underground caves are shaking.

After a long time, the breath of Hanlong Lingwang gradually stabilized.

He opened his eyes and shot two substantial lights.

"Xiaoyou, thank you very much this time."

I am very happy to get out of trouble myself, and coupled with the breakthrough to a higher level, Hanlong Spirit King is very happy.

The attitude of the other party has also changed a lot.


"I said, if you can understand this formation, you are eligible to be the brother of the Hanlong Spirit King. If you don't dislike it, how about calling me Brother Hanlong?"

Fang Chen secretly rejoiced in his heart that such strong men naturally want to make friends.

"Brother Hanlong." Fang Chen clenched his fists.

The Hanlong Spirit King laughed, very happy.

If Fang Chen didn't see through the array, he could not escape.

"Brother Hanlong, what state are you?" Fang Chen asked.

"Don't you know?" Hanlong Lingwang asked in surprise.

Fang Chen shook his head, indicating that the realm above the eternal realm was unknown to him.

After hearing this, Han Long Ling Wang introduced: "This is not a secret, you will know sooner or later."

"Life and death realm means transcendence of life and death. The eternal realm represents eternal immortality." The Hanlong spirit king said: "In fact, this is to those who are in the lower realm martial arts, the real **** realm, will not treat the eternal realm Take it seriously. "

"Break through the eternal realm, you can truly be called a god-man." Hanlong Ling said: "What is a god-man? A god-man is a real god, not a mortal. At that time, the whole person will be transformed."

"Shenren." Fang Chen said in his mouth.

"The god-man is divided into three realms, namely the divine realm, the god-human realm, and the divine spirit realm."

Transforming the divine realm, as the name implies, is to remove the mortal body and become a true god-man.

And in this process, it is the divine state.

The divine state can initially mobilize the divine power contained in the air and absorb the divine power for its own use.

When the transcendent realm reached its peak, the primal divine transfiguration was for the divine and human realm.

In the spirit realm, as long as you are not provoked by people in the spirit world, there is little danger and you can survive.

Of these three realms, there is no nine-fold small realm, only the early, middle, and late stages.

The warriors of these three realms are collectively referred to as God-Man.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that God and Man actually had three realms. And now he has a long way to go before turning to the **** realm.

"Brother, although you are only in the eternal realm, but I have said that you have control of that formation. Under the eternal realm, it is almost invincible." Hanlong Lingwang said: "However, for the time being, you have not completely controlled it.

Fang Chen nodded, and he asked, "Brother Hanlong, are you the strongest in the spirit realm?"

According to Fang Chen's guess, the head of the Zhou family should be a god-like realm, or a strong god-human realm.

However, Fang Chen is more inclined to the divine-human realm, after all, he is also the head of a family. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

"Before I met you, I was indeed a spiritual realm. However, just after getting out of trouble, my emotions of the endless years broke out and burst out of the bottleneck, and I suddenly became a god." Hanlong Lingwang said with a smile.

"Tianjin? Above the God-Man?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

The Hanlong Spirit King nodded, but did not introduce it in detail. "The **** of heaven is too far away from you. All you have to do now is to become a god-man as soon as possible. As for the **** of heaven, it is too far away from you."

Tenjin, can already be regarded as a prince in God Realm.

Looking at the entire northern region of the extreme south, there is no god.

The gods were angry, and the dead body was millions.

"You are the warrior with the strongest potential that I have seen. It has been less than a hundred years since you have practiced, and you will have this achievement. It will definitely become a great climate in the future."

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