Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1674: Guiji

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

This game is by far the most exciting and shocking game.

Fang Chen's strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

No one thought that this was the result in the end.

Zhou Feiyang firmly occupied the number one position in the Gubang, and no one was shaken for so long.

But now it is defeated by a low-level warrior from the ancient world.

This world is crazy.

"Can the result be announced?"

Fang Chen gasped and asked.

The referee woke up in shock and hurriedly announced the result.

Fang Chen was the first in this competition, and also the first in Gubang.

After the news came out, there was no objection.

What a joke? Even Zhou Feiyang is not his opponent, not to mention others.

Zhou Feiyang put away the red tassel and stumbled down the Yanwutai.

He was not badly injured in this battle and needed treatment.

At this moment, the main ghost dragon gate suddenly opened.

"Elder Zhou, you Zhou Jiaran hides such a powerful young generation." Guilongmen said: "My ghost Ji of the ghost dragon gate has some itchy hands and wants to challenge him."

The main voice of the ghost dragon gate had just dropped, and Gui Ji's figure flickered and came to the Yanwu platform.

The head of the Zhou family was a little displeased, and the ghost dragon gate was taking advantage of the fire.

Fang Chen just had a fierce battle with Zhou Feiyang.

"Ghost Dragon Gate Master, you also saw that Fang Chen just had a fight with Zhou Feiyang and needed to recuperate." Zhou family head smiled.

The ghost dragon gate master yin and yang said strangely: "Old Zhou Zhou, my ghost dragon gate came this time, mainly to learn from the nobility. If you block this way, wouldn't you give me ghost dragon gate face too?

The meaning of the ghost dragon gate is obvious to everyone in the Zhou family.

Right now Zhou Feiyang and Fang Chen have just experienced a big battle.

Both of them were injured to varying degrees. At this time, the master of the Dragon Dragon Gate proposed the younger generation of disciples to learn from each other.

"Ghost Dragon Gate Master, I don't think it's necessary to learn from each other?" Zhou Family Chief said with a smile.

Hearing the words, the ghost dragon gate's face was completely gloomy.

"Oh? So, is the Zhou family not giving me the face of the ghost dragon gate, are you ready to break with us completely?"

"Ghost Dragon Gate's words are too serious? Our younger Zhou family has just experienced a big comparison, and it is very expensive, and we can't learn from your ghost Dragon Gate." Zhou family leader Shen said.

Before waiting for the host of the ghost dragon gate to speak, play the ghost **** the martial stage and attack the other party.

Rumble ...

Purple light appeared on Guiji's body.

His hands waved, giving a feeling of confusion.

"Qiankun formation."

Fang Chen arranged the Qiankun formation, trapping Gui Ji in it.

Huh ...

"I just battled with Zhou Feiyang and it was too expensive. But there is nothing wrong with maintaining the Qiankun formation."

In Fang Chen's eyes, a flash of light flashed.

Guilongmen wants to get rid of himself while he is injured.

There is no need to keep your hands.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen took a deep breath, his golden heart beating rapidly.

The golden liquid emerged and was instantly absorbed by Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen held the Star Hidden Sword and strode into the Qiankun formation.

"Space Time Book."

Fang Chen's body flickered, and he exhibited the Space Time Book.

call out……

His body, like a phantom, continually shuttled through the formation.

"court death."

Gui Ji sneered and launched a crazy counterattack.

Fang Chen, hiding in the void, tried to urge regular wrinkles.


The regular wrinkle attached to the true meaning of time and space was gradually guided into Fang Chen's sword.

Suddenly, the power of Xingyin sword became extremely powerful.

It was also at this time that Fang Chen caught Guiji's mistake and exhibited the fire demon sword technique.

call out……

The fierce fiery demon, carrying explosive power, stepped towards Guiji.

Guiji didn't take it for granted, her hands were tied with different seals, and the purple luster surged.

"go to hell."

Guiji Shi exhibited a killer skill, and in front of her, the purple light condensed a purple ball.

When the fire demon was about to arrive, the purple ball suddenly hit the fire demon.

Hiss ...

The purple ball contains a powerful force of corrosion, which invaded the body of the fire demon and disintegrated the body of the fire demon.


Fang Chen's eyes were scarlet, and he controlled the fiery demon at a height of 100 feet.

Suddenly, a sword came out.

On the Xingyin sword, regular wrinkles appeared, and vast power swept through.

Gui Ji sneered, killing in his eyes.

Her hands grasped the Xingyin sword.

"Do you think that if you have this kind of formation, you will be invincible forever? Really ridiculous."

Guiji's sarcasm just dropped, and suddenly her face changed dramatically.

Immediately, she shouted.

"Do not……"

Guiji was shocked to find that his hands were cut off by Xingyin Sword in an instant.

But he has no resistance.

"what is that……"

Gui Ji's hands were cut, and a gray breath attached to the wound, instantly attacking her body.

"Do not……"

Gui Ji shouted wildly and struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The rule wrinkle is too strong, and Guiji can't resist it at all.

Rumble ...

Emperor Qiankun's array of powers is constantly attacking Guiji.

Outside, on the podium.

Hearing the screams of Gui Ji, the main face of the ghost dragon gate was somber and wanted to shoot.

However, it was stopped by the Zhou family head.

"Ghost Dragon Gate Master, anyway, you are also a god-man. Do you want to intervene in the battle of the warriors of the ancient realm?"

"Huh, I don't believe that Gui Ji will be defeated by this kid." The ghost dragon gate master saw this, his face changed a bit, and finally he sneered and didn't shoot.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the Qiankun formation.

With the passage of time, the voice within the Qiankun formation gradually disappeared.

The Qiankun formation method also gradually collapsed.

When everyone saw the situation on the Yanwutai, a turbulent wave arose in their hearts.

"That's ... the body of Gui Ji?"

The disciples of the Zhou family were dumbfounded. Gui Ji, the most distinguished disciple of Guilongmen, was killed by Fang Chen.

Is this too fierce? Just defeated Zhou Feiyang, and now he killed Gui Ji with injuries.


On the rostrum, the owner of Ghost Dragon Gate was very angry.

His whole body was filled with terrifying divine power.

As soon as his figure flashed, he came to the rostrum, and at the same time, the head of the Zhou family also came to stop the figure of the master of the Dragon Gate.

"Zhou Laojie, this son killed my disciple of Guilongmen. If I don't kill him, how can I explain to Guilongmen?" The master of Guilongmen said angrily.

The Zhou family chief did not retreat, "It's ridiculous, the warriors learn from each other, and their swords are blind. If the fallen person is Fang Chen, will your ghost dragon gate call out Guiji?"

Facing the question from the head of the Zhou family, the owner of Ghost Dragon Gate was a little speechless.

"Elder Zhou, do you really want to cover this child?" The owner of the ghost dragon gate did not want to be entangled with the head of the Zhou family and threatened.

The head of the Zhou family nodded.

"You will regret this."

The ghost dragon gate sneered sneer and immediately said: "Your ignorance will make your Zhou family completely buried in your hands."

The ghost dragon gate master is declaring war with the Zhou family.

"I'm really worried about my Zhou family's failure?" The Zhou family head was also angry.

Anyway, his Zhou family is also a force, and the ghost dragon gate is a naked provocation.

"If you declare war on the ghost dragon gate, my Zhou family will be next. But if you want us to hand over Fang Chen, it is impossible." Zhou family said.

The atmosphere in Zhoujiacheng is very dignified.

And in the void clouds.

Han Longling Wang narrowed his eyes and looked down.

"I'm here, want to move my brother?"

Hanlong Lingwang sneered.

Although the owner of the ghost dragon gate is a person of the Holy Light religion, he is a **** and has no fear.

In a blink of an eye, the sword stretched out below.

Both sides are preparing to shoot.

However, at this moment, a voice passed into Fang Chen's ear.

"Brother Fang, with me in, you need not worry."

Hearing this voice, Fang Chen's face showed a smile.

"Ghost Dragon Gate is about to suffer."

He has seen the strength of Hanlong Lingwang himself.

There is an insurmountable gap between the god-man and the god.

Fang Chen felt ridiculous looking at the domineering ghost dragon master.

"Arrogant, you only have so little time to be arrogant."

Although Fang Chen's voice was not loud, it spread to everyone's ears.

The ghost dragon gate master suddenly turned to look at Fang Chen.

"Boy, do you think you can jump off? Destroy the Zhou family, I want you to live better than you die."

Fang Chen smiled and looked at the ghost dragon gate master like an idiot.

"Idiot, if I were you, I hurried back to the ghost dragon gate now."

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