Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1666: Formation

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

"Big guy, how about my formation?"

Fang Chen smiled with a smile on his face, although the strength of the eight-hoof creature was very strong, close to the god-man.

However, the Qiankun formation method is not vegetarian.

You can easily do this by trapping only eight-hoofed creatures.

Fang Chen could hear the angry roar of the eight-hoof creature.

It must be said that the attack of the eight-hoof creature is very strong. Under his insane attack, Qiankun's formation was shaken.

However, Fang Chen didn't care.

Seeing that Fang Chen was about to enter the fourth floor, the eight-hoof creature finally gave up its resistance.

"Boy, let me go, I will take you to the fourth floor." Eight-hoof creature said.

"Is there anything in the fourth floor?" Fang Chen asked.

"Huh, the fourth floor is extremely dangerous. If you don't lead the way, you will definitely die." Eight-footed creature said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Fang Chen didn't believe it, the eight-hoof creature continued: "There are god-level creatures in the fourth floor."


Fang Chen withdrew the Qiankun formation, and the eight-footed creature recovered its freedom.

"Come with me."

The eight-hoof creature took Fang Chen depressed and came to the fourth floor of the pseudo-Zhou Tianxing Tower.

The surrounding environment changed instantly, and Fang Chen felt that this space was somewhat unique.

Looking up, I suddenly found that there were countless stars in the sky.

"What is this?" Fang Chen asked.

"Although this tower is a pseudo-Zhoutian star tower, it also has its essence. Zhoutian stars, all inclusive, are considered holy places." Eight-hoof creature said. "Unfortunately, you don't have the blood of the Zhou family, otherwise, you may be able to find a heritage in this week's stars."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

The sky is full of stars and glitters.

Among these Zhoutian stars, there is actually a heritage.

"What is the Zhoutian Star Tower?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"The Zhoutian Star Tower of the Zhou family is very mysterious, even if I know nothing about it," Bahoo explained: "It is said that as long as someone can step into the highest level of the Zhoutian Star Tower, they can become the next patriarch of the Zhou family.

"The real Zhoutian Star Tower is extremely mysterious. But this pseudo Zhoutian Star Tower is much worse." Eight-hoof creature shook his head.


A terrifying breath swept through.

The eight-hoof creature waved and waved: "This kid passed the test."

As soon as the eight-hoof creature's voice fell, the breath that made Fang Chen suffocated disappeared silently.

"Is that the breath of God?"

Fang Chen's heart shakes, the realm of God and Man is really different from the ancient world.

"What was the purpose of the Zhou family's creation of the pseudo-Zhoutian star tower?" Fang Chen asked.

"Pseudo-Zhou Tianxing Tower is said to sharpen the children of the Zhou family. In fact, there is a more important reason, that is, to protect the Zhou family." Eight-hoof creature said: "The god-man living in the fourth floor, outsiders do not know This is also the last heritage of the Zhou family. "

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen suddenly realized, no wonder he wanted to rush into the fourth floor, only the gods can do it.

I am afraid that the senior Zhou family did not expect that they could achieve this by themselves as a double-martial warrior.

"Boy, since you can break in here, you are also destined to us." Eight-hoof creature said: "You turn around and see what you can get."

"Of course, it is most likely to return empty-handed." Eight-footed creature laughed.

"They won't do it to me?" Fang Chen asked.

The eight-hoof creature shook his head and said: "Come on, they won't do anything to you."

Immediately, Fang Chen wandered in the fourth floor of Zhoutian Star Tower.


The golden heart was beating rapidly, and a stream of clear water emerged.

The power of the stars around it was quickly absorbed by the golden heart.

After a while, Fang Chen went to the fourth floor, unfortunately there was no gain.

Those gods and men hidden in the fourth floor chose to ignore Fang Chen directly.

However, when Fang Chen returned, he was suddenly struck by lightning.

With a bang, he lost consciousness.

When he realized his consciousness, he was shocked to find that Zhou Tianxing was within his reach.

"What is this place?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking around.

In an instant, he was shocked to find that he was actually above the Zhoutian Star Tower.

Looking at the constantly rotating Zhou Tianxing in front of his eyes, Fang Chen reached out to touch.

Unexpectedly, I really touched Zhou Tianxingchen.


The golden heart beat even more.

A force of stars poured into my mind.

Fang Chen felt awkward and fell into an epiphany.

Below, the eight-footed creature saw it, and was a little surprised.

"This kid has good potential."

The god-man hidden in the dark is also paying attention.

After a quarter of an hour, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

His body is surrounded by the laws of stars.

"Unexpectedly, by chance, I realized the law of stars."

Fang Chen's body gradually landed in the fourth floor.

"Boy, congratulations, you have realized the law of stars." Eight-hoof creature said. "If you have a chance in the future, you can learn the Zhoutian's Star Formation."

"Zhou Tianxing Formation?"

Fang Chen in contemplation, was sent directly to the fourth floor by the eight-hoof creature.

"Boy, the secret here, don't tell the outside world." Such a word came from Fang Chen's voice.

Waking up from contemplation, Fang Chen held a fist at the fourth floor.

Then, left the pseudo-Zhou Tianxing Tower.

After Fang Chen came out, many warriors whispered.

They are all guessing, Fang Chen stepped into the layer.

"With Fang Chen's strength, he must have stepped into the third floor."

"The ninth strength of Gubang, is it easy to step into the third layer?"

"I don't know if he can hit the fourth floor."

However, if they knew that Fang Chen had entered the fourth floor, they did not know how they would feel.

On the way back, Fang Chen was thinking about the Zhou Tianxing formation method called by the eight-hoof creature.

"If you have a chance, you need to see it."

Having tasted the sweetness of the Qiankun formation, Fang Chen was very curious about Xuanao's formation.

"You are Fang Chen?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Fang Chen looked up and saw a black warrior.

"Zhou Chang?"

According to the description on Gubang, this person should be Zhou Chang, second in Gubang.

"Yes, I am Zhou Chang." Zhou Chang said bluntly: "I heard that you defeated Zhou Tongyu with the array method. I don't know if I can get some advice?"

Zhou Chang is a straight character, what to say.

He himself was very interested in the game.

Almost all of them are studying formations, and their attainments are not bad.

Just after going out of the customs, I heard that a double warrior from the Vanguard Realm defeated Zhou Tongyu with the formation method.

Needless to say, this person's attainments in formation must be very strong.

Therefore, Zhou Chang can't wait to see.

"My rules, you should have heard of it?" Fang Chen asked.

Zhou Chang grinned, and took out a million pieces of inferior spirit stones that had been prepared long ago.

"Is this enough?"


Fang Chen smiled, ready to go to the gambling table.

However, it was stopped by Zhou Chang.

"This time, we don't go to the gambling table and proceed in private, how?" Zhou Changdao.

They can learn from each other and exchange formation experience, there is no need to go to the gambling table.

"Good." Fang Chen nodded.

"Comfortable." Zhou Chang said: "I know a place, let me take you."


A remote place in the west of Zhoujiachengchi.

The space here is large enough, and it is relatively hidden.

In normal times, there is no human being.

"Brother Fang, I have some research on the formation. I don't know if you can arrange your formation and let me watch it." Zhou Chang asked.

"Brother Zhou Chang, you look good."


The Qiankun formation method appeared instantly.

Zhou Chang was in the Qiankun formation, and immediately felt the mysterious feeling.

Immediately afterwards, his breath became rapid.

"Heaven and earth, and self-contained space. Is this ... not exactly the formation I pursue?"

Zhou Chang was very excited, and at a glance he saw the extraordinary power of the Qiankun formation.

"Brother Fang, admire."

Zhou Chang said across the line, the other party said. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

"Does Brother Zhou Chang try to break through?" Fang Chen asked.

"of course."

I finally encountered this kind of formation method, so naturally I have to try it.

Zhou Chang's hands were tied with a French seal, and various formations were quickly arranged.

"He wanted to break through, this idea is good, but he can't break through the Qiankun formation." Fang Chen said secretly. "And, his skill in the formation is still weak."

The array is not as strong as the Qiankun array. How can it be broken?

However, Fang Chen also knows that this is very important for Zhou Chang.

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