Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1839: Assassination

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Fang Chen actually didn't have much effort to kill the beast.

He concealed his strength, and did not even display the five swordsmanship of Taikoo Refining God's Secret.

On the one hand, because you don't want to expose too much, you can't catch big fish later. On the other hand, it is worried that there is a God Emperor who is paying attention in secret.

Divine Emperor is the most powerful player in the realm of God Realm. If it is recognized that its inheritance is from the cosmic god, it will be in trouble.

Therefore, this is also for insurance purposes.

The Phoenix stronghold, all the gods surrounded Fang Chen in the middle.

Although Xingyue beheaded Mo Peng, the tenth Antarctic gods list, everyone was surprised.

But the shock effect is not as good as Fang Chen. He forced the fifth-placed bird to explode, which was too fierce.

"Fang Chen, your kid is so strong, why haven't you told us all the time?" Feng Xiuer said with a lip.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, and then hehe smiled: "Neither of you asked."

Many people around Fang Chen are talking to him.

Fang Chen was a little bit dizzy. Fortunately, the Phoenix patriarch came forward to let many of the gods temporarily return to the place of rest.

In the end, only Phoenix Patriarch and Fang Chen were left in the courtyard.

"Fang enshrined." Phoenix patriarch said with a smile.


"The performance of Fang Offering today really surprised me." The Phoenix clan chief said, before Fang Chen challenged the success and became the gold medal offering of the Phoenix family, she didn't care.

However, Fang Chen's performance today is really dazzling.

"Your strength is very strong, and I hope that in the next game, you can make good use of your advantage in speed against the enemy. Remember not to be careless, Eagle Wing and Feng Peng are strong opponents." Phoenix Patriarch said.

Fang Chen nodded.

The two talked for a while, and the Patriarch Phoenix left.

Night falls, and darkness covers the world.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench and took out the mysterious stone he had obtained at the large auction from his arms.

With a little effort, the heavenly power surrounded the stone, and Fang Chen looked at the stone curiously.

"Huh, weird."

Fang Chen couldn't see the information inside the stone, which made Fang Chen very puzzled.

But soon he knew the reason. The golden heart was beating rapidly, and a strand of golden liquid penetrated into the stone.

Suddenly, Fang Chen saw everything inside the stone clearly.

"Good strength."

The golden liquid penetrated into the stone and immediately illuminated the space inside the stone.

Even the experts of the Antarctic Chamber of Commerce could not stand firm on the stone, but they were thoroughly read by Fang Chen.

He finally understood why even Shura Divine Emperor said that this stone was extraordinary.

"If so much energy is absorbed, it should be able to step into the heaven and earth?" Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he used the golden heart to start absorbing the power within the stone.

In the dark corners of the Antarctic city, two figures suddenly appeared.

"Tonight is an excellent opportunity, and we must make a quick decision. After catching the thief, we will retreat immediately. If we can't do it, we will show the identity of the Nanling Sword Palace. I don't dare to fight against the Nanling Sword Palace. "Zhenchen King said in a low voice.

"Relax, the two of us shot together, we must be able to capture the kid." Words of God said.

I originally wanted to wait until the end of Tenjin ’s Dabi, but now I ca n’t wait.

The strength of Eagle Wing and Feng Peng is too strong, even if the two great kings face each other, there is no certainty that they will win.

Therefore, they took the risk to do so.

Huh ...

The two great kings easily infiltrated the stronghold of the Phoenix family and soon discovered where Fang Chen was.

"This kid is actually practicing." The King of God said that his face was overjoyed.

"An excellent opportunity not to be missed."

After the Zen King Chen finished, the two quickly hid in the darkness and quickly approached Fang Chen.

Soon, he came to Fang Chen's courtyard.

Hiss ...

At this time, Fang Chen's cultivation also reached the most critical moment.

"Do it yourself."

With the loud roar of King Chenchen, the two Kings suddenly caught out their big hands and grabbed directly at the place where Fang Chen was.

call out……

At the same time, a spear of ice, which contained the power of a terrifying phoenix inside, pierced the sky and pierced the darkness, and appeared in front of the two **** kings, preventing the two **** kings from shooting each other.


The two kings were forced to resist the ice spear first.

With a bang, the big hands of the two gods directly held the ice spear, and then urged all their strength to shatter the ice spear.

Xingyue flew out of the room quickly, and landed in front of Fang Chen.

"Tangtang Nanling Sword Palace Divine King, dealing with a **** waiting for the gods, secretly attacked secretly, it's ridiculous." Xingyue's face was cold, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, surrounded by the power of Phoenix, Shen Sheng said.

"you wanna die."

Seeing this, the Han Chen, the **** of Zen, said.

Immediately, he thundered to deal with Xingyue. As for the speech about the King of God, he continued to probe towards Fang Chen, trying to capture Fang Chen.


King Chenchen resisted Xingyue, saying that King Shen easily grabbed Fang Chen's shoulder.


Expressing the great joy on the face of the **** king, and using his big hands, he directly imprisoned Fang Chen's body and wanted to take it away.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged.

The stone in Fang Chen's hand suddenly burst into a brilliant and extreme light.

The vast power spewed out, and forced the King of Words to retreat, and then all the power madly poured into Fang Chen's body.

What happened here shocked the Phoenix Patriarch, who was a strong God Emperor Realm, and came here with a thought.

"court death."

The patriarch of the Phoenix waved his palm, directly blocking the space and blasting towards the two gods.


Lord Zenchen felt pressure and shouted loudly.

However, the Phoenix patriarch did not mean to stop.

"We are the God King of the Nanling Sword Palace." Under desperate circumstances, the Zen King said his identity.


The Phoenix Patriarch shook his hand, and a palm print appeared in the void, forcing them back.

She stared at the two with a cold face and said, "My Phoenix family and Nanling Sword Palace have no intersection. Why do you want to sneak into our Phoenix family's stronghold and beheaded and sacrificed?"

"Did your Nanling Sword Palace collaborate with the two orcs?" Thinking of this, the head of the Phoenix clan changed.

"Phoenix Patriarch, you think too much. The reason why we are here is for this person." The **** Chenchen stabilized his body and said in a deep voice: "This person is in the land of the extreme south, beheading the death emperor. 'S disciple Xiuyun Swordsman. We were ordered by the death **** emperor to capture this person. "

"Yes, I hope Phoenix Patriarch looks at the face of Death Divine Emperor and gives it to us."

The face of the Phoenix clan changed, and he said after a long time: "Let's go."

She waved her hand. The other party was the Nanling Sword Palace God King. Although she could easily beheaded, she was unwilling to cause trouble.

The Phoenix family now is in a troubled autumn. It would be an unwise choice to make a hatred against Nanling Sword Palace rashly.

However, Fang Chen cannot hand it over. He is a worship of the Phoenix family. How many people would feel cold if they handed it over?

"Then ..."

After finishing the words of Zen King Chen, he was scolded by the Phoenix Patriarch. "Huh, you are good at the stronghold of the Phoenix family. Just this point, I will be able to kill you. I miss you as a member of the Nanling Sword Palace Divine King, I let you go. Don't bargain with me, get out."

Seeing the Phoenix patriarch angry, the Zen King and the Word God King left in a hurry.

"Brother Chen."

Xingyue's voice suddenly sounded.

The Patriarch of the Phoenix turned his head to look around, and suddenly found that Fang Chen's body was wrapped in terror.

"what happened?"

The Patriarch of the Phoenix is ​​also a little surprised. The energy covering Fang Chen is too pure, he hasn't even seen it.

"Patriarch, what happened to Brother Chen?" Xingyue asked anxiously.

"Fang enshrined should be fine." Phoenix clan said.

Fang Chen's body, wrapped in powerful energy, the golden heart of the body beating rapidly.

The strange stone in the palm of my hand has long gone.

In his mind, Yuanshen oscillated, and seemed to be caught in signs of getting caught in the fire.

Xingyue tried to approach Fang Chen, but was stopped by the Phoenix Patriarch.

"Don't get close."

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